Search results

  1. GrowingSmaller

    Ethics and intelligence

    Ones IQ score is not a measure of ethical capacity. Its more like a test for cognitive skills for crosswords, maths puzzles, and brains that might serve university departments. Nowadays I rarely hear "Oh, he's such a spiritual guy" or "What a good person!" when listening to culturally popular...
  2. GrowingSmaller

    Evoluiton can't account for higher-level animal behaviour

    I believe in conscious causation. I think its function is to allow for higher level behaviour by making things matter to the subject or animal- consciousness makes consequences felt, experienced etc. If you don't care, if things don't matter, things soon get bad. That, though, is a side issue...
  3. GrowingSmaller

    Bare bones argument for God, revelation and salvation

    I'm bored and like theology, so set myself a task. 1) The perfect being exists (Anselms ontological argument) 2) It is a priori better to communicate perfection. 3) Therefore perfection is also necessarily communicated. I think this fits in with some Christian ideas, of (1) Gods existence, of...
  4. GrowingSmaller


    Edit. Didn't realise there was bad language in the post (posted it without headphones stupidly trusting self) but the vid scene was from taxi driver "you talking to me".
  5. GrowingSmaller

    Ontology and archeypes

    Ontology is the study of "what is the nature of such and such". Archetypes are ideas in the unconscious mind, which, afaik, are to some degree programmable or culturally influenced. The psychologist Jung is responsible for this theory I think. Now, humans are purely material entities then we...
  6. GrowingSmaller

    Infinitely unlikely universe?

    Naturally speaking universe is either finite and uncaused, and therefore as unlikely as an uncaused event. Zero? Or, its actually infinite, and whichever part we focus on including this present world, it is merely one in infinity likely (infinitesimal or approaching zero percent likelihood)...
  7. GrowingSmaller

    Relating to the trinity cognitively...?

    As I Muslim I feel I can relate to "God" as unitary but when it comes to the Christian trinity, I become boggled and bewildered not only at the object of thought, but what I am supposed to focus on internally also. I remember reading some philosophy where it was remarked that we can focus on so...
  8. GrowingSmaller

    Shannon entropy and the 'mystery of existence'

    I'm no scientist, but as far as I know Shannon entropy is a measure of "surprise" in a signal, or maybe how unlikely it is. Presuming "I exist" is something of a surprise to each person, at least to the philosophers, then as such it is a low entropy signal. So, which best expresses this: "It...
  9. GrowingSmaller

    A theory of Christianity

    I like to ponder things and just wanted to share. I once read a Jewish Rabbi who said that the bible was happening now, for each of us, and all of the stories were at once part of our own lives. What about this as a speculative interpretation: For every moment there is a temptation, for every...
  10. GrowingSmaller

    Moral luck... a solution?

    List of unsolved problems in philosophy - Wikipedia My solution, there are multiple (non arbitrary) solutions, based on network flow diagram configuration. It doesn't actually provide a 1-Dimensional unique solution to "moral luck", but rather analyses the multi-Dimensional decision...
  11. GrowingSmaller

    Emulation or imitaiton as a basis for faith

    In todays society there an emphasis on authenticity, thinking for yourself, individuality etc. Whatever you do... this mantra is a must... DON'T FOLLOW!!!! In Islam there's the idea of "taqleed" or following a jurists opinion. It also has the connotaiton of emulation, imitation. Having been...
  12. GrowingSmaller

    Light at the start of the tunnel...then a case for surfing moral turbulence in life

    A priori: Reasoning process is rational if it is appropriate, Health (well being, flurishing etc) is ontologically better than (i.e. preferable to...) illness, Therefore because it is better it ought to be chosen. Health is therefore ethical and rational for the person. A posteriori...
  13. GrowingSmaller

    Responsibility for action (Gods agency and mans agency)

    The renunciation of agency gives me a warm feeling, like a calming fire inside. Any thoughts or experiences of this? I was reading a comnentary on the Gita (see link) and the idea of samkya yoga as renunciatiuon of agency (Krishna or God is in control) was mentioned. Then I was reading...
  14. GrowingSmaller

    Just desserts

    Is it right that people from unequal economies which have piled and piled wealth: A) pay more for a bag of rice, and b) suffer outsourcing to foreign lands - where labour and life are cheaper - now that global markets have opened up? Personally I think the countries deserve it, but the...
  15. GrowingSmaller

    Jesus sought the people, not popularity, Pope says...

    Jesus did not come into the world seeking popularity, but rather to be close to those in need, Pope Francis said. The large crowds that would gather around Jesus wherever he went "had their eyes fixed on him and he had his eyes fixed on the people," the pope said Jan. 31 during Mass in the...
  16. GrowingSmaller

    Modernist definiiton of kafir

    to begin with: The word kāfir implies a person who hides or covers. Ideologically, it implies a person who hides or covers the truth - Wikipedia Kafir - Wikipedia I never really go this but now I think 1: it relates to innate brain paths for theism, which can be "covered" with a) total...
  17. GrowingSmaller

    Ignoring the news

    3:14 Fair in the eyes of men is the love [hubb] of things they covet: Women and sons; heaped-up hoards of gold and silver; horses branded (for blood and excellence); and (wealth of) cattle and well-tilled land. Such are the possessions of this world's life; but in nearness to Allah is the best...
  18. GrowingSmaller

    What Does the Christian Tradition Mean by the Word “Mystery?”

    In the secular world, a “mystery” is something that baffles or eludes understanding, something that lies undisclosed. And the usual attitude of the world toward mystery is to solve it, get to the bottom of, or uncover it. Mysteries must be overcome! The riddle, or “who-done-it” must be solved...
  19. GrowingSmaller

    How Language Evolved from Climate and Terrain

    How Language Evolved from Climate and Terrain | Smart News | Smithsonian "Based on this analysis, the researchers suggest that high frequencies like consonants are interrupted by foliage and higher temperatures. So tree-covered areas tend to foster languages with fewer consonants and...
  20. GrowingSmaller

    Al Aqsa Mosque

    There's all kind of conflict surrounding it. To some its a sacred site, to others its seemingly kind of in the way.... Please no Jew bashing in the thread. Keep it civil please. What's your opinion regarding the various issues?