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  1. Tatanka_Maza

    Why do Native Americans serve in the US Military?

    We love our country, and we love our People. Our government is NOT our Country, they are two separate things entirely. When our country is threatened, we are bound by duty and honor to step up and defend it. It is something that is deeply ingrained in most of our cultures.
  2. Tatanka_Maza

    NDNs and Christianity

    The Christians, in my experience, are fixated with turning us into brown skinned white men.
  3. Tatanka_Maza

    How do you witness to native people?

    The best thing is to respect traditional Native people and our ways, and understand that Christianity as practiced and preached by the dominant culture has been a destructive force for our peoples. In short, leave us alone. We have our own God-given ways of living and praying.
  4. Tatanka_Maza

    Any Native (TRUE) americans on here that could help me?

    What Nation are you? To say it is "very dark" tells me you have no experience firsthand with traditional ways.