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  1. S

    Please, I need sincere gentle advice

    No one can really tell you which course is right for you. It's something that you have to research, meditate on with God's word in mind, and pray about. You never know though, you may be able to repair your marriage. So that like 1 Peter 3: 1,2 says "if any are not obedient to the word, they may...
  2. S

    Are anger and worry sin?

    God himself is called "slow to anger" at Psalm 103:8. Also, at John 2: 14-17 Jesus drove out the greedy merchants from the temple. And we know from 1 Peter 2:22 that "He commmited no sin, nor was any deception found in his mouth." So if God and Jesus experience anger, then it must not be wrong...
  3. S

    angry with sibling!

    Talk to her, ask her why she is doing these things. Maybe there's a reason. It could be for attention or simply because she's trying to impress friends. Proverbs 15:22a says: "There is a frustrating of plans when there is no confidential talk..." I don't know the whole of your situation...
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    Can we take Genesis Seriously

    I know I'm kind of jumping in here, but I'd like to answer the original question. The answer is very simple. Think about it: where in the bible does it say that the EARTH is 6,000 years old? ...Nowhere. The bible does not say how long the earth sat before God put humans on it. It just...
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    Hello and welcome! I hope you find what you're looking for. You said that you don't believe that the bible is anything miraculous. Just out of curiousity, has anyone ever told you about the scientific accuracy of the bible? That, for many people, is proof enough that the bible is inspired of...
  6. S

    Hey everyone!

  7. S

    &'nd so I've been thinking..

    "Can God create a rock so heavy that he could not lift it ?" No. God really is all-powerful. He created everything from the angels to the earth to the little ants. I think that the reason it's difficult for some people to believe this is because he does not lord over us and push us a around...
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    Hello! :3

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    Hello This is Anthony

    Hello Anthony.
  10. S


    Hi Jennifer.
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    Hi! *Waves*

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    Hello Ashleigh.
  13. S

    Hey Howdy

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    Hello from Indiana

    Hello Ronald.
  15. S

    Wham !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi John.
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    Hello Trudy.
  17. S

    Hi everybody!

    Hey Daniel.
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    Bonjour Nicholas!
  19. S

    Hi I'm Dave.

    Hi Dave.