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    Half-Life 2: Episode III

    I LOVE THIS SERIES!!! IN HL2, the ant lions were the most fun foes and companions to fight with/against!
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    Are video games evil?

    video games are like an interactive form of television. You use a slight bit more brain power and sometimes cognitive skills to accomplish the same end result...absolutely nothing.
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    RE5/Zombie games in general.

    excitement is exciting and stimulates the senses! As long as you're not drifting toward perversion.
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    Tabletop folks, where do we go now, Hobbies?

    imagination keeps you young...
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    How do YOU defend your stand against homosexuality?

    my opinion is, while you may take one stance for homosexuality, you need to be open to other's decision about how they want to live their lives. The fact is, you were designed, by God or nature, to mate with the opposite sex. By definition, sexual contact in other ways such as with the same sex...
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    love God and your neighbor

    my neighbors are elderly. Every other weekend I offer to mow their lawn for them. I also offer to give them rides to church with me on Sundays.
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    The Final Destination

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    what's the deal with these blessings? I bought $200 worth and spent them on random ppl. but nothing happened!
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    what's the deal with these blessings? I bought $200 worth and spent them on random ppl. but nothing happened!
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    Thank You

    thank you!
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    Thank you

    thank you!
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    Thank You Anonymous

    thank you!
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    random blessings,mega amount

    thank you!
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    Schindler's List!

    it will make you laugh... it will make you cry... well maybe not the first one.
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    Schindler's List!

    wonderful movie. action packed!
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    Fight Club

    best movie i've seen hands down. sorry but if you "don't get it" that's your own fault and a sign of your own mental weaknesses.... SORRY! =ppp
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    Harry Potter!

    can't wait to see it!
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    Name FOREIGN movies you liked or didn't.

    city of god awesome movie!
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    not a christian movie