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  1. K

    Quick Question

    This is indeed a great irony -- a Church which holds itself as "catholic" (universal) and yet which substantiates by its very name ("Roman") that it is sectarian. As to the issue of corporation soles, not only have the archbishops incorporated their offices as corporation soles, but so have...
  2. K

    Churches Need Not Apply for 501c3

    It saddens me to see how the church of today has so eagerly embraced William James' religion of pragmatism. How easily we compromise because donors "don't understand the IRS tax law regarding non-profits." How will they ever begin to understand if they aren't even told? pastorjc, let me...
  3. K

    Churches as "creatures of the State."

    In her April 24, 2004 article in World Magazine, entitled "Brother Against Brother," Lynn Vincent reported on the civil litigation against Cross Church in Fresno, California by former members of that church ( That article expresses concern...
  4. K

    In Caesar's Grip

    Given that such an opinion is offered by one who denies that Scripture is inspired by God the Holy Spirit ( I am not at all surprised by such a fatuous comment.
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    Churches Need Not Apply for 501c3

    One of the points I was making is that churches do not need to ever apply for 501c3 status in order to be tax-exempt because, in point of fact no church can be taxed by the government. A church is outside the taxing authority (jurisdiction) of the government. So for a church, it's not a...
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    Churches Need Not Apply for 501c3

    Most churches in America have organized as "incorporated 501c3 tax-exempt religious organizations." This is a fairly recent trend that has only been going on for about fifty years. Churches were only added to section 501c3 of the tax code in 1954. We can thank Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson for that...
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    The version of the film I saw recently certainly didn't have that as an outro.
  8. K

    Ministry Survey

    Your survey only uses the term "church," so I guess it doesn't apply to me since my web site is for a ministry. I will say, however, that I have found the time and effort invested in our ministry's web site to be invaluable. It's by far the most effective form of "marketing" (hate to use that...
  9. K

    Audio Sermons for Fulltime ministers.

    Thanks for posting this. What a great resource!
  10. K

    full time ministry

    Well put! I have met far too many pastors and ministers who view their "work for the Lord" as a "job." They routinely shop around for a better "position" at a different church or ministry. They compare their "compensation packages" with other pastors and ministers. Many churches and...
  11. K

    Fundraising. . .

    Amen! And I do. Unfortunately, most believers do not. According to George Barna and his latest statistics, the average church member does not tithe. In fact, the average church member gives less than 3% of their total earnings annually. Little wonder the Lord isn't blessing them financially...
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    How to become a minister

    This has got to be one of the most creative biblical interpretations I have every seen. What historic authority did you rely upon to come up with this? I'm not clear on what "law" you're referring to that supposedly banned women from being priests, but that certainly wasn't Roman civil law...
  13. K

    Study.. early church fathers

    Stacie, The finest compilation on this subject is "The Early Church Fathers" by Philip Schaff and Alexander Roberts. It's 38 volumes, so it's more of a reference work than something you just "read." However, Mr. Schaff has also written some other works of early church history which aren't so...
  14. K

    Corporation Sole: buyer beware of corporate sole urban legends!

    There are numerous web sites touting the alleged tax immunity and asset protection features of the corporation sole, and there are numerous peddlers who would like to help relieve you of your hard-earned money. One such peddler, "Brother Andrew," has already posted a message on this forum...
  15. K

    The Passion of the Christ

    Detail? Is the Bible somehow lacking for "detail?" If it is, could it be that any alleged lack of detail might, in God's providence, be for a very good reason? Furthermore, many of the alleged "details" of Gibson's film are (comments of the Pope notwithstanding) fiction and fabrication...
  16. K

    In Caesar's Grip

    In his book, In Caesar's Grip, Peter Kershaw exposes what he says is, "The biggest con job that has ever been perpetrated on the churches of America." In Caesar's Grip is a remarkable expose of the con job and how it happened, and who is responsible for it, as well as what can be done about...