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  1. liesje

    Should I move on?

    Hey, welcome to CF :) Hmm...that's an interesting one. I'm not really sure what to say. Does this guy know you're a Christian now, and how much time do you spend together? Maybe the best thing to do would just be to try and get to know him a bit better before you decide what to do, and see how...
  2. liesje

    Is Doing Homework on the Sabbath Sin?

    That's really interesting. Do you keep a physical day of rest at all?
  3. liesje

    Need a character name

    I think Glenn is fine. It's simple and unpretentious, suitable for a normal, introverted person. People will identify with a character better if the name is like that rather than anything too fancy. Of course you have the other 'average joe' names like Ben, Sam, Matt...that sort of thing...
  4. liesje

    Stories where the villain is in love with the heroine?

    The Black Moth by Georgette Heyer. Very good story...
  5. liesje

    Is there such a thing as decent contemporary Christian music?

    Have you ever heard anything by Sons of Korah? They're an Australian band, so I don't think they are well known in Canada, but they pretty much take the lyrics of the Psalms and set them to music, changing a word here and there to make it fit the ryhthm. They'e pretty good. YouTube -...
  6. liesje

    What Will You Be Doing on 5-21-11

    :D Life as normal.
  7. liesje

    Shackleton and Divine Providence

    Mmm yes, the story of Shacklton's Endurance expedition is amazing! P.S. (Off topic) if you want to see something else amazing, look up the pictures of the Endurance as it was stuck in the ice...incredible.
  8. liesje

    Going Off to College, and I need some words of wisedom

    Hey Marie I'm at university at the moment and it can be a struggle in terms of faith sometimes. My best piece of advice would be never never never even when you're busy, never compromise on reading the Bible and praying. That's the quickest way for doubts to creep in. Also, it would be good to...
  9. liesje

    No inspiration to write

    Very true. Funny - I was reading a great article about this today. Wordplay: Helping Writers Become Authors: Journaling and Conquering Monsters I really recommend having a look around her website - she has some fantastic stuff on there, and always responds to comments!
  10. liesje

    No inspiration to write

    Hey there :) It's awful when your computer crashes and you lose stuff that's on it! My advice would be either save on a flash drive as you go, or write it out by hand. A wise person - I have no idea who it was - once said "Writing is 10% inspiration, 90% perspiration." If you want to write, just...
  11. liesje

    Rereading favorite books

    Pride and Prejudice... Many things by Georgette Heyer.
  12. liesje

    Your most recent book purchases ??

    Wrestling Prayer by Eric and Leslie Ludy A Walk with Jane Austen by Lori Smith Mine is the Night by Liz Curtis Higgs Around the World in 80 days by Jules Verne
  13. liesje

    Choose a literary character to dine with

    Elizabeth Bennet Or Mr Darcy, Anne Shirley or Elinor Dashwood...
  14. liesje

    Advice on "life"

    If you don't want to hear ask God, then I'll just say trust God. We will never understand everything that God does in our lives. There's nowhere that says we'll never have it hard. We just have to remember that God is faithful. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that you have to 'do' something...
  15. liesje

    Just Give Christ a Try - Elder D.J. Ward

    Wow...reality check. Thanks.
  16. liesje

    Women... what am I doing so wrong?

    This is not true. But this is true.
  17. liesje

    Women... what am I doing so wrong?

    Do you ask them out by text? If so, I would advise you not to. It's an immediate turn off.
  18. liesje

    Abortion is a Win-Win Scenario.

    Which dictionary are we going to go by? Murder isn't just killing someone illegally. It's killing someone who is innocent.There are many things that used to be legal that we think are wrong today. Does that mean if they were legal you would think them right? *Deliberately not bringing up...
  19. liesje

    Were you ever an unborn child?

    I disagree. God has the right to do whatever he likes - he is God, and he created us. We are the created, and have no right to kill and destroy as we please.