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  1. E

    Problems w/ an in situ growth model for the origin of the Yellowstone Fossil Forests

    It is true that I have little time for research of any kind and I really don't see much profit in it anyway. I have much bigger fish to fry in life and I would be glad to switch places with you. However, I suggest that you count your blessings and consider yourself lucky to have so much future...
  2. E

    Problems w/ an in situ growth model for the origin of the Yellowstone Fossil Forests

    My point stands that Yuretich's study was limited in scope. Therefore a lack of information has little weight in formulating a theory. I was merely suggesting alternatives that you might have missed. As I have done more reading, I see that my basic reasoning was correct. I don't know...
  3. E

    Problems w/ an in situ growth model for the origin of the Yellowstone Fossil Forests

    I believe that this was suggested to you in a previous post. Most studies are pretty focused on a specific point, and most geologists have a tendency to ignore vegetables. Actually, this has been noticed in some lahars. At the same time, I think I suggested that some of the organics had been...
  4. E

    Problems w/ an in situ growth model for the origin of the Yellowstone Fossil Forests

    At several points in the course of this thread, Chris has arbitrarily and vehemently rejected the idea that sorting of bark and organic debris could have occurred within a mudflow. This is at odds with James Valance in his 'Lahars' chapter of Encyclopedia of Volcanoes (Siggurdson (ed), 2000)...
  5. E

    Problems w/ an in situ growth model for the origin of the Yellowstone Fossil Forests

    This illustrates the problem with the surge/transport/depositon model. In this case a floating tree would have to have approximately the same hydrodynamic properties as sand. In other words, the trees would have had to settle to the bottom of a lake(?) immediately prior to, or contemporaneously...
  6. E

    We are past due for our magnetic field to 'reverse' itself.

    [/font][/color] Thanks for the references. While the resolution is better than I thought it would be, some details will escape detection. It sounds like one of the main problems was the quality of the receiver locations. I always got GSA bulletins when I was in college, but got too...
  7. E

    Explanations Science/Evolution Fail to Give

    Likewise, to be sure... None of your 'questions' have anything to do with evolution. Perhaps another forum would be appropriate?
  8. E

    Problems w/ an in situ growth model for the origin of the Yellowstone Fossil Forests

    THis is the true weakness of Chris' argument. He has no credible model for transporting trees and replanting them in such a number, so many times, in the same place. First of all, he has to deny that they are truly rooted despite the reports of several professionals in the field; and he must...
  9. E

    We are past due for our magnetic field to 'reverse' itself.

    Do you have any info as to the actual resolution? I don't see any scales or text describing the resolution on the diagrams. It is possible that this is why plumes were not detected in some of the previous studies, i.e. insufficient resolution.
  10. E

    We are past due for our magnetic field to 'reverse' itself.

    Here are a couple more links.
  11. E

    We are past due for our magnetic field to 'reverse' itself.

    You mean that a professor is actually teaching about something at odds with mainstream geology? Unbelievable. ;) From what little I know about this, it seems that it sort of depends on how you define 'mantle plume'. It also derives from the fact that some purported plumes may not fit that...
  12. E

    Problems w/ an in situ growth model for the origin of the Yellowstone Fossil Forests

    Oh, dear, that's even worse. I'm glad you are here to teach everyone here how science works. All of them. The problem is that you have identified questions, but they do not qualify as 'inconsistencies'. And they certainly don't rise to level of discarding the mainstream explanations. It would...
  13. E

    Problems w/ an in situ growth model for the origin of the Yellowstone Fossil Forests

    This is rich. I have to substantiate everything I say and yet you admit that you have no evidence when you criticize previous workers. I have to show all these things and yet you can go on undocumented information, hunches, and personal beliefs. Yeah, right! Actually, I don't have to do...
  14. E

    Problems w/ an in situ growth model for the origin of the Yellowstone Fossil Forests

    Nope. Your criticisms have been answered to the same level of validity that you have presented them in. And you have still not backed them up. Above, you have admitted that you judge the opposing points to be invalid, and that you are basing this on hunches and a lack of information rather...
  15. E

    Problems w/ an in situ growth model for the origin of the Yellowstone Fossil Forests

    Well, let's see just what you said: Oh wow! That's compelling! YOU haven't seen something in the literature, so it probably isn't there. It should be there! Why? Who says, beside you? Do you call this a refutation? Maybe, but first lets see what you wrote in post #19 Okay...
  16. E

    Problems w/ an in situ growth model for the origin of the Yellowstone Fossil Forests

    I'm still waiting, however, I don't see how you can respond to something that you previously represented as nonexistent. And it may not be. I propose no theories, only that you have not considered various possibilities and that you are too ready to dismiss previous workers' ideas. For someone...
  17. E

    An article posted over at TheConsecrated's forums.

    Welcome to the world of Fred Williams. Fred is obsessed with evolution and doesn't mind speaking his mind, which doesn't take much time in some areas. In general, his arguments fall apart after the first salvo, particularly in the area of paleontology. I've had a few interesting...
  18. E

    Problems w/ an in situ growth model for the origin of the Yellowstone Fossil Forests

    I have specifically addressed your point #4 in post 18 and you have refused, apparently, to respond to it. Why do you continue to mislead readers about this? In addition to my comments in post 18, you have said that there is no bark present in the mudflows, and we have asked you to document...
  19. E

    Problems w/ an in situ growth model for the origin of the Yellowstone Fossil Forests

    [/color]LOL! Of course it is futile. That's what we've been saying all along! It has been removed by decay, soil creep, water currents and pryroclastic flows. This is a complete misrepresentation of what anyone here has said. Exactly as I would expect. What is your point here? And you expect to...
  20. E

    The YEC Movement. Why is it so dominated by American Fundamentalists?

    Much of the American tradition goes back to religious roots. We have always been considered more religious than most of the developed world. Unfortunately, a YECist approach has gained some credence in some churches. At the same time, I think Australia comes in a close second in harboring...