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  1. B

    Eucharist/Communion alternatives

    Whatever we use, surely the original elements (wine and bread) are theologically significant? Bread in 1st c. Palestine is a symbol of God's provision (life, blessing etc). Moreover, this was unleavened bread (when Christ took the traditional Passover bread and said, "This is my body" it was...
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    Global warming, moral issues, and a Christian response

    There is curently a debate about global warming on the MidBible blog, a Bible college based blog in the UK. It might be of intertest? (it is run by Midlands Bible College)
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    What is Bible? What are the Scriptures?

    Were the words of the gospels narrated by the Spirit, or were they part of the collective memory of the early church community? If by narration you mean dictation, then no, much of the gospels were not dictated. For example, Mark's Greek is rough, while Luke's Greek is far more elegant. So...
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    Anyone Know Any Good Links For In-Depth Bible Studies?

    Why not consider an in-depth online study course? Some online instuitutions that offer accredited studies also provide resources for their students on an intranet.