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  1. norbie

    Anglican Schism Postponed

    The truth is that there is a significant disagreement within the Anglican Church in Australia. NOT! As I said before, Sydney and maybe 2 or 3 other dioceses are an island in the Australian Anglican Church. ALL Australian Bishops except ++Jensen went to Lambeth.
  2. norbie

    The Jerusalem Declaration

    Dear Phinehas2, you are very, very wrong to call a handful of African bishops the majority. Whoever established GAFCON has a lot to answere for, and need our prayer to find the way back to God.
  3. norbie

    C of E General Synod this weekend

    I realy can't see the problem, there will be some Dioceses with woman and some without, and all can leave peaceful together. Works well in Australia, we have 2 woman Bishops and we also have a Diocese who not even accept woman priest. And this is Sydney and Newcastle right together, border each...
  4. norbie

    Anglican Schism Postponed

    To the best of my knowledge, only two Anglican dioceses in Australia are showing significant growth (or any at all). One is run by Peter Jensen, who was present at the Jerusalem meeting under discussion, and the other is acknowledged to be a virtual clone of the first. And from where did you...
  5. norbie


    And you know what Jesus said about this hypocrates? My few is this that anybody who support GAFCON haven't found God jet. Jesus forgives - Gafcon don't. There are more important issues as just ONE homosexual Bishop in our church to solve, so Aikona and Co have to be strongly condemned. repent of...
  6. norbie

    Lay Celebration of the Eucharist

    Exactly right, Sydney, together with a handful at the most in Australia, are the only issue. Well we all know that Sydney doesn't represent Australia, it would be very, very sad for our Anglican Community here in Australia. Sydney got plenty of money because mostly of tradishional church goers...
  7. norbie

    Which political party/system do you support?

    Fully agree with you. We are fare away from taking care of our resorces. It is my hope that the Government don't give in and lower the petrol prices. We still got big 4WD drives, even if we don't ever go bush - just to keep up with the jones, we still produce 6 and 8 cylinder cars which are very...
  8. norbie

    Which political party/system do you support?

    I fully agree with everything you said - BUT THIS HAS NOTHING, ABSOLUTLY NOTHING TO DO with a world sport competition. Do anything, buy nothing from china, sell them any coal and so on - but don't get sport in this
  9. norbie

    Have been refraining from posting this all day...

    Well, on one hand it is quite provokative to come out with this now 1 month away from the lambeth conference - on the other side it is maybe good and lambeth will come out with a solution. Its a playing with words, no we can't marry two man, but we can bless there love for each other. I would...
  10. norbie

    Which political party/system do you support?

    This is a very sad statement. How can you mix up sport with a political problem. If tibet got a problem with china, well they should go to the UN. But to get sport involved and held it at random IS VERY VERY POOR and must be condemned.
  11. norbie

    Is proselyting Muslims in England a "hate crime"?

    And it is not good to take out SINGLE Bible verses - because in the whole context mean something complete different. ^_^
  12. norbie

    Quatsch-Thread (3)

    Ja, es war einmal... Als ich noch jung war, so 50 jahre her, da war es "die gute alte zeit" wie es heute heisst. Na ja alles war nicht sooo gut, z.b. der technische vorsprung von heute. Aber es sind halt schone erinnerungen, z.b. Madchen hatten nicht 'die hosen an', es waren wunderschone kleider...
  13. norbie

    Quatsch-Thread (3)

    Na das hat sich aber ganz schlecht geandert. Wenn ich ausgewandert bin in 1970 da war die orts geschwindigkait immer noch 60kmh, und auf der autobahn konnte ich fahren so schnell ich konnte. :thumbsup: Sicher, ich verstehe das eine menge benzin wird gespart durch das langsame fahren - aber mehr...
  14. norbie


    ROL Das ist ja ganz lustig durch alle computer OP zu lesen. HA, ha, mit meinem Window ME - ich glaube ich bin in der steinzeit.:D Aber functioniert perfect!
  15. norbie

    Quatsch-Thread (3)

    da stimme ich zu! das wahlsystem ist 'rubbish'
  16. norbie

    Abortion isn't murder.

    Even if you did make the first two questions equal - you still one point behind: abortion is murder got 56 votes compared with 55. I voted that abortion is murder because I am a Christian. But I have no problem if an atheist vote it isn't murder, because I would not force my religious believe on...
  17. norbie

    Quatsch-Thread (3)

    Das problem in America ist dass das wahlen ja freiwillig ist. Und nun haben wir eine Frau und einen farbigen Moslem? Wie viele werden dann ihre stimme abgeben? Das grosste problem naturlich ist - die ganze welt leidet unter America, wir sehen es ja mit der 'recession'.
  18. norbie

    Österreich Komm

    nah, nah, nah, nah ROL Now be nice, girls, especialy :angel: