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  1. F

    A Blessing To All

    Thank you for your blessing, and may you reap in abundance what you have sown. Blessings of Love, 'formykidsIwill':groupray:
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    God shall supply our needs

    Hi Jan, I struggle in my life between where I am and where I think I 'should' be...If that makes sense. I feel as if I should just allow things to be whta they are but fighting the thoughts in my mind takes so much work and seems to drain me of all my energy. At some level we have to HOPE...
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    Hi. My Name is......

    Hi everyone!
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    It gets Worse Before It Gets Better

    Thanks for encouraging. I know logically what you say is true, atleast, I THINK it is, based on my experiences. However, I am 'feeling' as if I should not even BOTHER to 'ask' for any blessings. I feel like a bother when I pray (at times) because I live in a peacefull country, and I have 3...
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    I don't mock that which I do not know. I do however, LOVE butterflies.
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    Hi. My Name is......

    Wow. What a nice welcome, thank you so much Norm. much love, Brandy:groupray:
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    Hi. My Name is......

    Hello everyone! I am back online... I've remained sober! YAY GOD... Life is still not the bed of roses I'd dreamed it could be, but with Grace I am learning to deal. Oh, reality, what a nightmare...LOL... Peace, B
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    Hi. My Name is......

    Hi everyone! I am stopping by to say what will probbly be goodbye for a while. I am planning on moving Nov. 30th. My apt. won't be ready until then. I had to go back through and read everything and I hate I won't be here to share with you all. Maybe I will be in a position soon to get...
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    Do you think some think like that happened purely by coincidence? I mean the truth is is you believe you don't need evidence, if you don't evidence can be chalked up to some logical explanation, because usually we as human beings look to confirm what we already believe to be true. I say that...
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    Love...what is it, really?

    Love is amazing and as essential to our human existence as air, water, sunlight, and food. I have found that we only know love to the extent it's been given to us. I have also learned many people don't know how to love themselves, as a result of having never truly been loved. Love in it's...
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    Anyone living with Crohns or UC?

    Wow! That's interesting. I will share this, my symptoms had gotten BAD and out of control, even on prednisone and asacol, 4 times a day. I was living a lie. I am with a man who I don't love, and I finally told him, ever since my symptoms have gone away! I am amazed. I haven't been to...
  12. F

    Hi. My Name is......

    Thank you for your support, and you too Wendy, it means a lot. I have a BAD habbit of shutting people out. I've felt the need lately to connect with people. I have been reaching out to my sponsor more, and 'something' tells me in time my 'circle' will grow. (If I hang around the right...
  13. F

    Hi. My Name is......

    Hi. I've been 'lurking' without posting, sometimes i feel like what is the point...:scratch: Anyway, I am back with my ex husband. (my situation is complicated, and I don't have the energy to get into the entire story so bear with me) but together we have 5 children. My oldest biological...
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    Family is so important

    That was beautiful. I use to dream of becoming great, teaching many and leading them to God. I was that woman in your story. Ever so kindly God sent me back home, to be with my family. I thought all was lost, all my dreams, my hopes. It was then I realized how I had left my purpose by...
  15. F

    Hi. My Name is......

    Hi Wendy. Sorry about the chaos. The first thought that came to mind was as long as your still picking up those elephants aren't going anywhere. The only ease I get from the mind is when I don't use. ANYTHING. I say first things first, just don't drink. no matter how bad it gets...
  16. F

    Hi. My Name is......

    WOW. That was quite a story. I especially like what happened when you went to make restitution. Thanks for sharing the story. I think its neat how this works. I kind of see it like a big puzzle, and every person has a piece and each time someone shares a little of themselves the puzzle...
  17. F

    Hi. My Name is......

    Hi Norm. Thank you for sharing. The cool thing about life is everyone has something to learn, and to teach, if I am willing to listen and learn. I am carefull about what I say because I don't really know sometimes, I just don't know. I only have to answer for my life, and that in itself is...
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    Sharing our experiences!

    Thank you! My son pointed out a couple of days ago that it is always TODAY... so that ties in with 'one day at a time' I've been struggling with this one lately, I just keep being reminded to look straight ahead, not to the left nor to the right, and especially behind me, just straight...
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    Sharing our experiences!

    Thank you Lion of God. :) Blessings, B~ :groupray: