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  1. P

    Guys, a girl's past

    Hey there, I'm not too sure whether anybody is still looking at this thread with any degree of curiosity towards the initial question. Girls, no matter what a guy says, when you get to the point of wanting to marry him, he will want you to be a virgin. Don't ask me why, it's just a stupid guy...
  2. P

    Sex Before Marriage

    Hey, Let's take a tangent to this. Now I have to ask you, would you really prefer to get married to someone who had been sleeping around?? Wouldn't it feel somewhat like getting the raw end of the deal, someone else's leftovers?? Is that what you really want?? I know that I don't, and if you...
  3. P

    Deceased relatives

    Hey, I need to let you know that it is of course okay to grieve, it is perfectly natural, but I also must tell you that your grandparents are gone. You cannot sacrifice your relationship with Christ just to follow a completely unjustified theory that God is too busy to listen to your prayers...
  4. P

    Christians watching inappropriate contentography

    Hey there, I completely understand what your friend is going through. I struggle with it, and fail in my struggles, all the time. It is not for you to know whether he is or isn't saved. You obviously care about him, and the most loving thing that you can do is to tell him what the bible says...
  5. P

    Background Checks for Mormons?

    It's funny isn't it. Noone has picked up yet on the fact that you still have to "join" the church. Doesn't that seem a little strange to anyone?? The church is not God's fan club and financial backers, it is the body of Christ. Why is it that people call themselves mormans, baptists, anglicans...
  6. P

    Clairifcation on Forgiveness of Sin

    Oh, by the way, that word that is blocked out was meant to be d*mned. I hope it doesn't offend anyone. Apologies if it did. God Bless Karl
  7. P

    Clairifcation on Forgiveness of Sin

    Hi there, I can honestly tell you that noone here is not mentally challenged with sin. It's all around us. Remember, even Jesus was tempted. I do not believe that the verse designates that the people who think anything of the sins of the flesh are eternally ******. Read Romans 8:9-14. In vs...
  8. P

    How do you see GOD....

    Funnily enough, I just don't know. But I don't care that I don't know. He just speaks to me sometimes, never in words though. I also see Him, but strangely enough, mainly when I stop looking. I guess He's like that. God Bless Karl
  9. P

    Creation in Public Schools.

    Hi again, Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I just would like to say that I know that you can't convince anyone to believe something that they think isn't true, especially if they will not open their eyes to other ideas. I will continue to pray for you all, that God would show, and make...
  10. P

    Creation in Public Schools.

    I will check in tomorrow. Must go home now. am still at work. Will read up and get back to you guys tomorrow. Have a good night. God Bless Karl
  11. P

    Creation in Public Schools.

    Explain how anyone can create anything via evolution. The ideas seem kind of opposing. God Bless Karl
  12. P

    Creation in Public Schools.

    No, because after positive proof was acquired for one theory and negative proof for the other, it was no longer theory, but fact. I am more looking at that if they were only taught about one theory, who is to say at the time that it would be the right one??? And if it was the wrong theory...
  13. P

    Creation in Public Schools.

    Evolution is just very difficult to grasp. I mean, to add up all the facts and have either a great big cosmic accident or a God that actually created all that we see?? I can't see that by any logical reasoning, evolution makes any sense at all. I believe that an all knowing, all powerful God...
  14. P

    Creation in Public Schools.

    Arikay, I do mean creationism, thankyou for the correction. And I do have an understanding of the general ideas of evolution, as I studied biology in High School and obtained a general overview in that medium. I have a small quandry about your first point. If you are so stuck on creation being...
  15. P

    Christian Vs. Buddhism

    By no means did I ever intend to put forward the idea that God witholds His love from all but Christians. More the idea that without coming into a right relationship with Christ, you do not understand the full power of the Loving God. Without understanding, you will never comprehend or accept...
  16. P

    Creation in Public Schools.

    Truthfully does it really matter. I've only been here for 21 years, and I don't plan to be here for anything with more than 3 digits in it. Now really, is it truly easy to believe that you're an ape?? Karl
  17. P

    Creation in Public Schools.

    Ladies, Gentlemen, I would like to just ask what exactly you are so afraid of about Creation being taught in schools?? I mean, if it's so wrong, then what would be so incorrect about teaching it as well as evolution. I personally believe that evolution is ridiculous, but you know, that's just...
  18. P

    In A World Without Religion

    You know, funnily enough, noone seems to realise that a world without religion would still include God. God is so far over the religion of people. He is there, even when the fancy buildings collapse, the rules fall over, and everyone runs away. You guys need to realise that Christianity isn't a...
  19. P

    Christian Vs. Buddhism

    I can tell you from experience, there is something in Christianity that Buddhism doesn't have. It is love...not love from oneanother, but love from God. I mean, if you haven't truly experienced that, then maybe you've been going to the wrong type of place. In the end it is your decision, but I...
  20. P

    Finish this sentence Game

    stinky feet. Make for a...