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  1. Buck72

    Anyone having problems with ANGER?

    Brothers and Sisters: I'm struggling with anger. When I was saved twelve years ago, I was freed from so many burdens, but now it seems that everywhere I look, I see a world soaked in depravity and bound for destruction. The collective anger from people today is growing (road rage, etc)...
  2. Buck72


    Given the latest trend in America of replacing traditional Judeo-Christian values with that which is wholly demented and evil, I felt that this article sums it up rather well. Due to copyright rules, I can only post the first two paragraphs, please use the link for the complete article...
  3. Buck72

    Great Stuff from a 'YEC'...

    Hey Fellas, regardless of your posture, Dr. Missler is onto a much higher level of contemplative analyses of the Word than most of us, please enjoy, and share your thoughts... (re-post with permission) Part One of the series located here...
  4. Buck72


    Absolutely amazing isn't it? Mat 7:16-20 "You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? "So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. "A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce...
  5. Buck72

    How Does Satan Attack Us?

    I'd like to open a topic about the strategy, reason, manner, and means that Satan uses to attack believers.
  6. Buck72

    The Creation Took SIX LITERAL DAYS - Discuss

    According to Genesis 1:5: "...and the evening and morning were the first day". I do not see how anyone can pull from this account of the creation anything other than six literal days. It reads clearly enough that the events were within the frame of six 24-hour days. I realize what 2...