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    Christianity the new Taboo?

    its interesting that this is brought up. for one of my classes, we are reading a book called virtual faith by tom beaudoin. in it, he discusses GenX (those born 1963-1979) religiosity and their combination of pop culture and traditional religion. things like the role of suffering, ambiguity...
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    please pray for me & my roommate

    thanks for the encouragement....what's really odd is that today she bought a christmas cd of a popular a cappella group on campus....hmmm
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    please pray for me & my roommate

    so here's the situation. i'm in my 1st semester at a small liberal arts university with connections to the lutheran church. i'm on roommate #2 (#1 moved across the hall when i wouldn't let her boyfriend sleep in our room....well that's my theory, she says its b/c she felt uncomfortable listening...
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    college dorm problems...guys may not want to read!!

    you guys think you have it bad? i live on a floor with ~60 girls....2 bathrooms. i'm near the big bathroom--2 toilets, 7 sinks, 2 urinals (unused...yes, it used to be a guys floor), 4 showers...the kicker is that there are no doors to the bathroom stalls, just curtains! kinda weird. and people...
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    Need Youth PAstor!

    my grade used to joke that we drove away youth leaders, because we never had one stay for more than a year from grades 7-11. then in the spring of my junior year, we hired a new youth leader for high school and he's still there and i'm a frosh in college. yay! just wanted to encourage you that...
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    ice breakers

    once everyone knows each other, (or even when they don't) have everyone rename each other & give reasons for why jill has been renamed jaime (because i thought jill looks like my friend jaime or whatever). sometimes the names are about their peronality--meghan renamed grace because she isn't...
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    College Students Neglected??

    so true, so true