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  1. HEYxTearCatcher


    Hey everyone. Just thought I'd update some stuff. My home life has been ok, but recently I've been stuck in some stuff with friends. My best guy friend's girl cheated on him and got pregnant. I've known since the beginning, and didn't tell him, and my boyfriend (who is also his best friend) got...
  2. HEYxTearCatcher


    Recently I've been seriously backsliding. I recently found out my dad was an alchoholic, and he told me he was going to rehab, but when I went to visit him for Christmas, I found out that he had been forced to because he had tried to commit suicide. This hurt me to a point I have not yet been...
  3. HEYxTearCatcher

    reading his e-mails

    + My parents have never once asked me for my password, or actually gone on my account... And as a matter of fourth- MySpace is public domain, and even if it irritates me... I can't really say anything. I put it up for the public... My parents happen to be part of, "The Public." :doh:
  4. HEYxTearCatcher

    reading his e-mails

    Ok, Hi. I'm Samm, I'm 3girls2dogs daughter. So, my mom just told me to read this thread... Yes, I am angry that my parents look at my MySpace and go through my room, but they do have that right. I'm almost 16 years old- and even though I like to be thought of one, I know that I'm not an adult...
  5. HEYxTearCatcher

    Step-Dad vs. Head of House

    I recently read Mr.Cheese's thread on step-parents, and it was very hurtful. I am 15 years old, and my mother met my step-dad when I was seven... Though sometimes I disagree with what he sets for rules and regulations, I understand my real father would probably do the same. My step-father has...
  6. HEYxTearCatcher

    Quote a favorite line from a movie

    It's not really from a movie, it's from a show. "I see some walls, and some ceilings... wait no... ONE ceiling." -Caboose, Red Vs. Blue - Episode 1/Season 3
  7. HEYxTearCatcher

    laguna beach

    I adore this show. I haven't missed an episode of it. Either season. But recently I heard it's staged. I'll be mad if it's not. I mean, why wouldn't you say it was fake if it was fake? I'd still watch it.
  8. HEYxTearCatcher


    OMGosh. I am madly obsessed with this shoe. And Instant Star. It fills our DVR. ^_^
  9. HEYxTearCatcher

    Jesus Jam 2005!

    Jesus Jam 2005. Yuma, Arizona. Yuma Civic Center. 6:00 p.m. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. KUTLESS!!!! Yes, yes, I get to see Kutless. I am sooo unbelievably psyched. I can't even put it into words. I am sooo psyched! LOL! Hehe. ^_^ ((I'm totally giddy.)) <33Samm(Yochi.)
  10. HEYxTearCatcher

    Teeny, Tiny Puppies!!!! HELP

    These are the cutest puppies. It's unbelievable to have them siting on your chest while you bottle feed them. <3 Mom, remind me to thank you for allowing me to participate in this experience!!! ^_^ -Sammy*Nic
  11. HEYxTearCatcher

    I am drowning in my pain.. doesn't anyone care!

    Listen, I've been exactly where you are right now. My name is Samm, I'm 15 1/2 years old, and it has been 8 months since I last cut myself. You don't know me, and so you won't believe this. But I CARE! I know what you're feeling, I've been there. I've hurt. People would call me suicidal and...
  12. HEYxTearCatcher

    Quote a favorite line from a movie

    "There's wrong...and there's wrong...and then there's this." -Sin City