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    Women Silence

    If women are subordinate to men, then there would be no examples of women in leadership, let alone endorsed by Paul! Phoebe (Romans 16:7) Priscilla (Acts 8:3 – she taught Apollos) Junia (Romans 16:7) Nympha (Colossians...

    Should we ever stop asking?

    MTV Cribs did a special on it... obviously they were expecting Satan to let them in to see Hell, but he had to shimmy up the drainpipe and get in through the bathroom window. Gutted for poor Satan, homeless and the architect of all evil, sucks.

    Women Silence

    Like Sister Sojourner said way back centuries ago, Jesus was born of God and Mary, wasn't any man invloved at all!!! ;)

    babies born sinners...

    In answer to the OP... the Gospel of Matthew (Ch. 19 v.14) says that Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Presumably if this was Jesus' judgement then it would be fairly certain to be eternally valid (from...

    How long do I stand?

    Poh-tay-to... ;)

    babies born sinners...

    Quite honestly we should all answer "D" because none of us have a clue, instead Bible-based absolutes are argued over until we are all left wondering exactly who the ultimate authority is in these cases and who to trust. The Christian should always revert back to that person being Christ, I...

    babies born sinners...

    To refer to God as Father still limits our perception of God, at least as much as it is meant to elucidate! The problem, here, is our perception and interpretation of the unseen, rather than any fault in the unseen per se.

    How long do I stand?

    Again, I have to wonder why the conversation here is about "BLAME" in regards to child maintenance payments. The issue is to do with who has primary residency for the children (according to the court order or defacto arrangments - if the petitioner/respondent has not applied/appealed)...

    can the bible be infallibly interpreted?

    Yet has caused countless arguments, schisms, wars etc.

    babies born sinners...

    I was resonding to a Christian so I used that in my logic. You are, of course, quite right. Any human definition we put on the divine is flawed and prone to mis-interpretation while it seeks to enlighten.

    How long do I stand?

    Fair enough. ;) My experience has been how my ex harps on about being a victim (when she is, in fat, a bully) when actually only the children suffer. Note I said DIVORCE, not marrage ;) You seem to cite an example of a victim in marrage ;)

    How long do I stand?

    With respect, my understanding legally is that in the case of DIVORCES the issue of fidelity and who 'caused' the break-up is pertinent. In LEGAL CUSTODY HEARINGS it is less so (inasmuch that it does not relate directly to the well-being of the children). Over here custody is granted up to...

    babies born sinners...

    I love my children no matter what they have done, do or will do. I may discipline them but I will never condemn them. I am a very flawed and very human father. God must be more loving than I therefore what have we to fear of sin?

    can the bible be infallibly interpreted?

    If the Spirit is able to teach us 'truth' we will still get it wrong because we are human. Any interpretation is flawed because it is human.

    How long do I stand?

    Is that really the case over there?! That sucks. Over here whoever is left holding the baby holds the baby ;) Then you apply to court for whatever contact you wish. If it's 50/50 then no-one pays child support to anyone because the burden is shared (as is my case...kinda, I have majority...

    If I Am A Heretic Should I Identify As a Christian?

    Our beliefs must increase life, not reduce it. Any belief is a way for us to approach the unknown and gain insight. Inevitably we find the truth behind our beliefs and then move beyond that belief, IMO. God and truth is always beyond our understanding, but is always implicitly present, IMO...

    Christians living for the world?

    I agree with your observations of the 'wolrd', but I apply it to all humanity, especially the 'church'. The distinctions we make are not neccissarily how it actually is, IMO. God is here, anywhere, everywhere. The labels of 'the wolrd' and 'the church' are meaningless when talking about an...

    homosexuality and the issue I have with it....

    To accept anyone requires grace. The more grace you give, the more you recieve. There's not much more beyond this apart from willfully laying down prejudice and fear.

    Women in authority? (4)

    The ongoing mantra of true meaning. Good luck in your journey.

    Women in authority? (4)

    Isnt all authority given by God, according to christians? How does Adam being formed first make him more prone to deceit compared to a kid? Adam sinned in breaking Gods rule and watching Eve do it, not because he gave authority to Eve. In fact he tried to pay that card and God didnt buy it...