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  1. ChildByGrace

    In a state of shock!

    It is sad and i makes me angry that he's treated her badly. But i feel worse for the children. My sister will be able to get her life back on track but i do feel that the children will always be affected by this, it may only be in a very small way but it'll still be there. My sister is...
  2. ChildByGrace

    Post one positive thing (2)

    I made cookies with my 2year old daughter for the first time. A really good experience even though the floor looked like most of the dough was on it rather than in the cookies lol
  3. ChildByGrace

    Potty Training! (some Qs)

    I would advise that you wait and make sure that your little one is showing signs that they are ready to train. I started my son at 2 and he just didn't get it at all. I then left it nearly a year before i didn't again. He still wan't showing signs of being ready but i was getting pressure off...
  4. ChildByGrace

    In a state of shock!

    Thank you all :)
  5. ChildByGrace

    In a state of shock!

    Yes, they go after school for the rest of the day on a Wed and spend fri pm - sat lunchtime every other week. Having said that the eldest one who is 13 refuses to sleep there so she just goes fri evening. At the moment, presumably because they are hurting from him leaving (they don't know yet...
  6. ChildByGrace

    In a state of shock!

    I know it's been quite some while since i posted here but i wanted to thank those that have been praying for this situation. I'm guessing things have come to some sort of conclusion. He spoke to my sister this morning and told her that he's actually living with the person that he maintained...
  7. ChildByGrace

    Speech therapy for an older child

    I can't remember my exact age but i had speech therapy when i was somewhere between 6 and 11. I had a lisp and a mild stutter. Yes there are things that can be done for children that are older so try not to worry. It's as well to get him looked at now rather than try and deal with it as an adult.
  8. ChildByGrace

    In a state of shock!

    Just wanted to bump this for continued prayer. It's been nearly 12 weeks now. He is still away from the home and it looks like he has no intention of coming back. They survived Christmas followed by my sisters birthday and my youngest nieces birthday on 6th and 11th Jan. He finally decided to...
  9. ChildByGrace

    Another solemn question...

    For me i think that if my OH died, left or whatever then i wouldn't rule out getting married again. I wouldn't rush into it as i think that dating and bringing other men into my family unit could cause confusion to my children. However, especially once my children had grown up, i can't ever...
  10. ChildByGrace

    Are We Called To Be Homemakers?

    Blind Post. Personally i believe that I am called to be a homemaker. I know that other women don't feel that they are called to stay at home but then not everyone is called to be a missionary abroad or a pastor etc. I am totally happy in my role and i believe that the best i can do for my...
  11. ChildByGrace

    At what age did your child stop taking naps?

    DS is still having naps at just over 4years. DD is also still napping at just over 2 years. If he is flagging earlier if he doesn't have a nap then i would say he probably does need a nap still. Or if he won't nap, a period of quiet time in his room would help.
  12. ChildByGrace

    In a state of shock!

    Unfortunately i don't have any way of contacting him as he hasn't given his new address details to my sister as yet and i've never had a cell number for him. And that is so true - it's what we are praying for. I feel a real burden to be praying that he doesn't do anything stupid like...
  13. ChildByGrace

    In a state of shock!

    :thumbsup: they are not in a place yet to consider this but when they are i will recommend it to them definitely.
  14. ChildByGrace

    In a state of shock!

    The reason that he has given is that 5ish years ago he mentioned to her that as their youngest child had started school then she might want to go back to work. As she hasn't got a job then he's leaving!!!! She does actually do work though - once part is caring few hours a week for a blind man...
  15. ChildByGrace

    In a state of shock!

    Thank you :groupray:
  16. ChildByGrace

    US Religious Knowledge Quiz

    I got 11 out of 15. The two based on the US supreme court i had no hope of getting as I'm British lol! Thankfully i got all the christian and catholic ones right lol
  17. ChildByGrace

    How many spouses on CF?

    My DH isn't a member - he can't stand forums and thinks i'm wasting my time being on forums. If he was on here it would change how i post some things. One example being that he gets a bit oversensitive about my past, therefore if i post something that is to do with pre-him he'd get in a bit of...
  18. ChildByGrace

    Who has the harder job?

    I'm not sure i could say in my relationship. I know that my DH feels the pressure of being the sole earner in the house. He is out of the house from around 6.30am-7 or 8pm at the moment. It's never really shorter hours than that but during busy times it can be from 5am-7/8pm. He's an...
  19. ChildByGrace

    In a state of shock!

    Thank you
  20. ChildByGrace

    In a state of shock!

    Thanks ex-pat