Search results

  1. M

    Growing Up Blessings Game

    young- artist old- teacher
  2. M

    Name game. . .up to 500 Blessings!!!!

    Chris Kyle Melissa Laura
  3. M

    New Game for blessings (2)

    hahah lol
  4. M

    Have you seen the person above you on CF, before?

    I've nvr seen you b4 so ill bless you- sorry, I only have 9 now tho ;-)
  5. M

    100 blessings until return

  6. M

    FELLOWSHIP OF THE BEARS - Link, background & feedback

    Yes... you should do Star Wars!
  7. M

    FELLOWSHIP OF THE BEARS - Link, background & feedback

    Great job guys! It was very creative... I loved gollum/elmo;).
  8. M

    What are YOU currently reading? (2)

    Lord of the Rings 1
  9. M

    Who loves thunderstorms?

    I love storms! In fact, its storming right now... well, more or less just raining. When the hurricanes came last year (i live in florida) I would go out on the porch with my mom and we watched the lightning and looked for tornadoes. I love feeling safe and dry inside my house while a storm rages...
  10. M

    What LOTR Character Would You Marry?

    Character- FRODO because he was such a hero who fought for good through the whole movie and destroyed the ring... and hes cute! Actor- billy boyd - i luv his accent soo much;)!!!!
  11. M

    No entry unless you've watched Star Wars III

    Well, being the Star Wars nersd I am :-), I LOVED it!!! a bit gruesome on some parts, like when Anakin was burning. I also didnt understand the transition of Anikin to the Dark side. One minute he is on the good side, the next minute he is wanting Palpatine to make him his apprentice??? But, all...
  12. M

    Change one letter (4)

  13. M

    Which food do you like better? (2)

    Popcorn Chicken Ice Cream or Cake?