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  1. G

    The mosquito device... should it be banned

    This is off-topic... But I want to keep that around and keep listening to it occasionally until the time when I can't hear it anymore. Then I will cry because I'm no longer a youngin'. haha
  2. G

    Another creationists sues for getting fired.

    Geez. I don't even think a creationist should be allowed to have a degree in biology. But I'm crazy like that.
  3. G

    If i bought somthing from a homosexual

    I thought we are all sinners....? That is ridiculous. Homosexuals are people, you know. You can't catch "the gay" from them.
  4. G

    Has your child rejected your faith?

    I don't have children, but I don't think I'd mind if they had a belief that I didn't share. Unless they tried to convert me all the time. I rejected my parents' faith (Pentecostalism), although they don't know about it. I know it would hurt them, so I avoid the topic.
  5. G

    An atheist's experience with God

    I think it's a little rude. If not rude, at least stupid.
  6. G

    Women's Clothing Distracting Men from prayer

    I won't take responsibility for another's actions. And there's nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to someone. You can act upon it in ways that are wrong. But 3-cenitmeters of cleavage showing in a shirt does not force a man to do anything at all, except maybe feel desire, and then...
  7. G

    Twins pregnancy and abortion

    Her body, her choice. I wouldn't necessarily agree with her choice, but it should be hers to make.
  8. G

    Children, Free Will, and Salvation

    Wow. If that's actually what you want your kids to feel about themselves... Do you know what that can do to a person? I think it's evil to teach a young child about hell. If your religion has any merit, you shouldn't need to terrify them into believing it. Anyway. I'm out. Take care. :)
  9. G

    Children, Free Will, and Salvation

    What if you are brainwashing them to believe they are filthy sinners who can do no good on their own, and that because they were born flawed, they deverve to suffer and be tortured for all eternity by a god that "loves" them? Disgusting.
  10. G

    Children, Free Will, and Salvation

    I said the sinners' prayer and was "saved" at 3. No one forced me though, I asked my mom how to do it. I guess I'd heard of it in church. But, yes, it is sad. Tragic.
  11. G

    do you want to get married?

    I dunno. Maybe some day. Maybe not. Commitment to each other is more important than a ritual and a piece of paper.
  12. G

    What are you listening to now? V. 1 Billion (17)

    Got Tool's Aenima album on at the moment. :)
  13. G

    What should I do?

    Sometimes the best decision is the one that hurts the most. Religion can be a huge barrier between people. It isn't a good idea to think about marrying her while this is still an issue. I know I could never marry a Christian. I just could not agree to raising children (if I actually wanted any)...
  14. G

    Don’t ban abortion now.

    I don't want to see abortion banned.
  15. G

    inappropriate contentography and Explotation

    I'm not really against inappropriate content, heck, I even like to watch it now and then. But whether the inappropriate content features actual human actors, or merely cartoons, I feel that it is always wrong to depict rape and child sexual abuse in ways meant to be sexually arousing.
  16. G

    This is sick!

    Without commenting one way or another on the issue, I would like to say: We would not be "stooping" to the level of animals. We are animals.
  17. G


    I really liked it. Great story, and all the chissled manliness was kinda fun too. :D
  18. G

    Homosexuals in the army "immoral".

    I'm Canadian, not American, so I won't vote. However, I will say that that is pretty messed up. I'd be embarrassed, too. Heck, I'm embarrassed for you!
  19. G

    Recent Cd purchases (2)

    Incubus' "Light Grenades" Metric's "Old World Underground, Where Are You Now?"