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    "Christ's Claim on Us" (an excerpt from "Hungry for more Jesus" by David Wilkerson)

    I did Not Write This, But i wanted to share. The Following is an Excerpt from "Hungry for More of Jesus" By David Wilkerson. If you have never read this book I highly suggest it. God put on my heart to share this. ..."Tragically, those in ministry have so watered down God's truth...
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    ...Some days...Some days i guess i just stop walking

    Why Lord? Some days It seems like your right there. Like if i just lean back, i'm in your Lap. And it feels like your giving me hugs all day. Giving me Kisses on the top of my Head, as if to say, "Hello My Boy!! I Love you!" And i know you always Do love me. But why Lord, Why on some...
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    10 years

    I remember now Lord, When i was 15, Maybe I was 16 allready...Yeah I was 16...I had an affinity for heavymetal...I loved it even, The intensity of the lyrics, and the music. At that time it was the most complex thing i had heard. I remeber You told me to let it Go. I told people...
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    Living Water, Consuming Fire.

    Living Water, Consuming fire. My Lord, Burn my flesh. It delights you My Lord, but let me drink. Bread of Life, Sacrifice Lamb My Lord, Let me partake of your Flesh My Lord, May I be conformed to your perfection Advocate, Salvation My Lord, You speak to the Father in my defence. My Lord...
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    Lord, I don't know what to do with myself. "Pray" *sigh* ...I know..., why dont I? I think it's because I dont do anything all day that when I should go and... "Stop making excuses" ...Yeah...I have a Bad habbit of doing So My Lord... but OH Father! I can't focus. Please Lord give me...
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    's Blog