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  1. L

    Coming Home

    I grew up Methodist, and then turned to the New Age and occult off-and-on for over a decade. Finally I took a theology class in 2008, and many of my misconceptions about the Catholic Church were destroyed. I had only spoken to Protestants growing up, so I had a lot of misconceptions. That...
  2. L

    Prayer for Wife's Glaucoma

    Hello, My wife may be going in for surgery next month for her eyes. She has congenital glaucoma, so she has had it since birth, and it is an especially extreme case. She has some vision, but the doctors are concerned she could lose some over time. They are planning a surgery to do a cornea...
  3. L

    The Fourth Dimension

    Hello, I just got the Fourth Dimension by David Cho. I'm not really sure what I think of the book yet, and was hoping to get opinions from others. You see, I am a relatively new convert to Christianity, or really a re-convert. I was in the occult for years, and have realized the...