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  1. kermit

    FLDS Successfully Cites Hobby Lobby Decision in Child Labor Suit

    Many on the left said that the Hobby Lobby ruling would be used as a defense in all sort of violations of the law. Many on the right said it wouldn't happen. Here we have a case were a key person in an investigation won't have to testify which could lead to an unpunished case of child labor...
  2. kermit

    IRS targetted more liberal than conservative group

    New Records: IRS Targeted Progressive Groups More Extensively Than Tea Party | ThinkProgress Not only were more liberal groups targetted by they went through more scrutiny. In short.... Darrell Issa is a liar.
  3. kermit

    Issa didn't release key testimony in IRS "Scandal"

    Democratic Rep. Cummings: IRS Investigation Is 'Solved' | TPM LiveWire Rep. Darrell Issa slams Rep. Elijah Cummings: IRS scandal is not 'solved' - Washington Times Regardless if Cummings is correct and the issue is solved, the fact remains that Issa didn't release a key peice of...
  4. kermit

    Charity president: Paul Ryan "did nothing" at soup kitchen photo-op

    Charity president: Paul Ryan "did nothing" at soup kitchen photo-op - CBS News This is wrong on so many different levels.
  5. kermit

    Atlas Shrugged Movie

    I guess that I'm going to have to see the Altas Shrugged movie. I just found out that that someone I went to high school with is playing Lillian Rearden (Henry Rearden's wife). Her parents go to my church. In all honesty, it does look well done.
  6. kermit

    School holds 2 Proms. Lesbians and special needs students not invited to one.

    McMillen: I Was Sent to Fake Prom | News | Gotta love Southern tolerance. What scumbags!!
  7. kermit

    Different kind of Heath Care Reform discussion

    I'd like to have a different kind of discussion about the newly passed health care bill. Those who generally oppose the bill what things do you like about it? Those who generally support the bill what things don't you like about it? Completely opposing or supporting the bill is a purely...
  8. kermit

    Obstruction for Obstruction's Sake

    Obstruction for Obstruction's Sake | Right Wing Watch I want to see one Rep defend the fact that Reps fillibustered a nominee and yet when it came time for a vote not one voted against her.
  9. kermit

    ABC News Poll: More Americans Prefer Public Option to Bipartisan Bill

    ABC News Poll: More Americans Prefer Public Option to Bipartisan Bill - Political Punch Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't that add up to 101%?
  10. kermit

    Dow tops 10,000, shows failure of Trickle Down Economics

    A few days ago the Dow topped 10,000. Now according to Trickle Down economics the rich getting richer should translate into prosperity for all. But during the recorvery of the stock market job losses have exceeded worse case scenerios. Well aren't employers supposed to hire people when they...
  11. kermit

    Conservatives Revel In America's Olympic Defeat

    Conservatives Revel In America's Olympic Defeat | TPM LiveWire Conservatives root against America. Keep it classy guy:thumbsup:
  12. kermit


    So I am reading through Digg today and I couldn't help but be surprised at the number of various blogs attacking Obama for having csars. So I did a bit Googling and I found this. AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth: WH spokesman Robert Gibbs responds to the GOP's fake "czar"...
  13. kermit

    Network Neutrality The right? How do ISPs have the right to restrict, without my consent, content that I pay them to provide to me? And before anyone says that cable TV does that; cable TV has to pay for content while ISPs have to pay extra for equipment to restrict...
  14. kermit

    ACORN, Blackwater and the accountability disparity

    ISS - ACORN, Blackwater and the accountability disparity Interesting.
  15. kermit

    Florida GOP Chair on Obama's Speech to Students: "It's a Good Speech, I'll Let My Kid

    Florida GOP Chair on Obama's Speech to Students: "It's a Good Speech, I'll Let My Kids Watch" - The Note Are these people for real? Last week it was indoctrination today it's a good speech.
  16. kermit

    School Indocination by Texas Republicans

    Could Texas' Gingrich-Based High School History Curriculum Go National? | TPMMuckraker Please ingore the man behind the curtain and only worry about a 15-minute presidental address to students on a non-political issue.
  17. kermit

    The "Dealth Book" Otherwise known as "Your Life Your Choices". It's filled with such horrible things as : And Oh the horror!!! [/sarcasm] Thoughts?
  18. kermit

    GOP: A Party Divided

    The "Intolerance" Party? GOP Strategists Worry Ideologues Are Bad For The Party's Future Conservatives Boycott WorldNetDaily over 'Embarrassing' Birther Claims -- Politics Daily It's refreshing to see the RNC finally starting to reject it's extremist elements. During the past few elections...
  19. kermit

    R. Lee Ermey on birther soldiers

    Ermey Says He?ll 'Square Away' Birthers I have no doubt that if he and I sat down for a beer that we'd disagree on a number of topics, but I have great respect for the man. He served this country with honor and refuses to sour that honor.
  20. kermit

    Inhofe: I'll Vote Against Reform Without Reading Bill

    Inhofe: I'll Vote Against Reform Without Reading Bill I agree with those who object to Senators who support the bill without reading it. But in contrast I offer: