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  1. R

    My Last Thread, but I Had A Dream...

    Hello to my online friends, I need to tell you all something, to see what you might say about it. I do not dream, I usually sleep dreamlessly, but once in a great while I have a dream. And when awake, I have had visions. I don't live a normal run of the mill life. But about two years ago I...
  2. R

    Koran Cannot Override The Holy Bible

    I have an argument against Islam, which is that its book, the Koran is not God's Word, is not even close to it. It seems the Muslims do not understand what God's Word actually is. God's Word is what God said. It cannot be altered, overruled, or return to him void. As stated before in...
  3. R

    (M.H -5/61) Question:How is Muhammed with honor when Jesus said it cannot be......

    Jesus Christ said in John 4.44 (Matthew 13.57,Mark 6.4, John 5.41,John 8.54) For Jesus himself testified that a prophet hath no honour in his own country. Jesus was not honored in Israel, but crucified and to this day the Jews do not honor him, but in fact, hate him, deny he is their...
  4. R

    God's Rejection of Ishmael

    And God said; Sarah your wife shall bear you a son indeed; and shall call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him. (Genesis 17.19) It had been almost thirty years since Abraham heard God's call to follow him. He left Ur, not knowing where he went, he took with him...
  5. R

    Deuteronomy 18.18 QUIZ

    Without going into the background of the scene when God met with Moses, let me say and ask this; "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command. 1. Who is "I" in...
  6. R

    Jesus Is Not A Killing Machine

    I understand Islam_Mulia interpreting Revelation 19 that Jesus is a killer, but He is destroying evil. We have to remember that he is the Lamb, but it does say in Revelation about "the wrath of the Lamb" He is also the Lion of Judah. It helps to know that Jesus fights with his Word...he...
  7. R

    Paul said God is not the author of confusion

    1 Corinthians 14.33 "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." Paul is the originator of these words when he wrote to the church which was at Corinth. Nowhere in all the literature of the world are these words found except when and where Paul...
  8. R

    God's Will and Jesus' Will

    God's will is always for man to be saved, and when he came to earth He died as a man so man could be saved. Jesus prayed to his Father for his will to be done. Islam asks how could Jesus be God if he had one will and God another will. I don't see why Islam finds it so hard to see that God...
  9. R

    Qu'ran denies God's Son

    I must admit that I love the Muslim people...........not because I believe even one word in their book, but because they are descendents of the Patriarch Abraham, though with Hagar, the Egyptian. It touched my heart when I found out that they pray five times a day...............too much time...
  10. R

    What Is A Prophet?

    The Hebrew Prophets of Israel were called by God... and in their day they preached what God told them to say. They addressed what needed to be addressed for their day.... but in their preaching, they prophesied of a Messiah. It had to be that they preached of him because the promise of Genesis...
  11. R

    The Call of Abraham

    There is nothing sweeter than the story of Jesus Christ. But to get to the story of Jesus, we have to know about Abraham, the patriarch. He was a pagan idolator in Babylonia, but one day God called him out of Ur of the Chaldees. He said he would show him a land flowing with milk and honey. He...
  12. R

    Muhammed the Prophet like unto Moses????

    Islam claims that Muhammed is the Prophet like unto Moses, yet in the Old Testament, the Israelites were baptized into Moses and in the New Testament the Church was baptized into Christ Moses and Jesus were both Jews Both were transfigured on a mountain Both were called out of Egypt Both...
  13. R

    Muslims Favorite debating "tool" is confusion (Mod Hat)

    I have debated with Muslims and all they do is hurl insults against Peter, call Jesus a liar, mock the Bible, copy and paste, copy and paste, copy and paste, quote so called Muslim scholars, demean preachers, laugh at the apostles and prophets of the Bible, but never has even one ever...ever...
  14. R

    Where is Allah's power?

    America is the greatest nation on earth. America has the greatest Armed Forces, the greatest weapons, the most food, the most technology, etc. America is a Protestant nation, our country founded on the Mosiac Code. America acknowledges Jesus is God. America invented the automobile, airplane...
  15. R

    Koran written over 2500 years after the Torah

    When Muhammed was born in Mecca he was born into a world that already had recieved the revelation that God is ONE. This revelation came through the ancient Hebrews. Namely through Moses of Levi's tribe over 2500 years before Muhammed was even born. Deuteronomy 6.4 Hear O Israel, the Lord our...
  16. R

    Hello all

    Hi, I'm Ronnee and hope I can find some good debating here. I am a Christian, am against anything that is against God. Of course, I am civil about it. I realize that God wants us to love even those who oppose us. But to earnestly contend for the faith, I love to do. See you on the threads. I...