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    Icthus 2007

    Okay, here's the deal guys and gals. UTS has entered into a contest in which you the people can determine our fate, whether it be glorious victory or the shame of defeat! We are in competition to win a spot playing at a huge festival called "icthus" between Toby Mac and Switchfoot!!! This is how...
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    What is your favorite activity to do outside?

    What is your favorite activity to do outside?
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    Favorite National Park?

    :wave: What is your favorite national Park?
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    Any Backcountry Suggestions?

    Me and a group of friends are wanting to take a backcountry trip out in the rockies next year! We are still debating on where the best place to go! There are alot of place with a lot of good trails! Also if there are any experienced Back country people that have any adivce for first timers...
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    Looking for Land !

    I am looking for atleast 20 acres , preferably out west somewhere at a great price! Thanks ! :wave:
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    Looking for the right Missions group

    Hey all, i feel called to go on a mission trip this year, i have been praying for the right place and group to go through. If you all could pray for me that would be great! Also if you know any good mission organizations i can contact , that would be awesome too! Thanks and GODBLESS!!!:wave:
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    Its complicated

    Hey all... Just wanted to ask for prayers! Im currently going through some rough times! All prayers are appreciated , thanks!!! Godbless,
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    I am looking to trace my hutchinson line back to europe , does anyone know how i can do this ? thanks!:groupray:
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    Grand Teton

    I think one of the beautiful place in the U.S.A. is Grand Teton national Park. I went there once growing up with with my family for vacation. Its so beautiful, it truely makes you think of God's awesomeness!!! I recommend everyone go there once just to see how beautiful it is... i want to take...
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    Anyone wanna hook me up with some armor... i have 3 blessing and thats it!:cry: :help:
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    Creation's worship song

    An open field The sun rising over the distant hills Its rays warm my soul And creation stands still I try to breath it all in The sound, the sights, the smells But it’s all too much to take in at once I feel so overwhelmed And a sudden peace comes over me As the wind hits my face with a cool...