
Coptic Orthodox non-Egyptian
Aug 27, 2014
United States
Oriental Orthodox
Marital Status
Distressing news from the Syriac Orthodox Church of the UK, via the Democratic Syriac Solidarity Council (Lebanon):

.نتمنّى الشفاء العاجل لنيافة الحبر الجليل مار اثناسيوس توما داود، راعي ابرشية المملكة المتحدة للسريان الأرثوذكس، لاصابته بوبأ كورونا

We wish our beloved Archbishop Athanasius Touma Daoud a speedy recovery from coronavirus.


Lord have mercy.


(from the litany for the sick, vespers and matins raising of the incense on annual days in the Coptic Orthodox Church)

Again, let us ask God the Pantocrator, the Father of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ.

We ask and entreat Your goodness, O Lover of Mankind, remember, O Lord, the sick among Your people.

Pray for our fathers and our brethren who are sick with any sickness, whether in this place or in any place, that Christ our God may grant us, with them, health and healing, and forgive us our sins.

Lord have mercy.

You have visited them with mercies and compassion, heal them.

Take away from them and from us, all sickness and all disease; the spirit of sickness chase away.

Those who have long lain in sickness, raise up and comfort.

Those who are afflicted by unclean spirits, set them all free.

Those who are in prisons or dungeons, those who are in exile or captivity, and those who are held in bitter bondage, O Lord, set them all free and have mercy upon them.

For You are He who loosens the bound and uplifts the fallen; the hope of those who have no hope and the help of those who have no helper; the comfort of the fainthearted; the harbor of those in the storm.

All souls that are distressed or bound, grant them mercy, O Lord; grant them rest, grant them refreshment, grant them grace, grant them help, grant them salvation, grant them the forgiveness of their sins and their iniquities.

As for us also, O Lord, the maladies of our souls, heal; and those of our bodies too, do cure.

O You, the true Physician of our souls and our bodies, the Bishop of all flesh, visit us with Your salvation.

Lord have mercy.
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