1Corinthians 11:4...

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Today at 02:52 AM now_I_am_found said this in Post #1 I am confused by this passage, is Paul trying to say that women should have to have their head covered?

That's correct. Christian men, who are "the image and glory of God"(v.7) and of Christ the Head of the Church, must UNCOVER their heads during worship, while women, who are the "glory of the man" (v. 7) must COVER both their hair (v. 15) and their heads (v. 5).  The woman's head covering (veil, scarf, shawl, hat, whatever covers the hair completely) symbolizes (1) Christ's authority over the church (v.3) and the man's authority over the woman (v.8).  That's why it says "For this cause ought the woman to have power [authority, i.e. the covering as a symbol of authority on her head] because of the angels" (v. 10). 

The angels, who understand authority, since they are always ranked in hierarchies, observe the head covering and learn how grace works in the Church, since they desire to look into the operation of grace through the Gospel (1 Pet. 1:12). In the ages to come, God will reveal His wisdom to all the heavenly host through the glory and authority of the Church which is the Body of Christ (Eph. 3:10-11). There is a far deeper truth in this teaching which I won't go into.

Unfortunatley, most evangelical churches simply ignore this teaching, and therefore most Christian women are deprived of blessings through obedience.  Surprisingly, Roman Catholics observe this teaching.
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