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God's Testimony In The World Today
By Robert DeWitt, '05; add: 12/17
[The testimony of God is revealed in His Word, which shows deity, creation, history of man and God's care; God's covenants with Israel, the purposes and mind of God, redemption, expectations, blessings, judgments, the future and God's glory, etc. In this day, called the dispensation of grace (Eph.3:2-7), it includes the Christian experience: redemption way, church truth, and spiritual life - John 14:6. Real Christians have been given the bigger and overall picture, and need to be balanced believers and take "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27); and know: "...unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required" - Luke 12:48.]

If the church was going on in the world as God intended, all believers would own the authority of God's Word, be in subjection to it, and be together of "one accord" and "like-mind", expressing the "one body of Christ" (Rom.12:5; 1 Cor.12; Eph.4; Phil.2:2). They would not forsake the gathering (Heb.10:25). There is such a universal fellowship worldwide, so what should it look like in practice?
A. Our individual conscience before God would not conflict with His collective testimony. There would be no divisions of God's people into various sects, systems, and independency; and though there could be no perfection among men, there would be only one testimony, though many experiences, as in the beginning.

B. The universal church in the world and all local gatherings would be orderly, true to Scripture, and in happy fellowship together showing love, and the truth would be esteemed. God's government would prevail, rather than the religious ideas of men and a rebellious spirit toward Bible-only faith. There would be no man-made sects.

C. There might be those associated with gatherings in various places who would only appreciate it somewhat, as followers after Christ with little understanding and not yet "born of the Spirit"; and some others would be truly "children of God", though perhaps weak and having hindrances making them not ready to be gathered at "the Lord's table". There would certainly be faithful saints gathered in fellowship with varied spiritual discernment, woshipping and studying God's Word; and waiting on the leading of the Spirit, not exalting self and offending God and their brethren.

D. The collective testimony would surely be as follows:
1. GATHERING TOGETHER: There are many papers available on the truth of gathering which are available from the sources listed below. It is important to understand that God does not approve of independency, and the local assemblies after the New Testament scriptural order are simply an expression in a geographical place of the universal testimony in the world, holding the same faith. We need to appreciate that. There is "one body in Christ", and there ought to be a "unity of the Spirit" among the saints everywhere as it will be in heaven (see Rom.12; 1 Cor.12; Eph.4; Phil.2:2; etc.). This surely does not mean a merger of all the sects and religious ideas of men, but holding to God's work of "unity of the faith". The gathering is to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone (Matt.18:20), not to personalities, a hierarchy, sectarian systems, emotional experiences, programs, rituals, etc., which usurp the Lord. It is good that an assembly is scriptural in form, but is it then falling short by going on independently and with innovations?

2. RECEIVING THE TRUTH: Coming into the fellowship is a two-way thing. The individual must receive the fellowship, as well as the fellowship receiving the individual, so all need to understand the other and get acquainted. We must receive "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27), and be "rightly dividing the Word of truth" (2 Tim.2:15), not holding traditions, entertainment, creeds and pledges, religious ideas and unscriptural things which are for the flesh. The holiness of the Lord's table and the gathering requires that we "lay hands suddenly on no man" (1 Tim.5:22). All things ought to "be done decently and in order" (1 Cor.14:40). There are many lovely saints in the world, but lovely saints is not the ground and truth of gathering. A saint who is gathered in another assembly known to be scriptural and in fellowship with us, ought to bring a letter of commendation (Rom.16:1-2; 2 Cor.3:1; Phil.2:25-29; Phm.10-12). The holiness of God and His honor is paramount. Can one agree with this?

3. EXPRESSING THE ONE BODY OF CHRIST: We cannot say we are the "one body of Christ", but we must endeavor to express the oneness of the body of Christ in the world with "no schism" as God says (1 Cor.12:25), by full fellowship with all scriptural gatherings who are going on in a Godly way, and honoring them; not holding independency, nor mergers and unions, organizational membership, etc., which divides the saints in the world and compromises the truth. Does one appreciate Christians endeavoring to express the "one body" of Christ worldwide? There is such a fellowship today. Should not all believers be with such a fellowship?

4. ACKNOWLEDGING THE PRIESTHOOD: To exercise the priesthood of believers (1 Pet. 2:5,9), it must be seen as an important truth of the Word to be held; not titles, offices, hierarchy, dominion over the saints with selected ministers to lead, preach, and manage ("nicolaitanism" --rulers over the laity, Rev.2: 5-6), etc., which denies liberty. The gifts of pastors, teachers, and evangelists (in the plural) are gifts within the gathering, not titles and positions. Has the reader considered this?

5. TRUSTING THE LORD AND HIS WORD: The Word of God is the only authority and path for the Christian faith, rather than man's preferences or reasonings, which will lead one astray. Study, prayer, worship and praise, and trusting the Lord is essential. Is this a reasonable thing for Christians?

6. WORSHIPPING AS PLEASES GOD: One ought to understand individual and collective worship, and esteem the Lord's supper at His table as He gave us, rather than entertainment, sermons, activities, etc. Worship is devotion and according to the Word, not some zeal for a show, which is pride. Has the reader thought much about worship?

7. APPRECIATING THE ASSEMBLY: We ought to appreciate the assembly as given and maintain God's collective testimony, rather than the ideas and governmental ways of men; and should desire to have "all things be done decently and in order", as God says. We ought to stand apart from unscriptural assemblies and not give them credibility by associating with those sects and systems, though we love all saints of God. Do we esteem the simplicity of God's universal way, and value the order and local government ordained by God, or do we need man's innovations in the church?

8. YIELDING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT: The leading of the Holy Spirit as in the early church (2 Cor.3:17), is a precious thing, not ceremonies, schedules, and arrangements quenching the Spirit (1 Thess. 5:19), which dishonors God. Prayerful exercise to know the Lord should be practiced, rather than the energies and religious ideas of men. What does one think of this?

The local and universal church must encompass these things and not depart from the Word, if it should be called: God's true testimony in the world.

God's purpose for gathering may speak of things beyond our understanding, so obedience to the Word is essential. It is His testimony, not ours (John 17:11, 21-23; Acts 2:42; Eph.4:3-6). A faithful collective testimony in the world shows forth the "one body of Christ" and our union with Him, which pleases God; and He desires to be glorified before all the creation and desires a testimony for unity and good in the world. We should not oppose the work of God and grieve the Holy Spirit. The simplicity of gathering and God's thoughts on unity can be studied in other papers. Contact the writer.

God's principles for gathering also speaks of obedience, and one ought to appreciate the bigger picture as far as it is revealed through the Word (Matt.18:20; John 14:23; Eph.2:19-22; 2 Tim.2:15; 1 Thess.4:16-18; 3 John 4). We should be "rightly dividing the Word of truth", and holding "all the counsel of God". Saints need to appreciate how the whole of His Word shows His mind that we should be together now as we will for eternity. This does not speak of mergers, but gathering in accord with God's Word. Some papers on the principles, frequent questions, and church history are available through the writer for further study.

God's people for gathering is the church ("called out assembly pertaining to God"). One is in the church (the "body of Christ" which is "the bride") by faith in Christ and the "new birth". That one is then called to "keep the unity of the Spirit", and gather as appointed to remember the Lord Jesus Christ in His death for us; also for fellowship, collective prayer, teaching, and preaching the gospel. God desires a people to love who will also learn to love Him, and will love all His children (Acts 2:42; 1 Cor.11:23-29; Gal.3:28; Eph. 4:3-6; 1 John 3:11-24). They are gathered not by their will, but by the will of God, which means they need to come to the Lord's table in holiness and "unity of the faith". One might view other papers on examining self, and the paths we take.

God's place for gathering is the local assembly in fellowship with the universal church in the world. There are many nice Christians everywhere, but nice Christians (or family or friends) are not the ground of gathering. God has always had a place (see Deut.12:5-8, 13-14; Matt.18:20; Matt.26:17-20). It is a place of His appointment, and the saints "are gathered" by the Spirit, not wherever they choose to gather (Matt.18:20). The local assembly must express the unity of the "one body of Christ" in accord with the Scripture (note Rom.1:7;
1 Cor.1:2; 1 Cor.16:19-20; 2 Cor.1:1; Phil.4:21-22; Col.4:15-16), even though many dear saints of God do not appreciate the place, and set up many different tables after their own preferences. Some believers, not finding the assembly entertaining or involved in worldy activities, leave; and some do not want "all the counsel of God", or they have a conflict with a brother and do not resolve it, or they may rebel against assembly government, so they leave and join or start something new. This has been the history of the church since God's revival of church truth in circa 1800 AD. One can read ministry on this history in other papers and at and come to find this testimony which has continued.

God's plan for gathering is not our ways (Isa.55:8), so we must follow His plan. The Lord's table and the supper is a collective thing, not something done in private devotions. He gave us baptism for a standing with Christ as a seeker, and then asked us to keep in remembrance His sacrifice by the Lord's supper at His table. One ought to also understand the distinction between the table and the supper. Acts 2:42 shows also God's intent for the gathering of His people. Papers written on baptism, the Lord's table, and assembly conduct might help one to see some things which must not be compromised (1 Cor. 14:40). Contact the writer at the site: on the Internet.

1. On the first day of the week the saints should gather together to remember the Lord Jesus in His suffering and sacrifice for us as He requested (Luke 22:19-20; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2). This is when the Lord's table is spread in collective worship to "show the Lord's death" (1 Cor.11:23-29), give thanks, sing praises, and meditate on His love. It is a holy and quiet time of devotion, not a time for preaching or other activity.
2. A time might also be set for Scripture reading before or after the remembrance meeting to study together, and the children might also be taken aside during this time for special classes.

3. Other reading meetings might be held later in the day, and a time set for preaching the gospel in a public way, where lost souls are invited to come and hear words of life.
4. It is also good to have a special prayer meeting time during the week to gather for collective prayer for the testimony, help, and intercession for all saints ---especially those in need.
5. At times it is nice to have a special fellowship day for the saints to gather for sound ministry by those with an exercise to share Godly thoughts and encourage the saints, and all to enjoy fellowship in the things of God; and at times to have a special meeting during the week when a fulltime ministering servant visits to help, teach, and be an encouragement.

This is all in accord with the Word, and should be done in fellowship with every other scriptural assembly in the world.

God's priorities for gathering include order, holiness, government, and soundness in doctrine. One should understand what an assembly holds, and know its history, before being associated with it. Many are independent groups, or descendants of divisions, and though they may have a similar form of gathering they do not hold the truth of gathering.

There is room for conscience (Rom.14), but some things must not be compromised. A believer is gathered into the local fellowship and is then part of the universal testimony in the world, and is welcome wherever this truth is maintained. Papers on subjects concerning the man, the woman, the elders, the priesthood, and church doctrines, etc. are available to study.

Some Christians find the scriptural assembly too limiting for their interests, but one must be reminded that it is God's place in holiness and not a social club. It should be a place of Christian love, care, teaching, faithfulness, and devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ. Social activities and fun times for saints are good, but outside the assembly meetings, for that is not the purpose of Bible testimony.

[ADDENDUM 12/09: With reference to government and the assembly elders (overseers), as mentioned above, it should be noted that in a truly scriptural gathering God sets forth a few brothers as elders with a Godly spirit and scriptural discernment, and holds them accountable to maintain the truth and guide the testimony, though the whole church should be concerned and involved. Elders are not appointed by men, and they may not be preachers, but are seen as Godly and have the unction of the Spirit for oversight. The saints need to consider them. This writer has other papers on this calling of God.

It is also important to see that children of God are not given approval to go off independently, for we are "bought with a price", and we belong to God. We are always members of the "one body of Christ", and thus we are responsible to the local church, which is part of the universal church. There is no such thing as "a church of your choice", as many Christians like to say. This church truth was recovered in AD 1827, and we really need to appreciate God's revival, and learn dependency and unity. -RLD: CF12]

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Oct 9, 2010
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Help for one who is searching


In such thoughts as you ponder about reading and comparing religious books and philosophies with the Bible for truth, I think knowing the Creator-God and His salvation for the soul MUST come first and above all other inquiries for truth; and the primary and eternal issue must be such as found only in the Holy Bible, for man cannot know this truth by some reasoning and the world's academic sources:

1} Is there existence after death?; yes, the Bible says and one might consider what real science says: "no energy is lost, it just moves on"; and the soul and spirit of man is certainly energy of life in a physical body as God makes clear ---e.g. James 2:26; 1 Th. 5:23 . Atheist scientists use philosophy and their own reasoning in rebellion against the Creator-God, and that will be their eternal condemnation.

2} Is there a God?; yes, and if one feels and reasons there is not, there is little more to consider, for there is no eternal hope and blessing after death for the eternal soul of man in philosophies and various religious-type works (note 1 Jn. 5:10-12).

3} Has the Creator-God spoken and is yet speaking to mankind?; yes, and one must be sure of this as an eternal truth, else he/she will never know spiritual truth; and the Creator would be thus failing man to allow otherwise. That is why God gave man the Holy Bible, so he will know what the Creator-God expects and requires; and He calls us to take "all the counsel of God" and be "rightly dividing the Word of Truth".

4} In this age (i.e.
dispensation -administrations of God) how is He speaking if He is?; well, the Bible is the only answer, and it truly must be the same foundational truth for all souls in all ages whether or not they will receive it. He (a) teaches by His written Word, (b) by the life of Jesus --the Christ of God, whom God says must be received, and (c) by His Holy Spirit dwelling in His redeemed souls.

5} Is the Creator-God only speaking in abstractions and general ways?; no, He is not just setting forth some good ideas and thoughts in the Book called the Holy Bible. He is rather speaking in love and giving man His immutable Word in full, with counsel to know what He has done from the beginning, is doing, and lovingly expects of man for the heavenly blessings.

6} Do other books about various gods, spiritual things and our destiny, etc. give a picture of how all relevant things for the world, man's course to this day, an unfolding of history apply? no, truth is fully as foretold in the Holy Bible, showing all things to the present that man NEEDS to know to survive? Believe it or not!

7} Do books and other studies and sources about life also show us how terrible acts and stains of sin came upon man, and how it can be removed to approach holiness and goodness for mankind?; no, for earnestly reading the Bible is the only remedy, source of eternal truth and holiness (
i.e. godly purity). Society cannot rise above the sinful self-indulgent flesh inborn to man. We need God!

Man should see the salvation and restoration for created man, showing in the Book of God how the only Savior MUST be God in the form of man ---as "Jesus, the Christ of God" (foretold and promised in the Old Testament); and that He fully showed His deity, and is essential to take upon Himself our sins as justice demands to cleanse us by His pure blood, and offer eternal life and mercy to those who will surrender their will and receive Him. Is it not plain in Scripture that such true believers will be sealed and indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God, who trust Him alone?

I don't see this hope and promise in any of the various religions that men and philosophers have developed in the world for their convenience, and is ONLY in what God has given for us to know in His Word ---the Holy Bible. No doubt there is more that is not included here, but this should suffice to stop looking at every religion and sect in the world to find something better than what God has provided us.

I urgently direct you to the Holy Bible, friend (preferably the KJV and all versions for other languages from that) to read it daily ---and suggest you read first an overview in John 1; John 3; John 14 to see what God wants to say to you. - R.L.D. - 2017; GB-L
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By R. L. DeWitt​
GENERAL MINISTRY: Overall, the Holy Bible is God's only recorded Word to mankind, and the only dependable ministry of truth to know about the Creator-God, though He speaks to individual saints (redeemed souls) by impressing His recorded Word to them, silently urging them by His Holy Spirit, and revealing open doors and closing doors in a practical way to those who are being faithful ---and not by any counsel or revelations contrary to His immutable Word. God says: "... My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." (Isa. 55:8-9 --KJV).
> The Record by the Word of God: He shows creation; the essential ways and purposes of God; the trinity of God; His dealing in history with mankind from the beginning; His record in His "Word of Truth" -- the Bible; and the unfolding of His message in "all the counsel of God", and by "rightly dividing the Word of Truth" in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

> Divisions of the Bible: Fundamental parts of the Bible (sections) are noteworthy, and foremost as seen in the Old Testament and the New Testament (66 Books with no contradictions), which shows the promises by covenant to Israel are fulfilled when their promised Messiah (anointed One of God --Psa. 45:7; Isa. 52 &53; Dan. 9:25; John 1; John 4) was born into the world to be the real sacrifice, for man's sinful nature and reconciliation to God (which the animal sacrifices and ordinances of old were only a type); and the Church is then presented in the book of Acts, after the ministry of Christ and His supreme sacrifice (the Gospels), followed by the establishment of the Church universal and in various cities as shown in the Epistles, to express the "one body of Christ" in "unity of the Faith"; followed by the book of Revelation, which explains the sequence of events in the end, and often is difficult for general readers to understand when God speaks of heavenly things in terms we find other-worldly.

THE CHURCH: As we see the Church (kuriakos --"pertaining to God", and ecclesia --"God's called out assembly"), we note it is the redeemed "Bride" of Christ shown in the Epistles (note 2 Cor. 11:2; etc.), and it is formed by the truth of the Gospel message, and given the promise of a heavenly place for eternity (while faithful OT saints are blessed as an earthly people after the Millennium time). Salvation of the soul in this present age is only by living faith in Jesus, the Christ, and not traditions and religious works. The essence of Christianity (the faithful saints in Christ) is Redemption Way, Church Truth, and Spiritual Life:

> Redemption Way, which includes saving grace by embracing the Person and redemptive work of Christ, and His promised return and reign over the earth, and is a glorious thing to contemplate and preach abroad. The enemy can not prevent salvation, though he can cause apathy and self indulgence thus hindering the gospel work. It is a message of God's love (John 3), God's purpose (I Tim.1:15), God's promises (John 14). It speaks of hope to the world, of judgment and salvation to souls. It sets forth redemption, justification, sanctification, and describes the new birth and adoption by the Holy Spirit. God's creation and the future of all men is foretold; and the coming again and reign of Christ with His Bride is declared, followed by the eternal state. The way to salvation is in and through Christ, whom to know is life eternal (John 17:3; I John 5:11-12). We surely ought to read the Word and rejoice in our Savior and this hope.

> Church Truth is scriptural ground and the sphere of light and obedience, and the truth most neglected. One might live his full life serving in the gospel work, yet not be much concerned about the counsels of God and His honor, and not value the gathering and a walk in the truth. This is why the testimony is divided, the saints are scattered, and denominated sects are everywhere. The apostle, John, said: "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth" (3 John 4). Perhaps the main reason church truth is so neglected, is that many have not learned simple obedience. Christians tend to think on their preferences and value their ideas more than what pleases God. The expression of the one body of Christ is so often denied, government in the house of God is neglected, the hope of the Bride is not appreciated, and the "candlestick" (lampstand) testimony is not valued. Satan certainly opposes anything for God, and careless Christians are easily led astray. We ought to take "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27).

> Spiritual life speaks of growth and maturity in the faith we have in Christ, and it moves our hearts closer to Him, and we will thus be happy and profitable servants. It is a life of holiness and devotion, and we need to cultivate it. Growing in the faith is a spiritual process, that will be in direct proportion to the place we give Christ in our hearts and daily experience. We need this precious communion. Sooner or later a believer, who truly desires to be faithful, will get his wandering eyes upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and his heart will be wonderously affected. We ought to urgently look unto Jesus (Heb.12:2; Heb.2:9), that our joy "might be full" (John 15:11).

It seems so very important to maintain a balance in these things. Believers often become so occupied with one area that the others are neglected, and it not only is personal loss, but harms the testimony. - RLD 06/15; GB

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Helpful Truths To Be Held

A Scriptural Inventory For A Faithful Christian Path
If some are not yet a "born again" believer in Christ, it is suggested now they read the gospel by John and the epistle to the Romans, and see the pressing need to receive the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the first of the priorities. Then one can be on Christian ground and begin to walk and conform to the paths of God. The writer here would be pleased to help with any biblical questions. - by R. L. DeWitt - 2001; add: 9/07

Most new believers in Christ have some thought about what the Christian life should be, and how the church should function, and often it is according to their preference, or what they have been told. Usually it is according to whatever they are presently doing and whatever they are presently associated with. I don't think we can afford that kind of loose regard as we "see the day approaching" (Heb.10:25).

There seems to be too little regard for the Word of God among professing Christians in the world today, and a willingness to follow every appealing voice. We ought to do like the Berean saints in New Testament times, who "searched the Scriptures daily whether those things were so" (Acts 17:11).

We certainly don't want to bring offense, but we want to urge all saints to be serious seekers after truth, rather than follow the religious multitudes. Some spend their time speculating and "giving heed to fables", and "doting about questions....rather than Godly edifying" (1 Tim.1:4; 1 Tim. 6: 3-4). God says "from such withdraw thyself".

When the real saints of God get home to Heaven and have all things revealed at "the judgment seat of Christ", we may find our place there and rewards according to the following:

* How one regarded the Son of God (crown of life? -James 1:12) - which speaks of affection and devotion, and enduring faithfully for His Name's sake through all circumstances. It is worship and homage to Him to obey and honor the Father. Are we enjoying communion with our precious Savior, praising Him, yielding to Him and His will, and "bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor.10:5)?

* How one regarded the Word of God (crown of glory? - 1 Pet.5:2-4) - which surely suggests obedience and conformity, and esteeming "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27), "rightly dividing the Word of truth" (2 Tim.2:15); keeping and ministering His Word, and thus "being examples to the flock". It is a servant character in humility. Do we hold to the truth, and "feed the flock" the good Word, or are we choosing what we like to think?

* How one regarded the testimony of God (crown of righteousness? - 2 Tim. 4:7-8) – speaking of honor and service for the Lord. It is associated with the Gospel message, the Lord's glory, the church, witness, obedience, keeping the faith fervently; and is a heart for His coming. Are we honoring the Lord in the testimony, that "in all things He might have the preeminence" (Col.1:18) according to the Word; or are we following the world, religious ideas, innovations, and our own flesh?

* How one regarded the people of God (crown of rejoicing? - 1 Thess.2:19-20) - which seems in regard to care and blessing for all, and a heart for the good of souls (bringing them into "the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ"). It suggests an appreciation of God's salvation, and a zeal and joy to see souls blessed. Are we also shepherding the flock (1 John 3:16; 3 John 4) and seeking their good, or doing our own thing and pleasing self?

The writer confesses failure in all of the above, but is it not a worthy standard?

There seems to be three classes of Christianity in the world:
A. Christian sects established by men after many different religious preferences. One should know the history of those they gather with and compare it to Scripture.

B. Christian independence by believers who don't trust gatherings and follow their own thoughts (though Hebrews 10:25 and 1 Cor.12:25 is speaking of the universal church together in the world for the Lord's glory and our good).

C. Christian truth according to "all the counsel of God", and God's pathway in the world. He continues to maintain His testimony in spite of man's errant ways.

Various kind of seekers are evident:
1. Seekers mostly after entertainment and activities --though allowing some Bible messages.
2. Seekers mostly after religious ideas and reasoning --though allowing some Bible messages.
3. Seekers mostly after social causes and friendships --though allowing some Bible messages.
4. Seekers mostly after the truth of the Word of God, the glory and honor of the Lord, "unity of the faith", and the good of the saints --receiving "all the counsel of God" and as "rightly dividing the Word of Truth".

If a child of God is a seeker "mostly after the truth of the Word of God, the glory and honor of the Lord, unity, and the good of the saints", how will that one walk in the world? Surely he/she will value and fully hold redemption way, church truth, and spiritual life (John 14:6), which seems to encompass Christian experience.

Some Essential Things
For a right relationship with God, believers (individually and collectively) must embrace essential truth, which speaks of obedience and must not be compromised. We know nothing of God and His ways apart from His Word, so the serious seekers after truth are urged to follow the Word and not traditions and religious ideas. One might review the following listing for their own pathway:


1. The Bible as the complete and infallible Word of God to man, and all that God wants man to know and obey regarding Himself, His work, purposes, and plan through the ages and for eternity. Readers ought to distinguish between the Old and New Testaments; the Israelites (Jews); the Gentiles; and the church (bride of Christ). There are important divisions of the Bible which ought to be understood along our path (2 Tim. 2:15). For better understanding the venerable KJV is recommended here as having been studied and approved over 300-400 years by scholars.

2. The Trinity of God---Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as One. All serious seekers need to understand this to appreciate much about God and His ways, and honor Him in obedience and holiness..

3. The Lord Jesus Christ as deity; and His virgin birth, holy life, ministry and purpose; divine sacrifice; coming reign and glory. This all needs to be ministered in accord with the Word of God (John 14:6), and the Savior received by one for salvation ---a personal relationship. He is shown as God manifest in the flesh.

4. Heaven or Hell; the only two destinies for eternity for man in this Age. One ought to have a good understanding of them, and the various judgments described in Scripture ---saints in Heaven, and lost souls in Hades and the Lake of fire.

5. Baptism as a testimony to identify one with Christ in separation from the world, and to honor Him. It must be seen as a necessary symbol of identification and not a means of salvation.

6. The new birth by the Holy Spirit as essential to be saved for eternity and go to heaven as a "child of God". If one fails to see this they can not be settled about salvation and eternal hope. Truly receiving Christ into one's life and heart will bring the Holy Spirit to dwell within one and seal one forever.

7. Prayer as a humble and holy conversation for communion with God regarding worship, trust, and needs. One surely needs this for a profitable and faithful Christian life.

8. Appreciating the church as the Bride of Christ and collective testimony under God's government, ministry, and according to His order and pathway; and our place in it in both the universal and local aspects (Acts 2:41-42 and the Epistles). Church truth ought to be understood as the true believer's calling and dwelling place in the "household of faith", not in religious organizations of men. One needs to appreciate that while they may manage or mismanage their personal walk with the Lord, they need to be obedient to the Word and in submission to God's government in the Church ---the gathering of saints in the universal fellowship.

9. Expression of the "one body" of Christ in a worldwide fellowship in the manner given in the Word to be like-mind, expressing unity, and of one accord with all believers. There is no such thing as "the church of your choice", as many Christians say. Each assembly should be even as the whole in the world, though separated only by geography, not by doctrines. This testimony has continued in the world, though is mostly ignored by many Christians.

10. Judging & disallowing evil in the assembly to maintain holiness, and in one's life.

11. The priesthood of believers and their responsibilities as holy and royal priests unto God and for the good of others (1 Pet. 2). Saints ought to appreciate this service and be faithful in it---always in accord with God's Word.

12. The Lord's table for the true gathering place established by God. This speaks of the gathering center for the Lord's people in a locality and in the world, which must not be after religious ideas of men with innovations.

13. The Lord's supper at His table for collective worship and to remember our Savior in His death for us, on the Lord's Day ---first day of the week. It speaks of devotion, holiness, and communion as given.
14. Honoring the Lord and esteeming His holiness in His assembly, which must be only in accord with the Word.

15. The hope of the translation (rapture) of the Church (the Bride) to dwell forever with Christ before the final judgment falls on mankind. Truly, this world is not home for the saints of God, and we look for a "city whose builder and maker is God".

16. The gospel message to be preached to the world as given in God's Word. Faithful saints ought to show the love of God, and be a light and speak the gospel of Jesus Christ to all around them.

Most other scriptural things are a matter of conscience, though some may be important to honor and please God, to be faithful, and to prosper in our souls. Those things which are carnal and defiling must not be allowed among the saints.

One may choose to not be faithful in their personal pathway, and they will forfeit blessing in a day to come; but essential church truth affects God's testimony and glory, and disobedience and opposition to God in this will bring much loss upon one. This is solemn to consider.

It is urgently important for saints of God to be gathered in the scriptural way to honor the Lord and "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ" (II Pet.3:18). God still has a true testimony on earth, and we must find it and maintain it for His glory and our good. One should seek to know, for we will give account one day. -RLD: from the site: .

One will hear teaching and diverse ministry along our pathway from many sources . One should always test it by the Word of God (see John 5:39; Acts 17:11; II Tim.2:15; II Tim.3:16; Titus 1:9). Whether it is profitable often depends, too, on our state of soul. This paper is prepared with much care and prayer to be a help and honor the Lord. Comments and questions are welcome, and one may contact Bible Truth Publishers, Addison, IL for help and sound ministry from Bible scholars.

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