Life is But A Dream ...


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Feb 18, 2002
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Psalm 90:9 For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale that is told. 10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. 11 Who knoweth the power of thine anger? even according to thy fear, so is thy wrath. 12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
Before the beginning of all things, God was in a terrible state alone, Secrets 24:3-5. If you ever were alone, you might have a small idea of what He had to endure for a very long time. His state was worse than solitary confinement. Prisoners subjected to that form of punishment know there are people around, and they eventually leave their small isolation cell. God did not have that luxury. There was no solid ground for Him as we know it, no up, no down, no sound, nothing to see. There was nothing but Him! Most of us would go crazy and seek death under such circumstances. God had no such "out". He cannot die because He is life! He was miserable and tortured by being ALL that there is! However, God has a magnificent mind and He dreamed of "company" to give Him joy and to overcome His loneliness. He dreamed of creating a FAMILY, a wife and billions of children, little images like His wife and Himself, Secrets 33:3-8. There was no "raw material" lying around somewhere from which to make things. There is only God! All things that exist are products of His body whatever He is. He has power to convert His substance into visible matter, into us, and also into invisible matter we cannot see. All life is a dream made "real" by the power of this "Dreamer". A FAMILY is being perfected by the techniques envisioned by the Creator. All that is created, the twelve Heavens, the cosmos, and all matter is for the well-being comfort and use of the FAMILY. No longer alone He has divided Himself into billions of small pieces and is actively creating in us His "mental" nature using the methods of precept and example, and comparison and "contrast".


This earth was designed to be a place of darkness. Devils provide the "power of darkness", Ephesians 6:12. They are the negative contrast used by God in the earthly teaching field. Men sleep in the night. That is the source of human problems, ignorance, and errors. In this life we are living in a dream world. Almost all men live a whole lifetime spiritually asleep or as zombies, Matthew 8:22; Ephesians 2:1-3. Yet they go to work, move about, and participate in activities. They are oblivious of their royal nature, noble birth, and eternal heritage, Psalm 49:20; Hebrews 2:6-7, or that this life is a PLANNED circumstance, 2 Esdras 6:1-6, Secrets 30:8-12, Secrets 49:4. This earth stay is temporary, and the earth is not our home and intended place of permanent residence. Heaven is our eventual Home, Acts 10:9-16. That is where we came from and that is where we all are destined after our negative exercise on earth is complete, Ecclesiastes 1:13, 12:7. It is unfortunate, but many of the experiences men have are nightmares. Nightmares are when negative forces interacting with men rise to the fore against men for influence and enforcement of their will, Isaiah 10:13-14, 14:12-14, 47:6-10. They have had a field day since the Garden of Eden time, Secrets XXXI. God designed the circumstances that unfold in each man's life as psychodramas for education purposes.


In the beginning when God took thought, He mentally pictured how He wanted everything to be. This became the FAMILY PLAN. Training us to have appropriate and desirable character occurs in two phases. The first stage is the kindergarten phase on the earth-stage where all the children are sent down. The second phase is in Heaven where perfection takes place. On earth, men are "exercised" with the negative contrast provided by invisible demonic "tools". The kingdom of darkness is a family of robots. Their nature and behavior is the direct opposite of God's nature and our nature. The Creator plans every incident in the life of each human being. (See our document, Chess, the Master's Game). In fact everything that has happened and will happen to the very end is all planned, Secrets XL:1-2. It unfolds daily as the history of the world and the daily life episodes of each human being. Nothing ever happens by chance! Everything is deliberate on God's part and totally under His control, Deuteronomy 32:39; Isaiah 45:6-7; Amos 3:6. We like to think of man's earthly tenure as a very long play and all men are stars merely acting their roles and verbalizing their scripts, Jeremiah 10:23, Psalm of Solomon 5:6. The invisible tools always supply the negative portions of those scripts. As you can see there are subtle complexities involved here. All evil is worked through use of men by the powers of darkness, who dwell in and on the bodies of men and animals. They have been given power to move the bodies of men like puppets on strings using brain and central nervous system control. They also are given power to speak through the mouths of men, James 3:5-10; Revelation 13:5-7. Devils are better at this than the best ventriloquists. If you are following closely, you see that God "authored" a very long play for all the generations of men He planned to send down. Men call flights of mental fancy "daydreams". God's "daydream" of making worlds and a FAMILY existed first as ideas in His head. It became the PLAN. Man does not have the power of God. Man cannot make his dreams come true. Men try to achieve goals and sometimes they reach them. But God has the power to create reality by taking thought. God's will governs what will and will not become reality. By creating the heavens and the cosmos, God set the background and foundation for everything in place. He Himself took on a form for us to view Him. He made the earth into an arena, a trial-stage and proving ground, where man's conflict with the force and contrast provided by the powers of darkness would be scrutinized by those above and to a lesser degree by those below, Deuteronomy 28:37; Ezekiel 5:14-15; 1 Corinthians 4:9. His objective is to teach us by our faults (sometimes painfully) where our successes lie. "Good" ways will be enhanced and deemed more desirable when contrasted with the pain, grief, and alienation that often accompanies "evil" and wickedness. Even sinful "pleasures" result in embarrassment and sometimes pain when publicly exposed or discovered by a loved one. President Clinton is a prime example. It has been said, "Experience is the best teacher".
God's long play or his-story was set to begin. First God set the "tools" in place. Lucifer and Babylon and their offspring were kicked out of Heaven and fell to the bottomless-pit earth environment, Secrets XXIX:3-4. God opened the drama with Adam and Eve and the conflict in their lives inflicted by devils interacting with them. The angels above, who were chosen to be God's "first family", were the audience above assigned to watch the proceedings, Enoch chapter 9. The episode with Adam and Eve became a nightmare. The horrors had implications for all the generations to follow. This is God's daydream for the education of His generations of sons and daughters. For man it has become a terrible nightmare of very long duration. It is violent, bloody and deadly. And through it all almost all men to the very number are spiritually asleep by the biblical definition of "sleep". Invisible demons, the robotic tools, are the cause of all the trouble the world is in! Enoch 10:8-9, Enoch 68:4-5.

This is an excerpt! To see the full document , go to: The Dream