When Jesus came to that place, he looked up and said to him "Zaccheus, hurry and come down! I must stay at your house today." Luke 19:5

He most probably didn't amount to much. Truth be told they most probably picked on him because he was not the tallest guy in the bunch. Would they have put him as goalkeeper? Doubt it!! And now to top it all in his maturer years not only was he vertically challenged but he was on par with the Romans, and Samaritans within the Jewish economy...he was a Tax Collector!!! Those guys who were know not just for recovering for the Romish Inland Revenue but taking a little portion for themselves from those who weren't too clued up on the intracies of Self Assesmment, IR35/IRS, PAYE and Corporation Tax (Does this sound personal!!!)

On top of all this the man who many Jews were looking to now as the Messiah had a former tax collector as one of his followers, and he was actually telling this "crook" that he wanted to go to his house for dinner. The people shouted out "Look he is going to have dinner with a sinner" But Jesus saw something.

When he spoke to Zaccheus he saw a person who desired to have salvation and be a partaker of the kingdom of God. Someone who realised that even though he had messed up in the past, could receive retribution through Christ. He even promised to "sell half his possessions to the poor, and return fourfold to those who he had stolen from". Compare this to another wealthy man who felt that he had done everything for salvation!!!

Jesus told Zaacheus that "Salvation had come to his house." that "The Son of Man had come to seek and save that which was lost of the house of Abraham" Amazing isn't it that even those who some of us may see as scum, God has a way of seeing through to the heart and recognising a true searcher for what they are.

Dear God, we thank you for the story that no matter how small people may make us feel, you will see us as big in your eyes and be able to share in the promise of salvation. In Jesus name. Amen