The New Testament always talks about 'death.' It's so morbid!

Is it a dry spell, a desert, leanness of soul, or is God far away? I find myself instinctively gravitating to food, when I know down inside that it is a hunger of the soul. But it runs so deep and wide that I just can't find any way to fill it. Often I just find myself falling down at the foot of His throne... sobbing inside, but too cold outside to shed a tear.
If only I could, I would find relief, I think. I'm not all that spiritual, but I've been so worn out by sin and the world, that I'm only a cinder, or a reamed out hollow cistern - a cavern that reaches to the centre of the earth. It's dark... cold... and silent.
Where is the warmth, the burning heat of God's Spirit? Where are the lost days of intimacy we once had, when I discovered in Him, both a Father, and a Beloved? He was everything then, everything I ever needed or could want.
The Christian life is supposed to get deeper, fuller, and more powerful, not like this; not all carved out and hollow. Long prayers... and the hunger still consumes me from within.
Oh when will he return? Then I will be filled with a great explosion of transcendence! Then my tortured, sin-wrecked soul may find rest, and peace. It's all I want. Can anyone relate?
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It has become a sort of haven - this place where the door is always open, and people populate. the same names; the same contentions, the same sweetness, the same arguments. But this is the ark; and whether it stinks of dung, or is pleasant with rain, it is the haven of the saved, the called out, the possession of God, a peculiar people. I have dreams of christians some times - of faces and names i've never met, and churches that don't exist. I always wake with such happy feelings, wishing they were real, that they were here. It is like heaven... and then I wake... alone.
How I love the people of God, those in whom His lovable Spirit dwells and lives and loves. I can't explain this feeling. I get so high. I can't believe that I once was the enemy to Christians - and now I ARE one! No one could believe.... I couldn't believe. 'Behold your calling, brethren...' Why did God choose me? And he knew all my future sins before i knew them; knew me in a way I could never know myself. Yet he chose me. He included me among all this beautiful, lovable, worthy, good people. Everyone is so much better than I. Better than I could ever be, even with His Spirit working in me. I am so unyielded still. I think the worst of my sins, the base of my sins, was that I just never took the mandates seriously. He never demanded. He just softly urged me with an impression on my heart - a burden, a grief. When I was tempted to sin in those first holy days, it was a song that gently played in my head, shutting out everything - 'Yield...not to tempta...tion, for...yielding is sin. Each....vict'ry will some...other to win.'
It may have been the Holy Spirit's way of speaking, through songs i knew, and verses I'd memorized... but I came to harden my heart, even through tears. How I wish I could go back to those days when the Spirit was so intimate. So many hours I sat alone in an empty church, writing out my prayers, which were nothing more than child-like conversations with this divine entity that I addressed as 'Grampa'. All my friends, all my paramours, all my plans and ambitions, I forsook for the simple pursuit of merely spending all my time with Him, and no one else. Oh, how I was full to the brim and overflowing. Even older believers couldn't understand why I spoke the way I did. I guess time can make even saints a little disillusioned over time. It's a war, a battle against cleverly placed demons shrouded in invisibility and wielding unearthly, angelic power. So we are often wounded, often defeated... We bring shame on the Name... the precious name.
But one day when 'Time will be no more' God will make all things new; and he says that in that day, from then on, 'The former things will have passed away, neither will they come to mind.' Oh what a promise, what a blessing!!!! So many things of this world, this age, my life span do I wish to 'never come to mind' again. Then I won't have to wake up every morning so weighted down with bitter recollections, and stay awake at night condemning myself over and over and over for my failure to God, man, the world, and my own visions and desires of my own. God will wipe away all tears with His own hands. The Judge becomes the compassion and merciful Father of the Prodigals, and the savior of the Thieves on crosses of shame and remorse. Along with the worthy sheep of whom I am not worthy, I will be shepherded to pastures where only sweet, loving words are spoken day after day after day, and nothing bad or reproachful.
We'll forget some day, I pray, that we were once sinners in need of the blood of the Son of God being spilt for us. But we'll understand forever that it was not by our own doing, but his election that we are there. Redemption's song will never cease to echo melodiously across the fields and valleys of our sabbath rest. Angel's wings will become a familiar thing, while we learn every name by heart, and keep company with them as naturally as with our earthly friends.
How I long to have Babylon removed from my sight with all her carnal advertisements. She has often trapped me in her Vanity Fare, alluring me with her temporal illusions, from the path of Jesus' calling. But now she is gone, and her worldview by which she deceived us. The brilliant glory of the ever present throne of God will replace her harlotries. The glow of that Holiness will keep us captivated for age without end. At least the Wizard of Oz writer seemed to envision such a thing, and yet his vision pales to the daily reality that shall be ours. No sun, but light; no sea, but a river of life; no death, but all the dead in Christ joined as if they never slept, never groaned, never wept, never died.
Then will words like peace, joy, love, rest, will come into the fullness of their transcendent value, that our sinful mortality here would not allow our hearts and minds to afford.
Come, Lord Jesus. Come for the sake of all the suffering saints; the martyrs, the prisoners, the tortured, homeless, sick, bereaved, lonely, orphaned, indigent, and otherwise miserable. Forgive us our sins, be they all so deep. Only you can. Only you can wash us. Who is a God like you, who pardons, and who delights in mercy - DELIGHTS in it! We are nowhere near so merciful or forgiving. Please teach us in these moments that remain, to be merciful, kind, generous, sacrificial, and brave; and long-suffering and forbearing with each other. Teach us the virtues of heaven. The angels are watching. The great cloud of witnesses are cheering us to the goal they themselves have attained. Help us war the good warfare and overcome, and to agonize the good and worthy agony. Help us to finish well, and with few regrets. Heal us of so many, many hurts - for what we've done to others, and what has been done to us. Heal us so we can minister healing to others who come. Come... come to Jesus - the Great Healer, Teacher, Friend, and Lord. Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come.
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I'll just keep writing, for that is one thing my Father taught me to do. This country boy who couldn't even talk english awhile ago, can express his feelings... and grampa died before he got a chance to see, and a chance to guide his little shadow through the craggy shores of life, to emerge such a good man as he.
But here, I can reflect on the journey. I know my path has been so, so far more twisted and dark and confusing than others. So many obstacles that others haven't known, thank God; and so many tools lacking for the war against life. God help the child who has no tools. Survival devices and foolish choices make the journey to a whole disciple quite dismal and long. To just become a whole person, a normal person, someone recognizable as a person, a human, a member of the race, the culture - fit for... something of worth...
Seems like everyone got a head start and a hand up. Life can be mercilessly unfair and cruel. But this is in the sovereign design. Nothing has escaped God's knowledge while constructing the path to loving him and fulfilling our call and ministry. Wounded souls become porcupines, but grow gradually into wise comforters and supporters one day, hopefully. Still, I would totally trade my life (God forbid); that is to say, I would without hesitation cast it away, with what little redeemable elements it has, to have never known the hard way, the grievous errors, the unforgivable mis-steps, the lessons learned thereby. I envy those who have come by sheltered and nurtured paths. i envy those who have never known the deep secrets of Satan, and had their souls so stained that even the blood of Christ cannot remove the memory of the foul transgressions that made them.
Here, I have but one desire and expectation. It is for only me. Having seen how vicious brethren can relate to each other over simple differences of views (as if anyone deliberately sought to believe something that wasn't correct or true), and having written things that I later regretted, and often used too many words to say quite little, and often unnecessary, I wish to learn the art of grace.
I want to hone my ability to be concise and thoughtful, sympathetic, and diplomatic, positive even when making a negative point, and edifying of all I correspond with. I want to hone these skills, because I have never really had them. I want my heart to be shaped and guided by the heart of Christ within me, saying only what he puts there. So speak through me, Lord. I care not that anyone hears, but that I ever speak rightly through you.
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Note: I am part of a person diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (formerly multiple personality disorder). I will mostly post because I am the part responsible for holding christian beliefs, but others may post on occasion.

I once was possessed... literally, but only physically. I was a christian at the time, although I believe it was something that was with me all my life - this demon. It first manifested to me when i was four, a year after my mother died.
I have an aboriginal bloodline, and the primary tribe of my descent -Cree- is known to have many demonic issues as I had. I did a lot of research when I went through my struggle, to understand demonology, and what we call psychological disorders, including dissociative.
It forced me to take a fresh look at the bible, from beginning to end, especially with Jesus and the apostles, because everyone argued that I could not be demonized as a christian. They didn't have any scripture to argue, just the commonly held philosophy that 'if the spirit of God fills you, there is no room for a demon.'
They seem to think that Satan cannot bear to share space with God - like a vampire can't bear the sight of a cross. How silly. Scripture shows that demons come and go from the presence of God all the time. Satan appears before him to accuse the brethren. Satan appeared along with the angels (sons of God) in Job. It isn't like they are repulsed by the Holiness of God. It is the torment of Jesus that Legion feared - the abyss.
As christians of this age we have a very poor knowledge of spiritual matters, and thus are ill equipped to deal with them as we are called to do. Believers fear Satan, and yet we are called to be the only ones in the universe who can defeat him by the power of the blood of Christ, and His Name, which is our authority.
We have adopted the belief system of psychologists, whose world view is anti-spiritual, or in fact pagan, or even paranormal. I have found in my long mental history, that most counselors are nothing but wounded and ill people themselves, who entered the discipline, not for vocational reasons, but to heal themselves, and then others out of sympathy.
I even had medical doctor tell me that she considered psychiatry first, but found the doctors to be crazy themselves, so she opted for biological medicine.
Is it possible that the other personalities you share might be nothing more than spirits in disguise; a thing they love to do, taking up residence in a place that won't be adverse to them?
Consider the people who were in the temple when Jesus walked in. They were there to worship along with the rest, and yet at the presence of Christ, some of them suddenly fell down before him, speaking in alien voices, professing to know him, and exposing themselves for who they really were - personalities who had been hiding in and sharing the consciousness of these every day religious people. No one, not even the host, knew that they were there.
All my life I had been plagued with sleep paralysis, demonic nightmares, things being moved or hidden, waking at exactly midnight for no reason, depression, oppression, and many defects of character and psyche that I couldn't get over. As a christian, these things didn't stop. I still got sleep paralysis, but instinctively I sensed that it was something evil - a presence, and entity, and I began to resist by saying that I am a son of God. It worked for the most part, but the entity never left.
I experienced joy like I'd never known at first, but a dark cloud used to fall over me without warning, and this worsened as issues came up between myself and other believers. I allowed sin to creep back in, and the temptations were overwhelming. Once I allowed sin to take hold (because I had not been taught that we are dead in Christ to our old natures and identities, and are set free from the old man of sin, so we can choose to obey and nothing can stop us), then guilt added to the oppression, and a cycle was born.
No one knew of the demonic stronghold in my consciousness that bound me in so many ways that I couldn't fight back like others. At the same time I was trying to work out the unresolved psychological issues as well as to understand society, having been orphaned and mistreated, alienated from normal culture and family.
The demons had given me a distorted view of reality, and my weakness was that I 'identified' with their voice, because it sounded like my own thoughts. However, being a new creation in Christ, possessed by the Spirit of God, the natural thoughts I should have produced would have reflected the truths of scripture and the Spirit, not the lowly, self debasing, condemning thoughts that I agreed with. Nor should I have been convinced that I didn't have the power to resist sin, since it is not a matter of power, but of nature. Water will naturally follow the course of the channel carved out before it. It does not need to will, but to know its natural path, its identity.
While my eyes saw the truths of Christ about my new creation, who only needed to be transformed in thought and mind, my heart identified with the demonic lie that I was still the old man - a sinner, who was merely reformed, not reborn. In fact it would be many years later when one day I saw the words of Jesus in John 3:3, to Nicodemus; 'Unless you be born from above (of the Spirit of God), you cannot see the kingdom of heaven.' Since then this is my only approach of witnessing to people. But it was only a small piece of the puzzle, and I had much more to learn. It is the starting point, but I had to both learn, and to unlearn. At well times, I spent my prayer time renouncing things I believed, that conflicted with the word of God, no matter how I strongly I held them with my emotions.
Every time I did this, I literally felt a heaviness lift from me, just like when I was first saved. The more heaviness lifted, the more of the fruit of joy filled me. The more joy I felt, the more powerful in the Spirit of God I was to witness for Him. I was released, and the cloud of oppressiveness receded.
The problem is that I have to fight vigilantly to maintain this. The devil has filled this world with illusions that look and feel real. The flesh corresponds to these things. They appeal to it because the flesh is not of heaven, while in our spirits our citizenship is in heaven. This is the 'being transformed in the spirit of our minds' process - replacing one perceived reality with another, along with the world view and philosophy that accompanies it. The flesh, the natural man, is indoctrinated by the 'god of this world.' He has designed this carnal wonderland to keep them under his sway. He is Morpheus, the lord of dreams and the dream world where they are kept in the bondage of sleep.
But every time I encounter these lies and illusions, the only way to transform my mind is to resist the devil's lie, and take it captive to the truth of Christ, thus submitting to God's world view.
This is the path I have taken, and I still am susceptible, but I know the rules, if I stay on top of them. What does the bible say about that? is my motto. I know what psychologists say, but they are of the world, and the world hears them. But God was familiar with this whole issue of demons, as well as mental illness, from the beginning of man. There has to be a place in the body of Christ where the apostles addressed this. How did Christ address it? The term lunatic is used interchangeably with demonized, or 'had a demon.' Some of us (statistically about 25%) are cursed (and blessed) with a spiritual susceptibility that makes us more sensitive and vulnerable to invasions from the other realm. The line of demarcation is blurred at all times. Then sin tears down the wall, giving them permission. Identifying with their lies keeps them there, and intoxicants are an open portal.
The little boy who was 'taken' by a demon and cast in water and fire often, according to his father's lament, had been that way since a little boy - just like me. I hear preachers say that there must have been something evil in the father's life to invite it in, but this is their cop-out, since they are afraid to believe that there are innocents who through no fault of anyone are targeted by demons who attach themselves to them early, when they are most vulnerable. They stand in their rooms, or hide under their beds, gazing at them, seeing their spiritual make-up as clearly and well defined as a doctor looking at an x-ray of his patient. That is how I first saw the demon in my room looking at me, silently, as still as stone, with no apparent intention to do other than that... but then it all began. He was sizing me up, I guess, and nowadays he is not so subtle, unless I am sinning. That is when he is quiet, because he does not want his presence to scare me back into the arms of Jesus, and out of sin.
Well, I pray you don't take offense at my personal belief about dissociative disorder. I did a lot of searches on the internet about it and the approach doctors took, and it is amazing how they almost openly say it is demon possession. I heard and read case files from around the world, and the explanations just made no sense outside the context of the biblical view - that these people indeed had living entities within their minds, occupying their consciousnesses, and plaguing them because there was no Jesus to set them free.
Ultimately, whether it indeed be some sort of vague, incurable medical disorder, or indeed spirits who need to be taken captive to Christ and resisted, it is something that must be addressed within the realm of our faith. These are not the kind of things that God would allow in his flock. It is negative and inhibits our ability to minister and glorify God, so it is clearly of the devil. It is like king Saul, being taken by an evil spirit to oppress him, but the music of the godly David set him free.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. It has been decades since my 'panic attacks' and visions. I still have a hard time reading the scripture without 'interference', but I listen to audio all day, and my early years have supplied me with much memorized verse to draw from. I did have an encounter months ago while sleeping, when I was touched by an invisible finger, and then my cover was pulled off my shoulder, but I simply pulled it back up and said, 'If you're going this far, I must be doing something right', turned over and went back to sleep, rejoicing in the truth and faith that set me free of Satan's dominion.
Don't get me wrong. My life is still a wreck. Otherwise I wouldn't be writing the things I have, but I have learned much good that helped me and others since. Now back to the wreck. In abounding Christ love, your brother for eternity.
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Day and night blend into one. Time stands still like a stagnant pond, green with algae and slime. Time is thick. Time is sludge. How I wish that Jesus would dawn. I wish that he would break in upon my stagnation.
No more ministry - only memories. Memories haunt. Memories deceive. I was never as good as I perceived myself to be... not even close. Memories return to condemn me of all the people I hurt without realizing it, when I was not so well as today, not so wise (at least, more wise than then), and of all the people whose needs I neglected. Why was I so selfish? Have I changed? Now the opportunities to bless and benefit them are gone. You only get that one chance when it comes... and then it's gone - forever.
Shoulda' dones, and coulda' dones, echo down the corridors of time behind me. All around me they deflect off the walls of the past, and reverberate down through the future. When will I be permitted to escape these bitter memories? Why did earth have to be this way? What do you plan to prove, oh Lord, when it's all over, and the order of things is changed forever?
What was it all about? I dare not question you. I know you're ways and thoughts are infinitely transcendent to mine, but as a mortal caught up in this - drama of history, just a speck, just a fleeting flake of snow in the sun, I lament my estate. There's nothing I can do. I'm cursed. I'm sentenced to waiting for you to move again.
Will it be pleasant? Will it be evil? Will I finally shed tears? Will I flee in fear? Will I go mad? I cannot imagine that anything favorable can come to me in this late hour of life, and of the world. Let me see the light of your countenance somehow at last. How I miss you. How I miss the glory of your love, your presence, your voice.
The days of glory are gone with youth. Just a faded garment remains, tattered and weak, worn with age, torn and bruised from all the follies, lessons I wish I'd never had to learn.
Oh to put off this flesh, with all the memories I want to forget, the regrets I cannot undo. Heal me, oh my Messiah, my personal Savior, my Sovereign Lord. Come to me. Heal me. Heal those I failed. Heal the past as only you can. I don't seek glory anymore; just peace, peace with you. Return to me. Return lest I perish in spirit. Come again, Lord, as you promised. Hurry. Hurry, for the world is dying. Come... Hurry... Return.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
I understand how "life" can be. Thank God their is hope! The good news is really just that. When you're within or underneath a cloud of oppression, the sun never seems to shine. Although we go through seasons of refinement and healing, the Christian life is supposed to be abundantly fruitful for all, without partiality.

I see that you're "nondenominational". I hope this is a Spirit filled church. If not, I would make that a priority. You need to be where the gifts of the Spirit operate. Where the anointing breaks the yokes of oppression.

So many are not really in church at all, and these "tags" are just that. That's what I used to describe myself when I was backslidden. I used the title that I formerly used.

The right church for you means that it is an instrument for God to repair and restore you; to make you an example for others in the world to see that He lives.
An anointed message breathes life in to your heart. It takes the wilt out of your leaves.

We need to submit our lives to the Lord within the anointing. The Holy Spirit woo's us and draws us near to God. This is where all of your healing and refreshing takes place.

A walk in some of the places I walked, and where you apparently had walked, requires some restoration ministry. It is best to actively seek it out. We pick up "bogeys" or spirits and sin should be renounced out loud. I remember searching the Internet when I returned to the Lord for restoration type prayers and I saved and printed some out. I read them out loud and it make a lot of difference! It dealt with the restoration of the soul, the renunciation of certain behaviors. Doing this enforced the legality of your freedom to the afflicting evil spirits. The prayers also bound (specific) spirits from working in your life. They go a long way to restoring your soul. We are going to have the fruit of our lips, so let's make it count!

The pleading of the blood of Jesus is another one. Apply this over the doorposts of your life. Over your car, self, and family.

The reading of the Word of God out loud is another one. It makes darkness tremble. We live among a cloud of witnesses, not just those who have passed on, but angels and wicked spirits. You sow the Word of God into your own heart. Torment the devil!

Realizing that you area already redeemed from the curse of broken law. This has to be enforced, because the enemy will move in and contest this. You must stand in faith. To do this, you will need the Word of God in your heart. To get this, you must do it, or be around anointing ministry and let the Word get sown in the garden that is your heart. Of course you must be submitted to God first, but have faith in your own repentance, and begin to pick yourself up out of the rut you're in and give something for God to work with. Believe that He is!

Sometimes we limit God by the judgments we have made and the things we have spoken. By declaring the Word of God over your life, you change the "right" for God to move in your behalf, or change the enemy's "right" you gave Him when you agreed with a lie.

It is vitally important to forgive anyone (even yourself) for wrongdoing.
Many are the offenses of others. Of course we want to be forgiven, so by all means speak forgiveness out loud for the sins of others (no good rehearsing it, it only defiles your spirit) and then pray a blessing on them (out loud). Don't entertain the thought of previous wrongdoing and even you catch yourself doing this, forgive them again, ask God to cleanse you by His Blood, and then purpose not to do it again. If need be, perform a radical act of love to one of these people. Forgive yourself out loud too! If you make a judgment in your heart against yourself, change it. Use your rudder (tongue) and change the course of the direction of your heart. If you need to, pick up a book on the importance of forgiveness, and let the Holy Spirit minister this to you.

We can become a "mess". We're a garden and all sorts of stuff can get sown in it. We need to remove some stuff for sure! Some things we own give place to the devil. Ask God to show you what they are and put them far from you!
CDs, movies, games, etc. Cooperate with the sanctifying work of God in your life. A covenant is a two party arrangement. Start to get radical with your cleansing and God will meet you. Ask for wisdom and start acknowledging it out loud that He has already given it to you(!).

"On your own", meditating on the Word of God "rewrites" your brain. It renews your soul. Jesus is the restorer of souls (start agreeing with this). It really needs to happen hear and God has given us keys to use to help our renewal. Praise and worship are big keys. Being thankful by acknowleding His Lordship over your life is another. Get filled with the Spirit.

Find fellowship in church and do something to help out.
Bear someone's burden. Who cares what it is (God does). Do it in humility.

Do not become isolated! This is what wolves do with the sheep they intend to destroy. Be a sheep and stay with the sheep and the shepherd. Acknowledge that the shepherd speaks to your heart and gives you guidance. Leave all of the doing in this area to God and start moving on the things that make for peace. Keep acknowledging.

Establish a prayer time. Play some worship music in the background. Keep the atmosphere of Heaven around you and flow in it. Ask God to cleanse and fill you every day. Also pray: "God, I ask for and receive, grace for today!"

Give something for God to work with to establish hope. He wants to do this! I was in a ditch for a long time and was a bad sinner. I started copying some teachings I had from tape to mp3 and even with the sound turned down on my headphones, the anointing came into my bedroom. The Holy Spirit gave me a vision where I could come back and be set free. Rays of sunshine began to come through. I knew I had to run with it because I knew where I was going in spite of my previous experience.

We can pick up a lot of defilement (in our souls) by the places we go, the people we hang out with, and the things we let into our gates (ears, eyes, mouth). If you're singing music that releases the enemy to minister hopelessness, then you're "observing lying vanities" and forsaking your own mercy. I got rid of many thousands of CDs, mp3s, videos, etc. because I knew what they were ministering. I pray the Lord gives you strength to see what a pile of dung these things really are (if any of this has a hold on you). Thank God for His mercy!

God can heal and set free. Some things take a little time and we have to walk with Him taking the steps along the way He prescribes. We must do everything we know to make this journey shorter, because the hell we've known for so long continually beckons for our return -- and the end of those things are death.
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I don't know if saying anything more than 'thank you' will be productive. I guess I just want to assure you that I'm not living in sin.
I am alone though, but not at all because I choose to be. I want to remind you, unless you have never heard or seen. that there are times in many, many saint's lives that he takes them a different course from that common image of fellowship and ministry and all.
Remember that in North Korea, christians don't go to church on Sunday. They don't sing, read the bible, or talk to other believers about their faith. The most fellowship you might get, is to sit beside a known believer on a public bench, and just 'know' that you are related in the spirit.
Sometimes, like Martin Luther, even though he was called to a great work of God, he was shut up in a lonely room, trapped with the oppressive spirits who came to deter him from the duty God had given him. In Israel and Jerusalem, (today this also applies), it was a danger to speak of the Name, or to stand for His commands, because the environment was against Him.
Times and places, and circumstances are not always favorable to the kind of ecclesiastical life that we take for granted in this country, and we frown on those who have been cast in to 'uncommon' circumstances for their refinement and faith. I won't go into detail more than that. It wouldn't make any difference if I did. We all have one Lord, and one destination, but the paths that God leads us are as different as our personalities and languages and genes. God has kept me off balance all my life, so that I would never expect things to be a certain way, but be ready to change directions when he does. His ways are mysterious, and so is my life. I know that He is completely able to remove me from this 'rut' as you call it, but quite often (especially outside of our nice little democratic bubble) God grows us within the rut. He does not deliver us from the fire, but goes with us through it. We may spend the night with lions, but he will be in the midst with us till the morning.
Till then, as J Vernon McGee always said, 'When God sends you through tribulation, he means for you to tribulate!'
So I am tribulating. God bless you for your support. How blessed that your own path is now beneficial to minister to your brother this way. I will keep all you have said and use it. Thanks again.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
I am alone though, but not at all because I choose to be. I want to remind you, unless you have never heard or seen. that there are times in many, many saint's lives that he takes them a different course from that common image of fellowship and ministry and all. Remember that in North Korea, christians don't go to church on Sunday. They don't sing, read the bible, or talk to other believers about their faith.

Location: CA
So are you living in North Korea or California?

The beauty of Christianity, is that it works everywhere. I too have been going through healing and refinement. On occasion, life can be miserable. I do not believe that is the Lord's intent, but we wrestle sometimes within ourselves in our circumstances. (I speak this to myself...) I have found though that staying in fellowship and getting filled with the Spirit works even in these times. It's the junk in our lives that tries to keep us from doing this. They only exert influence on us if we let them. The war then is in our souls to distract us from the ways of the Lord, which bear good fruit.

He hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations.
Psalms 105:8 (KJV)

His covenant is one of peace, contentment, love, and joy.

Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the Lord: for great is the glory of the Lord.
Psalms 138:5 (KJV)

... was a danger to speak of the Name, or to stand for His commands, because the environment was against Him.
Although we must walk in wisdom, the joy is in continuing in the way, and not letting others dictate whether or not we continue in His name, even if it means estrangment from our families or friends. Our true fellowship are with those in the Spirit. Anything that side tracks us from this bears bad fruit and many woes.

We all have one Lord, and one destination, but the paths that God leads us are as different as our personalities and languages and genes.
Our walks our different, but His ways are the same. I have to remember to not adopt mindsets or believe the lie that when I am afflicted, that it is for His purposes. In our affliction (which He allows), it is to turn us to Him and His ways.

I know that He is completely able to remove me from this 'rut' as you call it, but quite often (especially outside of our nice little democratic bubble) God grows us within the rut. He does not deliver us from the fire, but goes with us through it. We may spend the night with lions, but he will be in the midst with us till the morning.
Yes, as I have been recently experiencing in my quest for healing for old wounds. In this season He has admonished me not to bail out of fellowship and sitting in His presence, because this will delay the timing of my healing. My concern for you (as for myself) is that you do not agree to things that make for the continuation of your "rut".
So hungry for God and heaven, and no way to be filled...
Only in the anointing are you going to hear that spirit word (inside) that will enable you to be healed. If you're having trouble entering into that on your own, by all means go to where the anointing is.
I'm not all that spiritual, but I've been so worn out by sin and the world, that I'm only a cinder, or a reamed out hollow cistern - a cavern that reaches to the centre of the earth. It's dark... cold... and silent.
A dangerous place indeed. Of course the Lord is here with us.

The Christian life is supposed to get deeper, fuller, and more powerful, not like this; not all carved out and hollow. ...Then my tortured, sin-wrecked soul may find rest, and peace. It's all I want. Can anyone relate?

All the more reason not to become removed from the corporate anointing. The Son of righteousness will arise with healing in His wings. We must walk in the fear of the Lord. This includes our active fellowship.
We become afflicted because of our transgressions. This is the residue from our timeouts "in and of the world". The sooner we move away from them the better!

I envy those who have come by sheltered and nurtured paths. i envy those who have never known the deep secrets of Satan, and had their souls so stained that even the blood of Christ cannot remove the memory of the foul transgressions that made them.
Those deep secrets of Satan are the very things we need restoration from. Those verbal renunciations of those practices (by name) are very important and pleading the blood and binding up those things are absolutely critical to getting free from that residue, affliction, and "soul staining". Get someone to pray with you (in a local fellowship). The local sheepfold, is a critical place for the sheep. Sheep have many needs that if not dealt with, over time, make a sheep's life miserable. Going to a Spirit filled church, and esteeming the anointing from ministers who are there wins a reward for you of that very anointing. This happens because the Word of God says that it is so. Get some Bible software and do a search on the word "soul". It is that part of us that connects the spirit to the physical body. It can become sick, defiled, afflicted, "saved", restored, etc. What we do has a lot to do with the condition of our soul.

I pray that you are stirred up to rise up and look into these things with a lively hope, that your leaf will not continue to wither, and that your fruit will reflect that of a happy believer.
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Well, bro, although I am the first to agree that God put us in a body to bless and depend on each other; I am certain that it wasn't his will for this to be the answer to all our problems. No, I'm not in N. Korea, but believe me, life has more than enough ways and circumstances to put you in to be able to identify with others.
I used to be in a ministry to refugees. We'd get together to pray, with languages from different nations being translated and cross translated. These people had known what it was to be beaten, tortured, their homes stolen and burned, and life in refugee camps where many of their family was still.
I asked them all to share what their individual country was, and a little of their experiences. I wanted to feel it, to enter in to it, to be connected with it. We are connected in one body.
After we got to the last person, one of the girls turned to me and said (translated), 'What country are you from?' I almost laughed. 'No, I'm from America. How funny that you thought I was a refugee too!' I guess they questioned why I would be among them instead of the regular congregation. But I've always been an odd duck.
So after they spoke of their families still in the camps, they asked about mine, at which point I had to admit that I never had a family. I never knew parents, and I don't have siblings. It's just me, I said.
There was a long silence, and it was obvious that these suffering people felt embarrassed by me, because even though they had gone through so much, not one of them knew what it was to be an orphan. And here I was, born and raised in their host country, and yet in a way worse off than they - in that sense. You just can't know the pain, the loneliness, the queerness, and the defective development that accompanies such a fate unless you experience it for yourself.
I just say all this so you hopefully will understand that there really are things that can happen even in this prosperous and democratic utopia we live in. Now I haven't told you my circumstances still; and I won't, but I hope that this will serve to broaden your imagination a bit.
Job, remember, was not persecuted in a prison camp either, but he fell into the most extraordinary scenario, because to his ignorance, he was the victim of an uncommon demonic attack from the very prince of devils. Don't think he was the last person for this to happen to. Don't limit your mind to only one way of seeing things. Please don't be a typical American, with a narrow view that no one can break through to find empathy, the way Job was unable to find comfort from his consolers.
You say that God does not afflict. But my bible says very differently. He says that he both wounds and binds up. He says that he disciplines those he loves for the sake of growing them in righteousness and holiness. James even says that he who endures tribulation is blessed, and that he should rejoice for it, knowing that it increases his christian virtue. Romans 5 says the same thing; that we glory in tribulation, knowing... Jesus, according to Hebrews, 'learned obedience through what he suffered.' The Father, it says, made the captain of our salvation perfect through suffering.
Suffering is our friend. Pain can never defeat the child of Him in whose world it is permitted to exist. It can only become a tool to shape them, as it has the saints throughout history. It matters not that its author is Satan. All things serve the Creator of all things.
The saint who cannot endure suffering, but who counts it as a bad thing, can never reach the maturity that it along creates. Americans always want things to be pleasant, but that is not the Christianity that Jesus promised. That kind of life produces weak and frightened soldiers, unseasoned, and easily shocked by unexpected pain and the furnace of our proving. Have you never read how the epistles of Paul, or the Pilgrim's Progress of John Bunyan came out of prison cells?
Have you not read how the isolation of Martin Luther produced such works that forged the reformation? Nothing good or worthy ever came out of ease and pleasantness... ever!
David became such an incredible bible author and king because he went through such unbearable and unusual suffering, and even when he had friends, they almost stoned him, but he encouraged himself in his God, and that is who I turn to, whether alone or in the midst of others. If you cannot learn to walk alone with God, then you will never be able to draw on the Supernatural power that only God provides, not men, not even brethren. This is the lesson I have learned. It is reflected in the words of the Psalms. Read it for yourself if you don't believe me. Look at Psalm 22, for example. I am nothing unusual in the history of sainthood. America is! I am not an American. I'm a Christian, a citizen of heaven, a soldier in enemy territory, on foreign soil.
I appreciate your attempts to comfort me. I really do. I thank you for your support, but I have at least crossed that level of already. I don't look for things to always be good, but for God to work all things together for good according to His purpose and glory.
This is my furnace. I will come forth as gold.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
Not knowing your situation, it would be difficult to empathize, beyond what we all know of human suffering. I myself have been in a season of suffering and refinement. A lot of junk has been coming up and a lot of healing is coming forth. We are to cry out for restoration and believe in the goodness of God and His healing and delivering power.

Many are shutins or those who are incarcerated, and are unable to freely fellowship as they would. People do what is within their power.The Lord has greatly stressed coming together with the body, in spite of what I feel about it.
In spite of whatever persecution we might face.

For the sake of others, I want to include some scriptures. I have seen the enemy work in this philosophy about suffering (unnecessarily), where people endure needless pain (for the glory of God no less), and carry burdens Jesus died to set us free from.

Although God permits us to be born into affliction, even the furnace of affliction, His intent is for His people to seek Him as a refuge, a provider of peace, to turn and walk more perfectly in Him. He uses suffering as a means of getting His people's attention (if need be). He desires for us to bear abundant fruit in all circumstances, and the desired end result of fiery trials are abundant fruit throughout all testing and trials. New Covenant believers have an enabling within them to bear good fruit as we submit to God and put to death our fleshly desires. For the sake of others, let's focus on God shining forth, and a realization that our part is to turn in every way we can for His mercy and to line up with His saving Word, which heals and delivers.

Naomi was afflicted because of the circumstances in her natural life that brought sorrow.

I went out full, and the Lord hath brought me home again empty: why then call ye me Naomi, seeing the Lord hath testified against me, and the Almighty hath afflicted me?
Ruth 1:21

By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;
Heb 11:24-25

The Lord is the savior of the afflicted and will in time bring them out of natural circumstances which cause them to suffer.

With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself unsavoury. And the afflicted people thou wilt save: but thine eyes are upon the haughty, that thou mayest bring them down. For thou art my lamp, O Lord: and the Lord will lighten my darkness.
2 Sam 22:27-29

For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard. My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before them that fear him.
Psalms 22:24-25

I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and the right of the poor.
Psalms 140:12

Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted. But Zion said, The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me. Thy children shall make haste; thy destroyers and they that made thee waste shall go forth of thee.
Isaiah 49:13-17

Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand. Many times did he deliver them; but they provoked him with their counsel, and were brought low for their iniquity. Nevertheless he regarded their affliction, when he heard their cry: And he remembered for them his covenant, and repented according to the multitude of his mercies. He made them also to be pitied of all those that carried them captives.
Psalms 106:42-46

There is also affliction because our lives do not adhere to the Word. (We want to line up in every way we can.) Also, because our flesh wars against the spirit, and it is uncomfortable.

Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared; Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;
Heb 5:7-9

Before I was afflicted I went astray:
but now have I kept thy word.
Psalms 119:67

Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile:
Romans 2:9-10

Fools because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted. Their soul abhorreth all manner of meat; and they draw near unto the gates of death. Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
Psalms 107:17-20

It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.
Psalms 119:71

I know, O Lord, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me.
Psalms 119:75

All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.
Prov 15:15

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
James 4:7-10

Is any among you afflicted? let him pray.
Is any merry? let him sing psalms. Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
James 5:13-16

Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron; Because they rebelled against the words of God, and contemned the counsel of the most High: Therefore he brought down their heart with labour; they fell down, and there was none to help. Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses. He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder.
Psalms 107:10-14

Their is affliction and persecution for the cause of the gospel (for the Kingdom of God).

I believed, therefore have I spoken: I was greatly afflicted: I said in my haste, All men are liars. What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.
Psalms 116:10-15

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation. And our hope of you is stedfast, knowing, that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation.
2 Cor 1:3-7

They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.
Heb 11:37-38

And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost: So that ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia.
1 Thess 1:6-7

Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.
Acts 14:22

The people ol God can become afflicted as the enemy challenges the truth of the Word. God's people are tested. Tribulation arises because of the Word.

Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience. Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.
James 5:10-11

Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
1 Peter 1:6-7

And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness; And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word's sake, immediately they are offended.
Mark 4:16-17

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. So then death worketh in us, but life in you. the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak; Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you. For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God. For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
2 Cor 4:8-17

I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Notwithstanding ye have well done, that ye did communicate with my affliction.
Phil 4:12-14

How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality.
2 Cor 8:2

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified. But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters.
1 Peter 4:12-15

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
Romans 5:3-5

Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;
Romans 12:12

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.
2 Cor 1:3-4

Great is my boldness of speech toward you, great is my glorying of you: I am filled with comfort, I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation.
2 Cor 7:4

For verily, when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation; even as it came to pass, and ye know.
1 Thess 3:4

Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer: Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
2 Thess 1:5-6

Much suffering is because of our own faults. We tribulate in it, but the end result is for us to line up with the Lord, bearing good fruit. The shaking only affects those things which can be shaken. We learn obedience through suffering, but the place He wants us to be and abide in, is one full of the fruit of the Holy Spirit (as one who abides).
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
I know that He is completely able to remove me from this 'rut' as you call it, but quite often (especially outside of our nice little democratic bubble) God grows us within the rut. He does not deliver us from the fire, but goes with us through it. We may spend the night with lions, but he will be in the midst with us till the morning.

God uses these things to turn us toward Him. The 3 in the fire came out without the smell of smoke.
Frequently our flesh gets scorched by the fire because we're still learning to put it under. That's where the suffering comes in. Of course He'll use everything to bring us to the place where we can receive Him more perfectly.

I envy those who have come by sheltered and nurtured paths. i envy those who have never known the deep secrets of Satan, and had their souls so stained that even the blood of Christ cannot remove the memory of the foul transgressions that made them.

This is why I included the bit about the soul and the blood and deliverance. We are not intended to abide in the goop this brings. Many people do not know of these things, so at least for the benefit of others (if you feel you have already been delivered from these encounters) I make mention of them.
The Christian life is supposed to get deeper, fuller, and more powerful, not like this; not all carved out and hollow. ...Then my tortured, sin-wrecked soul may find rest, and peace. It's all I want. Can anyone relate?

Truly many psalms cry out to God in His mercy. I'm right here with you on this. He draws us forth into a fruitful place and a bit at a time, allows us to experience the suffering of the contrast of the flesh and the spirit.

... was a danger to speak of the Name, or to stand for His commands, because the environment was against Him.

This is why the fellowship of believers is extremely important. We are to be bold in this no matter where we are.
Two can stand together. The corporate anointing brings the strength of the body together. When one suffers, all suffer. When one rejoices, all rejoice.
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I'm a little confused. On one hand you include the scriptures that only commend suffering, but on the other hand you seem to reject the benefit that the scripture assures comes through suffering. You seem to think that suffering for our own choices is the only kind of suffering a christian may have, and that suffering for our own choices is not still God's tool to bring forth good fruit.
All the sons of God must endure chastening, or else they are bastards and not sons. Whether it be out of bad choices, or just the sovereign pruning of God, the purpose is still the same. No character comes from just a happy, pleasant life, where everything goes your way. Nothing in the whole realm of existence is gained that way. It's against the laws of physics, nature, and the spirit. Pain brings gain, and that is why we rejoice in our suffering - not because it is pleasant, but because we know that it is being used of God for a desired end.
You say to focus on the outcome, but I think it is wiser to focus on the present lesson, or else we me find ourselves wandering through the same wilderness again, because rather than learning, we were just seeking to be delivered from it.
You keep saying (if it is God's will) but he says that it is ALWAYS his will. That is how we grow. Paul reiterated this over and over again. Through much tribulation we must enter the kingdom of God. Let us go to Christ without the camp, suffering his reproach. Agonize the good agony. Take up your cross daily. Anyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ WILL suffer persecution.

As for the importance of dependence on others for your spiritual life; there comes a time, and there are many places now and historically, where people do not have that luxury. Does God not have a plan for that? Can he not sustain us alone? Do you bring others into your prayer closet?

There is a devil in the world, and his agenda is to keep us from glorifying and serving God, from submitting to his hand and loving him through all circumstances. That is why he tested Job. If you do not go through suffering, it is only because you have ceased to be a threat to the Devil. We are soldiers on a battle field. Battlefields are not pleasant places with easy chairs, popcorn and movies. They are bloody places where we must keep vigilant, because our adversary prowls like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Those who seek comfortable lives will not resist him. They will always compromise for the sake of ease.
Jesus said to count the cost, but your brand of discipleship seems to have no cost. Paul says that we mourn, yet rejoice. It is a paradoxical walk that the world finds alien. Are you a warrior? Or is this a spiritual DisneyLand to you?

But it doesn't matter what I say. I don't have to defend a believer's call to the cross. As you say, if it is God's will. The day is coming in this country when that kind of commitment will be outlawed, just as it is in the rest of the world. I won't argue these matters with you anymore. I know that God has called me to suffer. It has been His Sovereign way with me since before I was born, just as it was for David, or Paul, or countless of his saints.
It does me no good to hear the words of someone who believes in a cost-less, cross-less christianity when God does not afford me that life. I finally trust God with my life, whether in pain or in comfort. But without the pain, I never would have learned this level of trust.

I will no longer defend, anymore than Job could defend his position. God vindicated him in the end, and I trust him to be my vindication also.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
I'm a little confused. On one hand you include the scriptures that only commend suffering, but on the other hand you seem to reject the benefit that the scripture assures comes through suffering. You seem to think that suffering for our own choices is the only kind of suffering a christian may have, and that suffering for our own choices is not still God's tool to bring forth good fruit.

Let me just remind you that I included a list of scriptures about suffering, and tribulation. They speak for themselves.
They indicate that their are different types of suffering for different reasons (It is not narrow, and does not reject suffering) . I'm not pointing any fingers. We all suffer. The Word says that we will suffer.

We already know that we will suffer for running counter to the world (and satan's kingdom in it). We will be persecuted. That's not what I'm talking about.

We are to walk wisely in the face of opposition. We are also called to be light regardless of the environ. I'm not saying that you're not, but your response gives as an example the possibility where the enemy might get the upper hand by not speaking out anyway. If so, then a good lift is to let your light shine anyway.

Collected from your various posts and replies eludes to suffering for different reasons. Some of which, may not be healthy to cling to. I guess what I'm unclear on is where you're at, because you seem to be within all of them, and are more bent on defending suffering. The myriad of response I gave based on scripture is to touch on various scriptural causes for sufferage.
I envy those who have come by sheltered and nurtured paths. i envy those who have never known the deep secrets of Satan, and had their souls so stained that even the blood of Christ cannot remove the memory of the foul transgressions that made them.

Example: The need for healing and restoration. Some of this can be ministered to without any delay. God calls us to be at peace. ("Souls so stained that even the blood cannot remove the (bad) memory). This is not scriptural. While we do carry some remembrance of sin, God does not call us to live with it in the realm of being "stained" in our souls. The filth the enemy vomits can be removed without hanging out in the gutter. Again, I'm not pointing at you, but it should be said that this is available.

Healing for the bruised sometimes takes time and it is uncomfortable. If this is the case, then the good news is still healing.
The day is coming in this country when that kind of commitment will be outlawed, just as it is in the rest of the world. I won't argue these matters with you anymore. I know that God has called me to suffer

If you're primarily just being persecuted, their is great consolation available by pressing in. Of course, you're called to both as we all are.
It does me no good to hear the words of someone who believes in a cost-less, cross-less christianity when God does not afford me that life.
Of course that is not what I said. Fortunately in California (as well as Texas), we can freely express our Christianity. Their are cases of some retaliation, but even the law upholds the right to our beliefs. Smites received for the gospel's sake are an honor.
I will no longer defend, anymore than Job could defend his position.
I have no desire to be "Job's counselor". The Lord allows the enemy to test us. Obviously any flesh that gets in the way is a discomfort and we all deal with this too. The important part is to remember the gospel and the hard part is to agree with it and not focus on the parts that don't want to come into line. It is our own will that must be layed down (in favor of the cross). Sometimes our own will is to wallow in the gutter. The Lord once said not to waste any time at all there and to get up and purpose to go forward in His plan and purpose (with peace - the important component to dying is rising up). This is for me too and I've been going through it myself. God's will is His Word and through the suffering we are called to bear fruit.
The Christian life is supposed to get deeper, fuller, and more powerful, not like this; not all carved out and hollow. ...Then my tortured, sin-wrecked soul may find rest, and peace. It's all I want. Can anyone relate?
I can because I need healing and God is moving me toward those places and they are uncomfortable to revisit. I am bruised and it takes some measure of courage to allow Him to look at it and apply the salve. In these seasons, He does not call us to agree with the suffering (however much we do). He wants us to agree with the good news of healing and look to the throne and acknowledge Him. (I'm listening to myself here for sure.)

You say to focus on the outcome, but I think it is wiser to focus on the present lesson, or else we me find ourselves wandering through the same wilderness again, because rather than learning, we were just seeking to be delivered from it.
The spies gave the report and the goal wasn't to focus on the fact that they were in the wilderness. They were to focus on the promise of God and the only way to overcome in the face of wilderness living is to focus on God's Word -- the good news. That's how the ones who entered in entered in. Obviously lessons are to be learned when we make mistakes and reap what we sow. We want to get back into the business of sowing in the Spirit.
All the sons of God must endure chastening, or else they are bastards and not sons. Whether it be out of bad choices, or just the sovereign pruning of God, the purpose is still the same. No character comes from just a happy, pleasant life, where everything goes your way.
No argument here and my posts do not reflect this mindset. Your posts reflect a more varied position. They approach suffering for different reasons (just like the scriptures I gave).
I don't have to defend a believer's call to the cross. As you say, if it is God's will.

Of course it is God's will, but He gives grace in the garden and if the end result isn't the ministry of life, then the encouragement is to receive hope and rise up through it. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. This is not where God wants us to remain. By being do'ers of the Word, we become blessed in our deeds. This is a healthy admonition for us to correct ourselves.

Believe me, I'm right here with you regarding the pruning and the healing. Jesus was strengthened in the garden. He didn't have to wait a long time to rise up and receive strength in the going.

As your posts indicate a cry for help, the gospel is the best news I have to offer.
It is not an easy dismissal of our problems in life. It is something to lay hold on by turning aside from those problems and looking Heavenward.
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I think we're almost on the same page.
You focus on the relief; and it's true that I do defend the suffering. Call it wallowing if you will. You know why, brother?
Because as long as we are in this world, the flesh is going to contend with our spirit, and there is only one way for the flesh to be put to death, and that is suffering.
That is why even Jesus learned obedience through what he suffered, not through his deliverance from it.
I am thankful to God for my suffering. Do I enjoy it? No. That's impossible. It's miserable, and it's not even in God's original design. However, my joy in suffering is that I realize that I'm being shaped by it, and through the pain, I grow broken, and that makes me pray more. I grow more needy and dependent, and that makes me pray more.
When I pray more, I am being more intimate with God than I ever did when things were comfortable. I weep. In fact I have lost the ability to weep (except at movies, ironically), but I weep to God. When I am strong, I am independent. I walk by sight, not faith.
I never learned to trust God until I went through such prolonged and revisited suffering that he left me no choice but to trust.
I don't know where you get your perception that everyone gets delivered from suffering either. Usually saints suffer till they die, once it's begun. I never want to live a life without suffering, for so many reasons. Suffering is my teacher, my wisdom, my friend, not to be avoided.
Suffering keeps my feet on track. It makes my skin leathery against the attacks of Satan. It takes me to a place where fear is gone; and where the comforts of this world are no longer needed or missed.
Suffering makes me remember who I am, and that there are my people, my brethren in the world who are going through worse tribulation than I. It gives me the capacity for compassion and unselfishness.
I'm sorry that you don't understand that, because these and other reasons are the very cause for which our wise God allows suffering in the world of His sheep.
You will never know God the way a person who suffers knows him. That is an indisputable fact.
I don't want a shallow Christianity. I've known enough of that. I want to lose my life so I can gain it. I want to know Christ, and the fellowship of His suffering, filling up in my flesh what is lacking of his suffering, and becoming conformed to him in his death, so that by some means I may attain to His resurrection.
These momentary light afflictions are earning for us a greater weight of glory that far outweighs them all. If we suffer with him, then we shall rule with him.
Suffering is not my will because it is pleasant, but because it is his will, and his wisdom. He takes the unreasonable things of man, and glorifies himself with them. When my flesh dies, my spirit lives.
I want to be strong. I don't want anyone to ever say, 'Oh, you don't have any idea what I've gone through.'
I feel the world's heartbeat, it's blood, it's agony and anguish. Before I suffered all I cared about was myself and what I wanted. I used phrases like 'my life' and 'I don't like'. But I learned to use language like 'Praise you anyway, Lord', and 'Not my will, but Thine be done.'
I feel like a fool defending wisdom that the righteous have taught and known since time time without beginning. If I were in any place but the 'American bubble' of freedom and seduction, I wouldn't even be having this conversation, because they would all know exactly what I mean.
But just wait... You'll find out just like I did.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
You focus on the relief; and it's true that I do defend the suffering. Call it wallowing if you will. You know why, brother? Because as long as we are in this world, the flesh is going to contend with our spirit, and there is only one way for the flesh to be put to death, and that is suffering.
They war with one another, but it's better to just give in. We consider ourself dead and then arise in the Spirit. Our entering into praise and worship life up our spirits. We become leavened and enter into greater peace. The joy of the Lord is our strength. The dying is the part that doesn't want to do this. Or, when circumstances oppose us, we have to die and do this anyway. We often do not feel like it. But continuing in prayer (particularly praying in the Spirit), living a life of thanksgiving and praise, keeps our leaf from withering. We are to serve the Lord with gladness of heart, or the enemy comes in with bars of iron. The normal Christian life is one of victory and happiness. We're not going to win anyone to the Lord preaching just hanging out at the cross. We're to rise up and be blessed. There is time in the garden of preparation, but Jesus' big moment occurred once, and He was the pattern Son.

We do go through season of suffering sometimes when the trials weigh heavily on us. Even then, the goal is to get us to let go and rise up again. The dying part is the part that doesn't want to let go. We determine how long we tribulate, because can lay it down if we so choose.
I struggle sometimes myself. Sometimes we get pruned, and we are not as free to go as we would. Again, we go back to the place of prayer and receive grace for the day.

Jesus ate the wheat and honey and He knew how to refuse the bad from the good. At times, God restricts us into a more narrow walk, but it is intended to bring us to a even greater peace and joy. It is not normal for a Christian to always suffer. Look up the scriptures about being happy and gladness and joy. That is supposed to be the norm. When we turn from this and those things that are lovely, we enter into oppression.

I walked in bad places before I knew the Lord and when I backslid. There is some untangling that occurs, and some deliverance, and some healing that is necessary and often it takes God time to walk us through it (it's usually us that slows God down). Yes, the sick need a doctor, but their is healing and this place is not the place bemoan in death.

That is why even Jesus learned obedience through what he suffered, not through his deliverance from it.
So when the obedience is happening, the joy is flowing. We are to be a flowery and fruitful garden. We're only dirt and what goes in determines our harvest.

I don't know where you get your perception that everyone gets delivered from suffering either.
It depends on the reason. If it is for sin, sometimes God lets us stew in our bad choices sometime. Again, nothing to lay hold of. If we're afflicted, we're supposed to pray and repent and then look for the grace to rise up again. Even after legitimate mourning, it is time to anoint ourselves and stir up the gift of God.

Usually saints suffer till they die, once it's begun. I never want to live a life without suffering, for so many reasons. Suffering is my teacher, my wisdom, my friend, not to be avoided.
I do believe their will be enough for everyone. It may teach you, but the idea is to learn the lesson and abide in the place of blessing. It is the joy and peace that will attract people to the kingdom and not the suffering.

I don't want a shallow Christianity. I've known enough of that. I want to lose my life so I can gain it. I want to know Christ, and the fellowship of His suffering, filling up in my flesh what is lacking of his suffering, and becoming conformed to him in his death, so that by some means I may attain to His resurrection.
Losing the perspective that we develop down here in the lower realm, and adopting the heavenly places perspective is a sure way to lose your life. Consider yourself dead and rise up. There's no suffering in Heaven. The suffering brings us to the point of turning, so let's avoid the long stint in the wilderness and get back to living in the Spirit.

If I were in any place but the 'American bubble' of freedom and seduction, I wouldn't even be having this conversation, because they would all know exactly what I mean.
But just wait... You'll find out just like I did.
Obviously, if we live our lives in comfort or do not stand up for the gospel, we'll suffer for our choices and reap a harvest of lack, sorrow, and pain. If we rise up in the Spirit, we may suffer persecution for the cross, but we will partake of the consolation. If we suffer for our own wrongdoing, we simply repent and have patience.

I'm waiting for some growth in the spirit in the areas of healing and that promise is gestating in my spirit. I will receive my healing. I am only waiting for the manifestation. If my meditation is on things that make for death, then I delay my own healing. Suffering at times is necessary, but for the intent of refining our purpose and direction, with the accompanying fruit of holiness.
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So the norm for christians is to be happy? Suffering is only for seasons?
You truly are an American. You think that suffering does not attract people to Christ?
Why are there literally millions being saved in persecuted countries, and so few attracted to the 'happy' churches in America? They just see us as hypocrites.
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the saints, remarked a Roman Emperor.
What you just cannot see is that the norm is suffering, because in our suffering, and only in our brokenness, as Paul said, is the the power of Christ perfected. I just don't know what bible you are reading. The New Testament believers, starting with Christ, literally defined their lives by suffering. Peter said that we are for a season (our earthly lives) grieved through trials, which have come to test, to prove our faith to make sure that it is genuine. If we can maintain our faith through suffering - especially persecution - then this is commendable.
If a man suffer for righteousness, this is commendable. I just don't know where you get your theology! You live in Disney land.
We are indeed to rejoice always, but that rejoicing is not divorced from suffering. Paul wrote these words from a prison cell!
Suffering to you is some anomaly that interrupts our walk, but the scripture says that it is through suffering that we are to serve, because it is in our dying, our weakness, our brokenness, that His power is enabled.
The world is not impressed by those who can laugh when the sun is shining, but those who, like Paul, may preach in 'fear and trembling' having just been scourged and beaten. You have a 'because of' faith that will not endure when the Devil stops being so friendly. But Jesus called us to an 'in spite of' faith. God does not want to deliver us from the furnace. The furnace is meant to be the very place where we minister.
But I know my words are wasted. I only say them because I hope that one day you will see real christianity, not the American dream dressed up and labelled as Christian. Then you might remember the scripture I use, not the doctrines of men. One day I pray that you will cease to interpret singing and happiness when all is comfortable and peaceful in this world as being filled with the spirit. Take up your cross, I pray.
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7... a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be made haughty. 8 For this thing I besought the Lord three times, that it might depart from me. 9 And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore I will rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may overshadow me. 10 Therefore I am pleased in weaknesses, in insults, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am powerful.
2 Corinthians 12:7-10.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
...So the norm for christians is to be happy? Suffering is only for seasons?
... You think that suffering does not attract people to Christ?

Not really? It does show others who suffer to have hope and endurance to get through it.

Why are there literally millions being saved in persecuted countries, and so few attracted to the 'happy' churches in America?

I'm not sure which one's they are! We ARE blessed in this country. It is unique to this time and it was not this way for everyone in history, most of the time. Still, we are who we are in this place and time (not to be repented of).

The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the saints, remarked a Roman Emperor.

You speak here of suffering for the Kingdom of God.

What you just cannot see is that the norm is suffering, because in our suffering, and only in our brokenness, as Paul said, is the the power of Christ perfected.
The suffering is the part that occurs because we have to let go. It is within ourselves to do that and holding on to the suffering part of this just means that we are delaying the fruit of our redemption.

Peter said that we are for a season (our earthly lives) grieved through trials, which have come to test, to prove our faith to make sure that it is genuine. If we can maintain our faith through suffering - especially persecution - then this is commendable.

Suffering for trials is another thing. It works patience to see the Lord perform His Word in His timing The purification of ourselves is so that we can rejoice and trust in the Lord in spite of the persecution that arises for the Word's sake.
The persecution here is the opposing factors the enemy orchestrates (at God's allowance) to test whether or not you trust Him and what He says. Sometimes in the opposition we are pressed beyond measure and despair of life itself. That is not where God wants us to live. It was by Paul's example that his suffering was for our sakes. It was to show by example that kingdom living, dying and rising up, bearing fruit overcomes all. (I don't pretend to be there!)

If a man suffer for righteousness, this is commendable. I just don't know where you get your theology! You live in Disney land.

Again, this is for living as light in a dark world. We can still retain our peace and joy. Although we have Psalms like David's where he was pressed because of evildoer's, he sat in the presence of the Lord and saw what end they had. God was the sustaining power, and that is where He wants us to turn in our suffering (so we stop suffering!) and reach this place where we (our natural "we") are reformed into the image of Christ. (Not so we can just suffer for suffering.) The purpose of the suffering and tribulation is to turn us and to believe in spite of opposition and to walk in ways higher than ours. The suffering part is the part to get through and out of. Not by denying it or by doing things to distract us in it. The distraction comes from the eyes on the throne and the acknowledgement and waiting on the Lord. The fruit for doing this is overcoming in the midst of adverity. It enables us to rejoice when you are in a traffic jam. Because your gaze is in the Heavenly places, not your circumstances. When you come through without the smell of smoke, you have arrived. It does seem to be seasonal because God wants you to enjoy your life. (I have heard this on a number of occasions and it is hard to receive because of our religious mindsets.)
You have a 'because of' faith that will not endure when the Devil stops being so friendly.

The devil has never been friendly. The only time I have enjoyed life was when he was being put under (from overcoming). God does hedge us in certain seasons (like times of healing) because you cannot defend yourself when you are in a hospital. Still, if we allow the hedge to be broken, we'll suffer anyway. We're not to hold on to this and tend it like a dying ember. We're to let it go!

God does not want to deliver us from the furnace. The furnace is meant to be the very place where we minister.

I don't believe God wants us to live in a furnace. I know we go there, but are lives are not defined by suffering (rather by our choices in it). They are merely tools used to form or reform us. The end result is not to suffer, but to live where you don't suffer in the furnace. Then you are tested in the areas you are being formed in, and you come forth as gold. Of course He's not done with us and He's working on stuff within us until we go to be with Him.
I only say them because I hope that one day you will see real christianity, not the American dream dressed up and labelled as Christian.

As one person said, "When you lose the joy, it's over!"

I just don't know what bible you are reading.
This one!

“This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalms 118:24

“Let Thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let Thy saints shout for joy.”
Psalms 132:9

“Happy is the man that findeth wisdom,
and the man that getteth understanding.”
Prov 3:13

“She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her. The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath He established the heavens.”
Prov 3:18-19

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the Law, happy is he.”
Prov 29:18

“Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the Lord.”
Psalms 144:14-15

“He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he.”
Prov 16:20

“Let all those that seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee: and let such as love Thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified.”
Psalms 70:4

“I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. My meditation of Him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord.”
Psalms 104:33-34

“Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in Thy presence is fulness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”
Psalms 16:11

“For God giveth to a man that is good in His sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy:”
Eccl 2:25-26

“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.’
Isaiah 12:2-3

“Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of Thy kingdom is a right sceptre. Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed Thee with the oil of gladness above Thy fellows.”
Psalms 45:6-7

“Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart. Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of His holiness.”
Psalms 97:11-12

“Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy,
all ye that are upright in heart.”
Psalms 32:11

“The righteous shall be glad in the Lord,
and shall trust in Him; and all the upright in heart shall glory.
Psalms 64:9-10

“Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: For He maketh sore, and bindeth up: He woundeth, and His hands make whole.”
Job 5:17-18

“And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”
Isaiah 35:10

“Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem: for the Lord hath comforted His people, He hath redeemed Jerusalem. The Lord hath made bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.”
Isaiah 52:8-10

“Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord.”
Zech 2:10

“And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.”
Acts 2:46-47

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Gal 5:22-23
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
7... a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be made haughty. 8 For this thing I besought the Lord three times, that it might depart from me. 9 And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore I will rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may overshadow me. 10 Therefore I am pleased in weaknesses, in insults, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am powerful.
2 Corinthians 12:7-10.
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