40 Days For Life, Fall 2010


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Oct 22, 2006
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DAY 21: Let the children come to Me

One of the most joyful things about a 40 Days for Life
prayer vigil is the sight of a family praying together.
We see it all the time. And because Jesus asked the
disciples to let the little children come to Him, we
are sure that He is most attentive to their prayers.

One family prayed at a 40 Days for Life vigil recently
... and then wrote about it on our blog!

"During 40 Days for Life, I went to a prayer tent,"
said 6-year-old Glory. "We prayed out loud from 9:00 to
10:00 so abortion will stop. We had to wake up at 7:00
in the morning. I was so sleepy, but I had to eat. Then
I brushed my teeth and changed my clothes. I am fasting
from rice milk so babies won't die."

"40 Days for Life is praying and fasting to end
abortion," said Mary Jane, who is 8. "I am fasting from
bagels because I eat them a lot. So I am fasting from
them. I think God will help us, and abortion will stop."

"For 40 Days for Life, I’m fasting from bananas because
I really like them, and we eat them a lot," wrote
10-year-old Parker. "When I want to eat them, I pray
for mothers that are pregnant so that they don’t have
an abortion and for all the people that had an abortion
so that they don’t have another one."

Thanks to Glory, Mary Jane and Parker for their
sacrifices -- and for the parents who are raising
children with a love for God and the babies (and,
obviously, for helping them post these words of young
wisdom on the web site!).


The Indianapolis 40 Days for Life team posted a photo
of a family praying outside the Planned Parenthood
abortion center where their vigil is taking place.

To see the photo, please go to:

DAY 21: Let the children come to Me | 40 Days for Life

Eileen in Indianapolis calls 40 Days for Life "a
peaceful, prayerful, family-friendly pro-life activity.
What better way to teach your children respect for life
... not only with your words, but through your actions."

Imagine the impact on women going into Planned
Parenthood who are confused!

"We know they feel pressured and believe that they
have no other choice," she said. "We pray that seeing
families might inspire them."


40 Days for Life participants in Pensacola held a
prayer procession -- led by children -- at one of the
two abortion centers where volunteers are praying
during this campaign.

To see a picture, please go to:

DAY 21: Let the children come to Me | 40 Days for Life

The Pensacola team also heard from a Presbyterian pastor
who signed up to pray with 40 Days for Life for the first
time -- and stayed at the vigil for nine straight hours!

"Not only are we covering the facilities with prayer,
but it is a positive witness to the community," he said.
"Got several honks from supporters and some angry honks
as well as a few unpleasant hand-signals from those who
relish what they see as a right to take a human life."

All in all, he said, it was a good learning experience.
"Between the fasting and the general fatigue that comes
with nine hours of prayer, I was spent," said the pastor.
"Spiritual warfare like this is not for wimps!"

Here's today's devotional from Carmen Pate, a member
of the 40 Days for Life board of directors.


Pray that we each will daily put on the full armor of
God, so that we are strong in the Lord and the power
of His might.


For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against powers, against the
rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual
hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you
may be able to withstand in the evil day and having
done all, to stand.

- Ephesians 6:12-13

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

I am confounded to see how the battle over the issue
of life is perceived more often in churches today as
political rather than spiritual. Ironically, the
enemy has used this twisted perception to silence
many in the body of Christ.

We must see the battle for what it is and if we are
to be prepared to face the spiritual enemy on the
issue of abortion, we must daily "put on" the armor
God has given us:

Gird your waist with Truth (vs. 14) -- Commit your
emotions to believe truth and to speak truth,
regardless of the repercussions.

Put on the breastplate of Righteousness (vs. 14) -It
will protect our hearts -- the innermost springs of
our beings -- from all unrighteousness so evident in
this fallen world.

Shod your feet with the preparation of the Gospel of
Peace. (vs. 15) -- Preparation is vital if we are to
be effective in God's work.

Taking the shield of faith (vs.16) -- The Accuser
will instill doubt, fear, and guilt. Faith acts as
an invisible shield that deflects such false

Taking the Helmet of salvation (vs.17) -- A helmet
protects the head, the brain and in turn our mind and
thoughts. Satan hopes we will set aside divine
revelation for human reasoning.

Taking the sword of the Spirit (vs.17) -- The Word of
God, the only offensive weapon in this armor, was
used by the Lord Jesus against Satan. The living Word
is powerful and effective.

Our armor is complete. We are ready to wage war, and
the next verse tells us how, "Praying always with all
prayer and supplication in the spirit." (vs.18)


Dear Lord, as you lead us into the spiritual battle
of abortion may we be reminded that the battle is
truly Yours. We thank you for equipping us with Your
armor. Lead us daily to put it on!

Thank you for allowing us to serve under your
command, and for hearing our requests for direction
and protection. Thank you for the victory that is
ours because of Your Son, Jesus, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Please keep the stories coming! If something
great is happening with your 40 Days for Life
campaign, please leave a comment on today's
blog posting at:

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Oct 22, 2006
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DAY 22: What are we waiting for?

Ready for another international tour?

We never imagined how far God would take 40 Days for
Life from where it started -- in Bryan/College Station,
Texas -- six years ago.

Last week, I showed you photos from Canada, England
and Denmark that demonstrated how people are responding
to God's call to pray and fast for an end to abortion.

Well, here's more from around the globe ... plus a
U.S. location, too. Come along to Austrailia, Ireland
... and back to Texas.


Adelaide is conducting its first 40 Days for Life
campaign right now -- autumn for most of us, but it's
springtime Down Under!

"Our campaign is going exceedingly well," said Lionel,
the local coordinator. "We have met many new people
even from different faiths and churches." An average
of about 30 people have been to the vigil site to pray
each day.

Response has been quite favorable. The local team
expected protesters -- a group applied for a permit --
but they've only been seen twice during the campaign.

To see photos of the Adelaide campaign, please go to:

DAY 22: What are we waiting for? | 40 Days for Life

"I am sure that God is working numerous miracles,"
Lionel said, "and at the proper time He will disclose
to us whom He has saved."


Northern Ireland has been participating in 40 Days for
Life for several campaigns now, coordinated by Bernadette
Smyth of the Irish pro-life organization Precious Life.

Abortion is not permitted in Northern Ireland, but there
are constant efforts under way to change that. Plus there
are organizations that help women travel to nearby
England, where abortion is legal.

"In Northern Ireland, we are urging people to join our
daily vigils outside the Family Planning Association's
abortion referral agencies in Belfast and Derry," she
said. "As part of the community outreach component of
the campaign we are encouraging people to take the pro-
life message out onto the streets."

To see photos of 40 Days for Life in Northern Ireland,
please go to:

DAY 22: What are we waiting for? | 40 Days for Life

"Northern Ireland has hundreds of churches filled with
pro-lifers and two abortion referral centres," Bernadette
wrote on her web page. "What are we waiting for?"


El Paso is on the Rio Grande -- the border between
Texas and Mexico -- so it certainly has an international
flavor. There are two abortion centers there where
40 Days for Life vigils are being held.

We got a quick note from Gabriela in El Paso: "20 lives
saved since September 22!" The prayers of the volunteers
at these two vigil sites are certainly making a difference.

David Bereit, the national director, of 40 Days for Life,
recently visited there. You can see photos of both El Paso
vigil locations if you go to:

DAY 22: What are we waiting for? | 40 Days for Life

Earlier in this campaign, one of the staff members at one
of these facilities quit her job. She recently drove past
the vigil to wave hello -- on her way to her new job.
Gabriella described this as "the best feeling ever."

She added, "Thanks to all who are praying to end

Here's today's devotional from Georgette Forney,
President of Anglicans for Life...


May those who hold life as trivial realize that we
live because God wills it so.


Who among all these does not know that the hand of
the Lord has done this, in His hand is the life of
every creature and the breath of all mankind.

-- Job 12:9-10

REFLECTION by Georgette Forney, Anglicans for Life

Job was a man acquainted with grief, trials and
tribulation. He had everything taken from him,
including his family. He endured sickness, ridicule
and judgment from his friends. Everyone gave him
advice about his situation, questioning his
spirituality and his God.

Job's circumstances were bad but he never loses
faith. Why? Because "the hand of the Lord has made
all life." Created by God, he knows his life has
meaning and purpose, regardless of the circumstances.

In our present culture, we've lost that basic truth;
every life is made and allowed to live by God's
sovereign authority. As people who pride ourselves on
our independence, we have a hard time acknowledging
our dependence on God.

From our creation, when we were knit together in our
mother's womb to our last breath, God's word is clear
that "in His hand is the life of every creature and
the breath of all mankind."

It's time for us as individuals, and as a society, to
recognize that we exist by God's grace and turn back
to Him, honoring His word and His teachings. Why?
Because our world is full of Jobs, people who are
dealing with trials and tribulations and hurting

Job's response should be ours as well. Regardless of
what we face (even an unplanned pregnancy) God in His
wisdom and mercy will redeem it.

How do I know? Job's friends who doubted God's
sovereignty cry out to God asking for help, God
instructs Job to pray for his friends and after he
does, God restores all that Job had lost.

In other words, because Job never lost faith and knew
and trusted His Creator, the Lord blessed Job.


Thank you Father God for being the Creator of my life
and every life. Please give me, and the society in
which I live, an appreciation for your gift of life.
Please help us set aside our pride and acknowledge
that we need you.

Show me how I can honor you today in response to all
the blessings you bestow so freely. In the name of
Jesus, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Please share the good news about 40 Days for Life
in your community! You may leave a comment at
today's blog entry at:

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Oct 22, 2006
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DAY 23: YOU are the sign

Have you been to pray at a 40 Days for Life vigil yet?

Some people are physically unable to, others are too far
away from one of the locations. But for many -- including
me, at first -- there's fear.

People will ask, "What do I do?" or "What sign should
I bring?"

The answer is simple -- the only sign you really need to
bring is yourself -- for you represent God's love at the
most crucial moment for the woman and her baby.

Fear of the going to pray at the abortion facility is
common -- and normal. In fact, I recently gave a speech
on fear at the national Students for Life conference as
they prepared to equip students for this fall's 40 Days
for Life campaign.

To hear my short talk about fear of praying in front
of the abortion facilities, please go to:

DAY 23: YOU are the sign | 40 Days for Life

YOU are the sign -- the sign to women arriving for
abortions that someone cares, that God cares, and
that there IS another way.


40 Days for Life prayer volunteers in Dallas noticed
two women sitting in a car outside the abortion facility
-- a center that does late-term abortions. One of the
women appeared to be several months into her pregnancy.

The women just sat and watched the people praying.
Occasionally, they held their heads in their hands.
Then they watched again. A prayer volunteer reports that
they eventually decided to leave -- and one more life
was saved.

"We had no idea we would experience another life saved
by the grace of God," said Lauren in Dallas. Reflecting
on the 3,000 lives saved through God's mercy at 40 Days
for Life prayer vigils, she added, "Do we have any idea
how this will change the world?"

To see a picture of the 40 Days for Life vigil in Dallas,
please go to:

DAY 23: YOU are the sign | 40 Days for Life


A Knights of Columbus group joined the 40 Days for Life
vigil in Akron recently, with members taking turns
praying at this late-term abortion center over a 10-hour

Bob, one of the Knights, had noticed a young woman going
into the center while he was praying. A short time later,
she came out and simply told him, "I changed my mind.
I'm not having an abortion."

Around lunchtime, Mike saw a woman who was visibly
pregnant enter the building. Mike kept praying. It wasn't
long before this woman and her two companions walked out.
"I'm keeping this child," she said.

"This just emphasizes the need for the prayer vigil,"
said Greg in Akron. "If we weren't having an effect,
they wouldn't have security guards and escorts to
prevent us from speaking to the women going in ... but
they do see us outside there praying."


I've talked before about the Planned Parenthood abortion
mega-center in Houston. Today I'd like to show it to you.
It's a former bank building along busy Interstate 45,
and it is one of the largest abortion facilities in
North America.

To take a look, please go to:

DAY 23: YOU are the sign | 40 Days for Life

There's a big black fence and a gate. They've painted
"no trespassing" in green on the driveway, and escorts
speak sternly to anyone who crosses the line, even
though it is now a bit faded and hard to see.

But the fence and the escorts and the faded green
letters can't keep out your prayers.

The picture shows one person kneeling in prayer. One
person. And as we know. one person CAN make a difference.

And that one person can be YOU!

If you haven't prayed at a 40 Days for Life vigil yet,
why not do so today?

Here's the link to the participating locations:


Here's today's devotional from Dennis DiMauro of
Lutherans for Life.


We pray for the strength to love those who do not
love us.


But the Lord said "You have had pity on the plant for
which you have not labored, nor made it grow, which
came up in the night and perished in the night. And
should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which
are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons
who cannot discern between their right hand and their
left, and much livestock? Should I not be concerned
about that great city?"

-- Jonah 4:10-11

REFLECTION by Dennis DiMauro

God doesn't value people and things like we do. Jonah
loved a shade tree more than an entire city of sinful
people. We love our dogs more than a terrorist. We
love our cars more than a beggar on the side of the
road. And sometimes, we love our money more than a
child growing in a desperate teenager's womb.

But God isn't like us. Genesis 1 tells us that humans
were the capstone of God's creation. We were created
on the sixth day after God had completed the land,
the stars, the plants and the animals. Therefore, His
love for us is greater than His love for a plant, an
animal, or any other created thing.

And the book of Jonah tells us that He loves even the
most sinful people and seeks to bring them into His
merciful arms. And it's a love that seeks to touch
all of his created children: that desperate teenager,
the baby growing in her womb, even tyrants and

So it's up to us to imitate God's merciful love by
helping and praying for those who persecute us, and
those who don't love us back.


Gracious God, loving our enemies seems like one of
most difficult things you could ask of us. Please
remind us that this is how you love and that if you
ask it of us then you will give us the grace to do
it. This we ask through Christ our Lord, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Have you had to overcome hesitation to step out
and pray at a 40 Days for Life vigil? If you
have, please leave a comment on today's blog
entry at:

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Oct 22, 2006
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DAY 24: Twins saved

In response to all of the information we've shared
about the international outreach of 40 Days for Life,
I've received two notes of encouragement ...

... from the Philippines!

"As we continue to pray for our mission, please also
remember in your prayer that our country, the
Philippines, not legalize abortion," wrote Sister
Guadalupe. So-called reproductive health legislation
has drawn strong opposition from religious leaders
and is currently on hold in the Philippine congress.

"Horrible to comprehend, but I hope God won't allow
it," she said. "Keep up the good work and God bless."

"I am so grateful to God that there is still a group
of people who valued life and who remains faithful to
God’s teaching," wrote Elna. "I am with you in my
prayer and sacrifices."

Elna noted with sadness the number of babies throughout
the world who are lost to abortion every minute, but is
hopeful this tragedy can be brought to an end. "Thanks
to your care for life," she said. "You are there to be
a reminder. You are there to give hope. You are there
to announce love."

Please keep the Philippines in your prayers -- and who
knows? 40 Days for Life may come to their nation, too!


The 40 Days for Life vigil in Virginia Beach is being
held in front of a brand-new Planned Parenthood abortion
center -- a modern-looking building on the edge of a
minority community.

About 100 people gathered in front of the facility on
Monday evening for a midpoint rally -- with 40 Days for
Life national director David Bereit and his family among
them. The group represented a cross section of the
community -- black, white, Asian, Catholic, Evangelical,
Protestant -- all united to pray for an end to abortion.

To see some photos, please go to:

40 Days for Life?

"To date we know of three babies that have been saved,"
said Louantha, one of the local coordinators, "and
hopefully there are many other mothers who have changed
their minds but just didn't let us know."


"It is a rare time to witness a save during the 40 Days
for Life campaign," wrote Judy in Birmingham, "but I was
present for two saves simultaneously! Yes -- TWINS!"

Prayer volunteers watched as a young woman, her
boyfriend and her grandmother walked into Planned
Parenthood. The grandmother seemed downright unfriendly.
Judy said "she went inside for a half hour -- and came
out a totally transformed woman.

What happened during that half hour? "The prayer
volunteers on the sidewalk prayed fervently for the
woman’s granddaughter," Judy said, "a very young woman
determined to abort her babies. When she came out ...
she said that she had decided to keep her babies."

The grandmother, who was standing beside her, said,
"Yes, she's having TWINS!"

"It was indeed a rare and joyful moment," said Judy.
"We all smiled and thanked God for His gift of life
-- in this case, GIFTS of life."

And thank YOU for your continued prayers!

Here's today's devotional from Carmen Pate, a member
of the 40 Days for Life board of directors.


Pray that God will continue to bless the efforts that
have gone into the 40 Days for Life campaign, as we
trust Him for the results.


Now these are Your servants and Your people, whom You
have redeemed by Your great power, and by Your strong
hand. O Lord, I pray, please let Your ear be
attentive to the prayer of Your servant, and to the
prayer of Your servants who desire to fear Your name.

-- Nehemiah 1:10-11

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

Nehemiah provides an awesome blueprint for volunteers
in God's service, particularly those responding to
the devastation abortion has caused our nation.

Nehemiah grieved for God's reputation as he witnessed
the condition of the city walls of Jerusalem. The
walls were broken down which was seen by neighboring
people as a sign of weakness on the part of
Jerusalem's God. No wall meant no security for the
city and its people.

We learn from his story that he covered every detail
in prayer; inspired others to join the cause;
organized others to help do the work; confronted
opposition directly and turned to God when
discouraged; and finally celebrated what was
accomplished and gave God all the glory!

Like Nehemiah, we must acknowledge God's sovereignty
as we serve Him before a mocking world. We too need
to be reminded that we are "fighting" for our
families. We too must have an attitude of confession
and repentance before a Holy God. We must pray for
strength, refute slander, and not be diverted from
our work.

Like Nehemiah, we will draw attention from the enemy
when we are seeking to protect the well-being of
God's people. We too must stand firm and seek God's
help to persevere until the task is done. We too will
be victorious.


Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and
the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all
that is in heaven and in the earth is Yours. We pray
for your continued guidance and protection throughout
the remainder of this 40 day campaign.

May we be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in
Your work, knowing that our labor will not be in
vain. We pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
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For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Good news to report about your 40 Days for Life
experiences? Please share it by leaving a comment
on today's blog entry at:

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Oct 22, 2006
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DAY 25: Help from the media

Want to get the word out about your 40 Days for Life
campaign in the local newspaper? Letters to the editor
and local opinion columns are doing just that in many cities.

Editorial pages are among the most-read sections of the
paper and are usually fair game for abortion topics.

They can work in a big way to bring the campaign to
people -- and they can stir hearts and minds about
abortion in your community.


The Nevada Appeal published a very supportive column
written by Doug Stewart, who is the youth director of
a local church.

"The mission of 40 days for life is simple," he wrote,
"to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of
unity during a focused 40-day campaign of prayer,
fasting and peaceful activism, with the purpose of
repentance, to seek God's favor to turn hearts and
minds from a culture of death to a culture of life,
thus bringing an end to abortion."

Doug says the campaign helps renew his faith. "40 Days
for Life proves prayer works. It's so heartwarming to
hear about a 'save' at the clinic, when someone has
reached out and was able to change a woman's heart,"
he wrote.

"I feel strengthened when I hear the stories of prayer
warriors enduring unkind words and gestures and
responding with silent prayer," he said, adding, "I
hope some of you will choose to be prayer warriors too."


Johanna Miller wrote to the Wausau Daily Herald to
respond to an earlier letter writer who was critical
of the campaign and claimed that abortion was
controversial and complex.

In her response, Johanna pointed out that this writer
"resorts to name-calling to defend her position,"
referring to vigil participants as "anti-choice."

"Choose what?" Johanna asked. "Choose to kill a
defenseless human being? Yes, I am against making that
choice, and will advocate for the restriction of that
choice." She added that the peaceful pro-life presence
is "a reminder that women do not have to make a bad
choice to escape crises or difficult circumstances."

The original letter writer claimed to be standing up
for women. However, Johanna said that opposing the
40 Days for Life vigil "because it makes you feel
uncomfortable is not standing up for women."


"It is so good to see real hope and a living miracle
in a place that for years has been one of the most
sorrowful places in our state," wrote Lou Seymour in
a letter published in the Billings Gazette.

"Around the clock, you can drive down Wicks Lane in the
Heights and see men, women and children praying in front
of the abortion clinic that claims hundreds of innocent
lives each year."

Lou pointed out that these people are praying for the
women and families affected by these abortions, for the
workers at the abortion center and for an end to this
horrible practice.

"These people are your friends and neighbors who have
stepped up and joined others in the 40 Days for Life

Of the vigil itself, Lou said, "It's quiet. It's
respectful. It's reverent. And it’s working. After two
40 Days for Life campaigns in Kalispell, the abortion
clinic there was shut down. With God, we can do this
in Billings."

Here's today's devotional from Rev. J. Kirk van der
Swaagh of the Conservative Congregational Christian


We pray for the conversion of all those who refuse to
acknowledge that human life belongs only to God.


Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: "Before
I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were
born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to
the nations."

-- Jeremiah 1:4-5

REFLECTION by Rev. J. Kirk van der Swaagh

To be or not to be? There is no question!

The question of "being" is something philosophers
have long pondered.

What is the meaning of being and what is the source?
In the passage before us, we have our answer. We have
being because we are known by God.

For God to declare that he knows and sets apart the
prophet Jeremiah even before he is conceived
indicates that our being rests in God's own being.
Because He is and because He wills we, therefore, are
and do.

The Apostle Paul says as much when he declares before
the philosophers of his day, "In Him we live and move
and have our being" (Acts 17:28).

One of the tragedies of the abortion culture is that
life in the womb has been so heartbreakingly
devalued. To embrace the arguments of the
"pro-choice" crowd one must conclude that the child
in the womb doesn't exist, isn't there, has no being.

But nothing could be further from the truth. That
child is known by God and, as such, has being.


Lord God, we confess that in You we live and move and
have our being. Because You are, we are. May we find
grace from You to affirm the being of every human and
may we labor to make this truth known to the world
around us. Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
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Yours for Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Have you seen signs of encouragement from your
local 40 Days for Life campaign? If so, please
leave a comment at today's blog entry:

DAY 25: Help from the media | 40 Days for Life
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Oct 22, 2006
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DAY 26: Prayer is powerful

With two weeks remaining in the fall campaign, on this
Sunday, let's pause a moment to renew ourselves
spiritually for the remainder of this journey.

Here are stories from three local 40 Days for Life teams
that provide a glimpse into what's gone on during these
past weeks. I hope you enjoy them.


"Prayer is not a spectator sport," reads the title of a
40 Days for Life Dallas blog entry. Here's that story:

There is prayer, and then there is PRAYER. On the
sidewalk outside Southwestern late-term abortion center,
we are witnessing PRAYER.

More than twenty students from Christ for the Nations
School of Spanish spent an afternoon facing the abortion
center in deep unwavering prayer.

It was a personal experience for each, yet united in a
communal effort, as they each recited individual prayers
aloud -- some with hands raised, others kneeling, others
rocking, many with their eyes closed tight -- oblivious
to everything except the focus of their prayers.

To see a photo of the vigil in Dallas, please go to:

DAY 26: Prayer is powerful | 40 Days for Life

The only breaks they took from this intensity were for
the occasional prayer raised in song. Their visible
passion and fire was no doubt fueled by their keen
sense of the horrors that take place inside that
building every day.


"My friends in London have really taken this project to
heart," said Robert, the 40 Days for Life coordinator.
To say the least, that is an understatement. Robert
estimates that between 500 and 600 people have taken
part in the London prayer vigil -- maybe more.

He says the campaign has generated some 30 positive
news stories, hundreds of homes and businesses have
been visited during their door-to-door outreach, and
at least ten churches have pledged to increase their
support of the campaign.

Plus inquiries keep coming in from other countries:
Spain, France, Germany and Zambia now, in addition to
Russia, Ghana and Columbia as was reported previously.

To see a photo of 40 Days for Life in London, please
go to:

DAY 26: Prayer is powerful | 40 Days for Life


Just prior to the midpoint of this campaign, the 40 Days
for Life team in Fort Wayne held a memorial service --
a memorial for all the babies lost to abortion over the
past year.

"There were hundreds that turned out to honor them,"
said Evelyn in Fort Wayne. "As part of the ceremony,
we released balloons for each week of the year, and
then announced how many abortions took place that week."

To see some photos of the memorial service in Fort
Wayne, please go to:

DAY 26: Prayer is powerful | 40 Days for Life

The event was covered by local TV crews, and even
made the front page of the local newspaper, the
Journal Gazette.

Clergy from Baptist, Lutheran and Catholic churches
spoke at the event.

"We mourn the death of these children who were denied
the right to life," said Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, who
was quoted in the newspaper account. "Look upon their
mothers and fathers with mercy; lead them to

Here's today's devotional from Vera Faith Lord,
director of the Alpha/Omega Life Ministry and
representative of the Orthodox Church to the National
Pro-life Religious Council...


That those who have forgotten their purpose may
discover it in God and therefore have the courage to
choose life.


These all wait for you, that you may give them their
food in due season, what you give them they gather
in; you open your hand they are filled with good. You
hide your face, they are troubled; you take away
their breath, they die and return to their dust. You
send forth your Spirit, they are created; and you
renew the face of the earth.

-- Psalm 104:27-30

REFLECTION by Vera Faith Lord

"I am a feather on the breath of God."

As the quote above portrays, we are upheld by the
power and purpose of God. Our very existence on
earth, from our body's first breath to its last, when
we leave it to return home, is our Father's choice
and happens only by His willing to do so.

He who created the universe also created that which
is "me." I do not "have" a soul - I AM a soul, as
well as a body. My entire purpose in this life is to
find my way back to my Creator.


Beloved Father, remind us today that there is no
truth but you. Do not let us fall prey to the evil
one's lie that we may choose death. Remind us right
now that you, who created all life, are in control of
all life, and let us know right now that you who
created all life, are in control of all life, and let
us choose life always.

Father, please let us hear your voice more today than
yesterday. Keep lighting the pathway home, for us and
for all who participate in this 40 Days for Life
campaign. Father, we're on our way. Through Jesus
Christ our Lord, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Prayer DOES change things! What changes have you
seen through your 40 Days for Life campaign?
Please leave a comment on today's blog entry:

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Oct 22, 2006
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DAY 27: 317 babies saved!

Yes, that's right. As of this writing, there have been ...

... 317 babies -- that we know of ...

... that God has saved from abortion ... in answer to
your prayers during this 40 Days for Life campaign!

There's a story behind each of those lives ... so here
are just a few.


If you've followed these reports, you may remember
reading about Erin, the "wrong number" woman from

To quickly recap, Erin had scheduled an abortion last
spring. She called to confirm her appointment -- or so
she thought. But she didn't reach Planned Parenthood.
The phone that rang belonged to a 40 Days for Life
volunteer who was praying outside the abortion center!

To make a long story short, Erin canceled her abortion
and her daughter was born just a few days before this
campaign started.

Want to see a picture of Elena, Erin's baby? Please
go to:

DAY 27: 317 babies saved! | 40 Days for Life

But there's more!

Prayer volunteers recently met Lori, who had driven
four hours from Kentucky for a counseling session --
the first step in the abortion process. The vigil
participants quickly got in touch with Elizabeth, the
pro-life counselor who had helped Erin.

Elizabeth learned that Lori had a small child ... and
was still suffering from a previous abortion. Lori
appreciated the offers of help, but still had doubts
about keeping her baby. So Elizabeth called Erin!

"Erin helped Lori to have the courage to trust God and
choose life for her unborn baby," said Eileen in
Indianapolis. "Erin was pleased to be able to help
someone else."

Please pray for Erin, Lori and all those who are
tempted to "choose" abortion.


40 Days for Life volunteers were encouraged to see a
large group gathered on a Saturday for a Walk for Life
from Calvary Chapel School. "But after they left," said
Patti in Downey, "the steady stream of cars poured in
as usual and our hearts were heavy the rest of the day
with no apparent saves."

Prayers did not go unanswered, however. On Monday, when
women come in for pregnancy tests and make appointments
for abortions, there were three abortion-minded women
who changed their minds for sure -- and possibly two
others who left the facility after talking to prayer
volunteers and receiving literature.

"Our hearts were encouraged again, for we now know of
ten mothers in Downey who have chosen life since the
campaign began," Patti said.

"People all over the city are beginning to pray and
churches are slowly but surely getting involved in this
our first campaign," she added. "We are so thankful for
everyone's prayers and to our faithful Savior who's in
charge of this whole movement of His prayer warriors!"


"Great news from Saginaw!" said Robert, the local
40 Days for Life coordinator.

"A woman came out of the abortion facility and told the
prayer volunteers that she decided to not have the
abortion," he said. "She took our help and information
brochure -- and left smiling. The power of prayer and
witnessing is incredible!"

The 40 Days for Life team in Saginaw is also seeing
encouraging signs from people passing by. Two men were
praying outside the abortion facility when a woman
stopped and gave them a thumbs-up and said, "Keep
fighting the good fight!"

That's my advice to you as well. Keep fighting the
good fight ... and please keep praying!

Here's today's devotional from Ernest Ohlhoff,
Outreach Director for National Right to Life...


We pray for humility in our work for God's Kingdom.


Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ
Jesus, who being in the form of God did not consider
it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of
no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and
coming in the likeness of men. And being found in
appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became
obedient to the point of death, even the death of the

-- Philippians 2:5-8

REFLECTION by Ernest Ohlhoff

There is no limit to what we can accomplish when we
don't care who gets the credit.

Jesus Christ's life on earth exemplifies a total
submission to the will of the Father. His humility,
compassion, gentleness and thoughtfulness are
reflected over and over again in the New Testament.
He was God incarnate, yet He chose to be born to a
humble, working class home.

How absurd it must have seemed to the rich and
powerful that the Son of God, the Messiah, the one
foretold by the prophets, the 'King of the Jews' was
born and raised as a simple peasant.

During His thirty-three years on earth, He sought no
riches, claimed no secular power and gathered no
possessions. Yet, His short time on earth changed
more lives, softened more hearts, and gave hope to
more people, than all the rich and powerful human
'kings' combined.

And, at the end of His life on earth, by dying on the
cross, He opened the door to eternal life for those
who heed his words and follow in his footsteps.


O Lord, help us follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Let
us humbly and diligently work to restore legal
protection for the unborn, the disabled, the
medically dependent and all innocent children of God
whose lives are threatened. Let us remember the old
adage that "He can never lead who has not first
learned to obey." And, Lord, grant us a peaceful
heart as we labor in your name. Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



Yours for Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Any miracles at the 40 Days for Life vigil in your
city? We'd love to hear about it! Please leave a
comment at today's blog entry:

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Oct 22, 2006
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DAY 28: It must be working

Throughout the 238 locations currently conducting
40 Days for Life campaigns, there are signs of
encouragement everywhere!

A baby saved, new people coming out to pray for the
first time, and even the presence of pro-abortion
opposition are all good signs that the campaign is

So what do New York City, Columbia, Missouri and
Ottawa, Canada have in common?

Signs of hope on the front lines of our culture!


The 40 Days for Life campaigns in Queens and The Bronx
are coordinated by Chris Slattery, who heads up a chain
of twelve pregnancy resource centers called Expectant
Mother Care.

Expectant Mother Care's interns are assisting once
again with 40 Days for Life and writing about their
experiences on their blog.

To see some of their photos, go to:

DAY 28: It must be working! | 40 Days for Life

"Our 40 Days for Life site is in a very busy part of
town," writes one of the interns. "It is not uncommon
for women who are pregnant and considering an abortion
-- or women who have been hurt by abortion -- to walk
past our prayer vigil. This allows us to minister to
the most vulnerable."

Meanwhile, pro-abortion forces are asking the city to
force Expectant Mother Care and other pro-life centers
to post notices in their offices that they neither
perform nor refer for abortions.

The allegation is that pregnancy resource centers
"deceive women" -- never mind the fact that Expectant
Mother Care's ads all read, "Free abortion alternatives."

Perhaps the pro-abortion groups want to stifle free
speech because this approach is working. More and more
women are choosing the alternatives. Coordinators in
New York City know of at least 18 mothers who have
decided against abortion during the current 40 Days
for Life campaign.


The date August 9 sticks in the minds of 40 Days for
Life volunteers in Columbia. That is the date of the
last abortion performed at the Planned Parenthood
facility that is the site of the Columbia prayer vigil.

It seems that Planned Parenthood simply cannot find a
practitioner to travel to Columbia to perform abortions.

Normally, this facility would have aborted at least
100 babies -- probably more -- over the course of a
ten-week period. But since August 9, the total has
been ZERO.

The vigil continues at Planned Parenthood in Columbia,
with the hope that the cessation of abortions becomes
permanent. Please join them in this prayer!


A media report from Ottawa says a pro-abortion group is
talking about ways to legally challenge pro-lifers who
pray in front of the Morgentaler Clinic, a facility
operated by Canada's most infamous abortionist, where
the 40 Days for Life vigil is held.

This pro-abortion group says the pro-life presence fails
to "respect the dignity, privacy, and legal rights of
women to unimpeded access to health services."

In reality, of course, the vigil is simply a peaceful,
prayerful gathering -- as seen in photos the Ottawa team
has posted on their blog.

To see photos from a rainy day in Ottawa, please go to:

DAY 28: It must be working! | 40 Days for Life

When Suzanne arrived to pray, "our group contained
about six people and it soon swelled to about twelve."
It soon started raining harder. "I was quite soaked by
the time I finished my shift," she said.

The 40 Days for Life campaign in Ottawa is certainly
having an impact. "Little by little," said one of the
coordinators, "hearts are being changed -- one small
step at a time."


I wanted to let you know about a wonderful pro-life
event going on today, Tuesday, October 19, that
complements this current 40 Days for Life campaign.

Students from more than 3,500 school campuses are
participating in Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity to
raise awareness about the injustice of abortion by
taking a vow of silence for one day in solidarity for
the more than 3,000 children who die from abortion
each day.

Red arm bands and duct tape will identify them as
taking part in the Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity.

Anyone can participate (you don't even have to be a
student) and you can use the time of silence to pray
and fast for an end to abortion.

Learn more and find out how you can participate at:



Here's today's devotional from Rev. Ben Sheldon,
President Emeritus of Presbyterians Pro-life and
National Pro-life Religious Council...


We pray for the conversion of abortionists and all
abortion advocates.


"Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Put away the
evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do
evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the
oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the

-- Isaiah 1:16-17

REFLECTION by Rev. Ben Sheldon

God is just.

Inscribed around the inside of the Jefferson Memorial
in Washington, DC, are the immortal words of Thomas
Jefferson: "I tremble for my country when I reflect
that God is just."

If the deist, Jefferson, knew in the depths of his
being that God is just, how much more ought we
Christians to reflect on this profound truth?

The justice of God, like his holiness and his purity,
encourages us to seek justice for all people. It is
the evil deeds and wrong, selfish attitudes of our
modern society that have led to the cavalier
acceptance of abortion and euthanasia.

But, as Jefferson also said, "his justice will not
sleep forever."

God is calling us today to seek justice, to encourage
the oppressed, and to defend the orphans and widows
of our society.

It is a noble calling! It is one which every true
believer, every God-fearing man and woman, should
heed with no hesitation and no reluctance.

To follow the God of justice and truth is to stand
unequivocally for the right to life of everyone,
especially the unborn, the physically disabled, and
the terminally ill.

God's word through the prophet Isaiah is as relevant
in today's 21st century world as it was in Isaiah's
8th century BC world. May God's grace help us to
defend the unborn's right to life as well as that of
the already born.


O God, our heavenly Father, give us courage and
wisdom as we seek to eradicate the evil in our
society. Help us to realize that your divine Spirit
alone can change hearts and minds so that all your
human creatures may enjoy the fullness of life you
intended for them. I pray this prayer in the name of
Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
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Yours for Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: What's new with 40 Days for Life where you live?
Please share your stories on today's blog post:

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DAY 29: A light in darkness

One of the constant themes I hear is that there is
incredible darkness at abortion facilities. Even on a
bright, sunny day, there is darkness. You can feel it.

Christ said that we are the light of the world. Thank
you for bringing peace to places that have no peace ...
and light to places that dwell in darkness.


The idea of being a light in darkness was present at
the midpoint event in Austin, where the local team
organized a candlelight vigil at the abortion center.

There's a picture of an adult and two small children
that shows the spirit of that event most clearly. To
see the photo, please go to:

DAY 29: A light in darkness | 40 Days for Life

The light is indeed shining in Austin -- another young
woman has changed her mind about abortion.

"She and her boyfriend talked to a sidewalk counselor
who was standing next to the driveway," said Elizabeth,
the local coordinator in Austin.

"They never got out of their car! After chatting for
a couple minutes, they told the counselor thanks and
drove home," she said. "They are keeping their baby!"


Every time I tell a story about children praying at a
40 Days for Life vigil, I get more stories! Here's
another one.

Karmen in Sioux City sent pictures of two groups of
students praying at their vigil on a day that abortions
were being performed at Planned Parenthood.

"One school traveled one hour to our site and the
other traveled around 45 minutes," she said. "We had
at least 50 students and it was very exciting!"

To see the photos, please go to:

DAY 29: A light in darkness | 40 Days for Life


Mary Anne in Ithaca also sent a picture of children
praying at the 40 Days for Life vigil.

"It is their innocence that touched me," she said.
"There is certainly something that happens when
children are outside praying."

Mary Anne watched as a van passed by. The driver
stopped, backed up, and gave the children a thumbs-up.
"I am sure it was encouraging for them as it was for us
adults," she said. "I was blessed by the presence of
the children knowing that the Lord is raising up a new
generation for Him."

To see the picture, please go to:

DAY 29: A light in darkness | 40 Days for Life


Suzanne took her three children -- ages 7, 9 and 14 --
to the 40 Days for Life vigil in Pittsburgh. Shortly
after they got there, the 7-year-old put one foot
across the white stripe that marks Planned Parenthood's
property line.

An employee came charging out and issued a sharp order

The children got rattled ... and Suzanne started
wondering if bringing the family was such a good idea.
But about that time, a man tapped her on the shoulder.
After what had just happened, she wasn't sure what
to expect.

But a very big guy with a very gentle voice said, "I
just have to tell you that I am so pleased to see that
you are teaching your young children how important it
is to stand up for what is right. You are doing the
right thing, you know. God bless you, ma'am, and God
bless your children."

"That man was sent by God -- no doubt about it," said
Suzanne. "Thank you, Jesus, for giving me just what
I needed, just at the most perfect time!"

Here's today's devotional from Carmen Pate, a member
of the 40 Days for Life board of directors.


Who is a God like You, pardoning iniquity and passing
over the transgressions of the remnant of His
heritage? He does not retain His anger forever,
because He delights in mercy. He will again have
compassion on us; and will subdue our iniquities.


"Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Put away the
evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do
evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the
oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the

-- Micah 7:18-19

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

Micah had been sent to declare God's judgment and
call the people of Judah to repentance. The people
had become spiritually and ethically corrupt.

Prosperity had hardened the rich, the poor were
oppressed and the heirs to David's throne were
practicing abominations and idolatry.

Is it not easy to see the parallels of God's people
in Micah's day and God's people today in America?

Through Micah, God corrected His people by demanding
justice, not burnt offerings and sacrifice. He told
them to love mercy, and to walk humbly with their

In speaking of Old Testament stories of God's people
turning from God to sin and idolatry, Paul wrote in 1
Corinthians 10: 11, "Now all these things happened to
them as examples, and they were written for our
admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have

Many biblical scholars believe God has removed His
hedge of protection around our nation in response to
our sins of immorality and abortion. Let us cry out
in repentance for His mercy once again. And may we
honor His faithfulness by doing justly, loving mercy,
and walking humbly with our God.


Heavenly Father, eternal, changeless, and faithful
Lord, we recognize that we are in need of forgiveness
as a nation, for turning our hearts away from you.
Hear our prayer of repentance Lord and cleanse us
from all unrighteousness. We praise you for your
tender mercies and your compassion that never fails.

Lord, it is only by Your grace that we can live lives
that are just, and merciful. May Your Holy Spirit
enable us to walk humbly in Your presence and may You
be pleased to restore America so that a generation
not yet born may praise you. In the name of Christ
Jesus, who has done great things for us, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Are you a first-time participant in 40 Days for
Life? If so, I'd love to hear about what you've
experienced. Please leave a comment on today's
blog posting at:

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DAY 30: The little things

God works in big ways and in small ways. The big ways
are often easy to recognize. The small ways? Not so much.

40 Days for Life is the story of God's many victories,
both large and small. Here are some of the small ones.
But they sure add up!


Zion is one of several communities participating in
40 Days for Life that do not have an abortion facility.
But people there have been called to pray, and their
prayers are getting reactions.

Prayer volunteers watched as a man -- who was driving
way too fast -- came around the corner and shouted from
his open window, "There is no God!"

Vigil participants took this as a realization that God
is indeed at work in Zion. "We immediately prayed for
that man," said Joellyn, the local coordinator. "We
don't know who he is or where he was going, but GOD
knows that this man needs HIM!"

While there is no abortion facility in Zion, there is a
pro-life pregnancy resource center. And counselors there
report that they know of at least one child saved from
abortion during this 40 Days for Life campaign.


"Our vigil is in front of the Planned Parenthood
facility," said Nancy in Orlando. "Normally, abortions
occur here on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The clinic
changed last week's schedule from Saturday to Friday --
it was unannounced, but we got the word. Imagine their
surprise when we had great prayer coverage on Friday."

The following day, Saturday, the facility was closed.
There was no explanation on their door, although it
was posted on their web site.

"Because many people did not know they would be closed,"
said Nancy, "our prayer warriors were able to witness
to those coming to the clinic. To top it all off, some
of our 40 Days for Life participants went to a different
abortion clinic and were able to save a baby."

An abortion-minded woman was able to see an ultrasound
picture of her baby on her own television in the
comfort of her home. "She chose life," said Nancy.
"Glory to God! He is so good, isn't He?"


Picture all of this ... going on at the 40 Days for Life
vigil sites in Rhode Island:

* A father drops off his daughter at a "women's
clinic" and has no idea that she intends to have
an abortion until he sees the pro-life prayer vigil.
* A woman is convinced that being a "good sister"
includes supporting an abortion she doesn't
believe in.
* A young, desperate, pregnant mom believes she
has no option in her situation but abortion.
* Two sidewalk counselors are faced with two cars,
a language barrier, and three people to counsel
at once.

"An impossible situation?" asks Joanne in Rhode Island.
"Nothing is impossible with the Lord. God answered our
prayerful efforts by saving the life of a child, and
soon after He saved two others!"

The Rhode Island team reports eight lives have been
spared from abortion during this campaign at their
vigil locations in Providence and Cranston. "That's
the most for any campaign yet," said Joanne. "Help us
to be a sign of God's love to those most in need.
You'll be glad you did."

Here's today's devotional from Fr. Frank Pavone,
National Director of Priests for Life...


That those tempted to abort may understand that their
child is already present, and already a real person.


And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of
Mary that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth
was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said,
"Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the
fruit of your womb! But why is this granted to me,
that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For
indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded
in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.

-- Luke 1:41-44

REFLECTION by Fr. Frank Pavone

Jesus not only loves unborn children -- He was one

Think about this for a moment.

We often hear people speak of a pregnant mother by
saying, "She's expecting a child." Now if one is
expecting a package, the package is not yet there. As
reflected in our verse for today, however, this is
not the case with the mother.

Her gift is already there. The pregnant woman, a
mother already, does not have a child "on the way,"
but has a child, already present and in full
possession of his or her human rights, starting with
the right to life.


Jesus, open my eyes to your presence in the life of
every child. Open my heart to joy in the birth of
every child, a birth that reflects the joy of your
own birth in Bethlehem.

As you shared life in the womb of Mary, so now send
your protection upon every child still in the womb,
and grant to their mothers the strength and joy that
comes from welcoming the gift of life. We pray
through Christ our Lord, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Have you had an experience with 40 Days for Life
that has had a deep impact on you personally? If
you have, please share your story by leaving a
comment on today's blog posting at:

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Oct 22, 2006
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DAY 31: Women do regret their abortions

This is not going to be easy to read.

It's about physical, emotional and spiritual pain.
This is the account of women who have had abortions.

When I was a sophomore at Texas A&M, I heard women,
for the first time in my life, give their testimonies
about their abortion experiences. One was in the
military, one was raped, one had been on drugs and
one just didn't feel she could afford a child.

I remember being unaware and naive about how abortion
impacted women -- but how could it not? Their
testimonies were powerful and led me to dive into
pro-life work even more.

Whenever I speak I always thank them for their courage
to inspire me -- and hopefully inspire YOU -- to do
more to end this injustice.

People with abortion experiences CAN find God's
healing. But there's no question, as Linda said in a
blog posting, that "women DO regret their abortions."

"I myself had four abortions," Linda wrote. "1976,
1979, 1982, 1985. This year -- 2010 -- in June, I
only have begun to feel the release of guilt, blame
and shame for what I have done. It took me 24 years
before I attended a post-abortion healing retreat.
It took me another nine years to be a part of the
Silent No More program."

(See http://silentnomoreawareness.org)

She has now prayed in front of the facility where
she had three abortions. "I always deeply wish that
there had been someone there for me in 1976 or any
of my other desperate days," she said. "I may have
listened. And my children would have lived."

"My abortion was over 30 years ago," writes P., "and
I still cry -- when I know of a woman contemplating
abortion, when I have prayed outside an abortion
clinic and watched desperate women going in to kill
their precious baby."

She thanks God for her tears. "I know this is God's
way of keeping the memory of my child on my heart."

"How could I have been so stupid?" Anne asked. "For
many years I have felt personally responsible for one
life being ended and a soul being sent to God. The
burden is heavy! I regret my part in this more
every day."

Eventually, Anne turned to God for forgiveness and
consolation. Still, "I cannot undo the killing of
this precious life. Often, I think of the person he
would have been."

Vivian's oldest daughter had an abortion at the age
of 15. "I paid for the abortion and her father took
her to the clinic," she wrote. "Then later on, she
had another one and I drove her there." At the time,
she thought she was doing the right thing to protect
her daughter.

At that point in her life, Vivian was not a Christian.
"I have since become one, and I had to ask the Father
to forgive me for this horrible sin. I know He has --
and now I pray for these mothers and fathers and
especially for these precious gifts from God."

Allison was praying in front of the Planned Parenthood
abortion center recently. "The spiritual darkness was
very apparent," she said, "but despite this, a man had
the courage to approach us so he could share his story
after seeing a Men Regret Abortion sign."

He had a very simple message. "I'm guilty of making
abortion happen to my girlfriend years ago before I
became a Christian," he said. "Now I live with regret
everyday -- but I know I'm forgiven. It is good you
people are out here. Spread the word!"

If you meet someone who is suffering in the wake of
an abortion experience, you might suggest Rachel's
Vineyard, a group that offers post-abortion healing
retreats. You can find out more about this effective,
compassionate ministry at:


Here's today's devotional from Rev. J. Kirk van der
Swaagh, Pastor, Conservative Congregational Christian


For the medical community, that the truth they know
about the human body may become awe and wonder at the
God who made it.


Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And
in Your book they all were written, the days
fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of

--Psalm 139:16

REFLECTION by Rev. J. Kirk van der Swaagh

Human beings -- God's tapestries.

Psalm 139 is a psalm that reveals the enormity and
otherness of God. His divine attributes are on
display: omniscience (2-4), omnipresence (7-12),
loving-kindness (17-18), justice (19-20),
righteousness (23-24), and omnipotence.

Yet, when it came to express this last attribute,
what example did the psalmist use -- God's creation
of mountains, seas, or far-flung galaxies? No, he
used none of these. To express the wonder of God's
unparalleled creative power the writer mentions the
fashioning of the human in the womb (14-16).

The Hebrew word used to express God's forming of us
in the womb, raqam, is the same term for needlework
or embroidery. In other words, we are a tapestry that
displays God's artistic mastery.

And, like the artist who knows his creation down to
the last detail, God intimately knows us. This
reality provokes the writer to awe and wonder. He
proclaims, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

What is true for this psalmist is true for each human
being. Each is fashioned by God and known by him and
we can proclaim on behalf of each, "I am fearfully
and wonderfully made."


Gracious God, help us to appreciate the wonder and
beauty of Your creation. Help us proclaim on behalf
of every one of our fellow human beings, "I am
fearfully and wonderfully made." May the knowledge
that we are intimately known by You shape our lives
and actions. Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: What's new with your 40 Days for Life campaign?
Please share the news with everyone! You can do
so by leaving a comment on today's blog entry:

DAY 31: Women do regret their abortions | 40 Days for Life
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DAY 32: Have courage and don't fear

Never prayed at an abortion center before?

If you're still not sure about this, please read
these stories before you take that leap of faith that
thousands are taking right now.

"I thought I SHOULD go and pray," Pamela wrote,
"but I always found an excuse not to do it." Then
she listened to the 40 Days for Life countdown
webcast before the current campaign.

"What struck me was that they said they were actually
blessed by praying," she said. "Any resistance I had
was overcome."

So she went -- and got hooked. "Every single
experience I had -- whether praying alone, with my
daughter, with others ... was really inspiring. I
think if you can at least go one time ... you will
also get hooked."

Theresa is a first-time 40 Days for Life prayer vigil
participant this fall.

"I felt nervous energy all morning," she said, but
"once I was there and began to pray, I immediately
felt the grace of the Holy Spirit. At times I would
be alone physically, but I always felt safe and

At first, Mary didn't want to go pray because she
didn't want to offend anyone. Eventually, she got
over it and went to the vigil.

"I may be saving the life of a child -- a child like
any other child," she said, "deserving a chance
at life. I pray for courage and boldness, and it is

"I was very hesitant to pray at our local abortion
provider, and declined for several years out of fear,"
said Pia. "I have three children, and felt extremely
nervous about praying outside this facility, which
is not in the best part of town."

When she explained her fear to the local 40 Days for
Life coordinator, he said he understood -- but he
also reminded her to "be not afraid."

It was the encouragement of her 14-year-old daughter
and her daughter's friend that convinced Pia to go
pray at the vigil. "Locally we have had several saves,
and there is no doubt in my mind of the power of
prayer," she said, "especially that of our youth."

"I, too, was one who was scared to go to the clinic
to pray," wrote Kris. "But God spoke to me and told
me 'Go, I will give you the words and protection.'
Thank God I listened!"

This particular prayer vigil was being held at an
abortion center that was under construction. It
wasn't yet open, but the vigil helped draw public
attention to what would soon be happening at this

"One morning when I was feeling very anxious, I went
and a young girl -- about 17 -- stopped and wondered
if the clinic was open yet," Kris said. Her boyfriend
was pressuring her to have an abortion.

"My blessing -- that still keeps me going today --
was her deciding not to have the abortion," said Kris.
"Have courage and don’t fear, because God is with each
one of us."

Here's the link to the list of cities where 40 Days
for Life vigils are taking place:

40 Days for Life

If you're waiting for an invitation ... this is it!
Today's the day. Won't you join us?

Here's today's devotional from Carmen Pate, a member
of the 40 Days for Life board of directors.


Pray that we display an attitude of humility as we
stand in peaceful vigil, as we fast, as we knock on
doors in our communities. Though we proudly proclaim
Christ's truth, may our boasting be only in His


These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an
abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises
wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil,
a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows
discord among brethren.

-- Proverbs 6:16-19

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

The Lord who made us knows us well. I can't help but
think that perhaps as He inspired these words, He
knew that our tendency might be to make the judgment
call on which sins should be labeled as detestable.

He wants us to be absolutely clear, however, that the
sinfulness of man encompasses much more than the
external sins that we easily identify.

Lest we assign a particular sin as that of an
abortionist, or a worker in an abortion facility, or
an abortion activist, the Holy Spirit insured that
our sin of pride would be listed first.

In this passage that speaks of eyes, tongue, hands,
heart, and feet we realize than every part of our
being is subject to the curse of sin.

We all need Jesus Christ who saved us from the
penalty of sin, saves us from the practice of sin as
we abide in Him, and will one day remove us from the
presence of sin. Praise His Holy name!

Proper self-esteem in a follower of Christ is a
matter of recognizing and confronting yourself in
your humanity, including the tendency to sin. It is
also a matter of embracing Jesus' work on the cross
-- His grace that covers a multitude of sins.

The Apostle Paul sums it up best in 2 Corinthians
10:17-18: "But he who glories let him glory in the
Lord. For not he who commends himself is approved,
but whom the Lord commends."


Dear Father, guard my heart. Prick my conscience and
may I be receptive to your rebuke at any moment I
drift towards pride. May I remember in fear and
trembling that You cause the proud to fall, but the
humble You raise up.

Lord, may I never forget my true identity is in
Christ and that apart from Him I am nothing. By His
grace, I pray, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: How has 40 Days for Life affected you? If you
have a story to share, please leave a comment
at today's blog posting:

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DAY 33: God works in wonderful ways

It's truly amazing to watch things happen at 40 Days
for Life campaigns. After all ... you're watching God
in action!

Here are just a few of the ways He is changing hearts
and minds in response to your faithful prayers.


40 Days for Life vigil participants were praying near
Planned Parenthood's driveway when an agitated young
man approached one of the volunteers and said they had
no right to be on the sidewalk.

The young man was visibly angry. He said he had brought
his girlfriend to Planned Parenthood to "deal with her
pregnancy." But when she saw people standing in prayer
on the sidewalk, she began to question the abortion.

"Just the presence of someone praying, even without
any interaction, gives women perhaps just an extra
second to question what they are about to do," said
Mary in Chico.


One of the 40 Days for Life vigil participants in
Cincinnati watched as a 14-year-old girl approached
Planned Parenthood. "Since the gate was closed," said
this volunteer, "I asked what she was there for -- and
she said a pregnancy test."

The volunteer got on the phone and called the director
of a local pregnancy center, who then spoke to the girl
and arranged a meeting. It was learned that the young
girl was in foster care and was not able to contact her
mother. "She was scared," the volunteer said.

By being present at Planned Parenthood, the vigil
participants were able to guide her away from the
abortion center and towards people who would offer real
help. "This is the first good story I have been a part
of," the volunteer said, "so I wanted to share it."


A woman from a neighboring business stopped to talk to
prayer volunteers at Planned Parenthood in Naples,
telling them that her son's girlfriend was pregnant.
Her son is 17 and the girl is 16.

The woman explained that she, the two teens and the
girl's mother had been to two abortion facilities. But
for various reasons, the abortion did not take place
and the couple decided to keep the child.

After further discussion, it soon became clear that
the problem wasn't the baby. This woman is a single
mother who can barely afford to make ends meet. She
has no idea how she would help the teens support the
baby. That's when the vigil participants got busy.

One volunteer gave the woman information about free
pregnancy assistance. Another told her about a better
job opportunity that seemed almost perfect.

"The mother started to cry and gave the coordinator a
big hug," said Jeanne in Naples. "God works in such a
wonderful way and leads us forward."


Bob was praying at the 40 Days for Life vigil in Ann
Arbor, holding a sign made by his grandsons. "I've been
holding this sign for well over a year," he said. Its
simple message: "Choose life."

He watched as a couple walked into the abortion center
-- and left after about half an hour. As they walked
towards the parking lot, the man looked at Bob and said,
"We made the right choice. We chose life!"

"As they drove out of the parking lot, they gave me a
thumbs up and yelled 'God bless you,'" said Bob.
"It's almost impossible to describe how I felt. A
child's life -- and the lives of his mom and dad --
had been saved."

Here's today's devotional from Fr. Terry Gensemer,
National Director of the Charismatic Episcopal Church
for Life...


May we absorb the truth that God is paying attention
to us, and to each human life, personally and


When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your
fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have
ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him,
and the son of man that You visit him? For You have
made him a little lower than the angels, and You have
crowned him with glory and honor.

-- Psalm 8:3-9

REFLECTION by Fr. Terry Gensemer

How often we ignore the phrase, "stop and smell the
roses" and instead submit to the all too "urgent"
task at hand. Is this tendency what keeps us, at
least in part, from acknowledging that God's care for
His sacred creation is paramount in His own mind?

The Psalmist speaks of God's handiwork: the heavens,
the work of his "fingers," and then points to God's
masterpiece - human life. He declares to us that God
is mindful of us. God keeps His masterpiece in His

God, the creator of the awe-inspiring heavens, is not
distracted by the tasks before Him. He is not pulled
away, as we might be, by thoughts of something "more

God is paying attention to and attending to His
crowning glory, His masterpiece of creation, which
cannot be duplicated or replaced, which surpasses the
beauty of all other created things -- the human

There is no way to adequately describe how God feels
about us as human beings. There are no words to fully
portray His love, compassion or desire to be in
communion with us.

Perhaps, the closest we can come, is to contemplate
the thoughts of a mother as she gazes for the first
time at her newborn child. God cares for Life.

We, as His followers, should take time to consider
the life He has created and called upon us to love
and protect.


Lord, you are the creator of all things. Guide my
thoughts to consider your creation in all of its
majesty, beauty and holiness. Guide my heart
especially to your creation of precious human life.

Help me to comprehend how essential life is in your
own heart. Teach me to appreciate, love and protect
all human life through your son, Jesus Christ our
Lord, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: As always, if you have news to report from your
community's 40 Days for Life effort, please let
everyone know! You may leave a comment at today's
blog posting at:

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DAY 34: 445 saved ... one week left!

How many more lives will be saved this fall?

This is the last week of the campaign and a wild week
for me -- I go to Southern California before closing
this fall's campaign at the site of one of the largest
abortion facilities in the world -- the Planned
Parenthood in Houston, Texas.

The number of babies God has saved in response to your
prayers during this 40 Days for Life campaign is now ...

... 445 -- that we know of!

Please keep praying and fasting!

Here are some of the great stories I've received from
local 40 Days for Life volunteers.


Tom says the weather was nasty in Cleveland, which made
the scene at the abortion center even more depressing
than usual. But he and a number of other vigil
volunteers prayed silently that God would hear their
pleas -- it was a Tuesday, an abortion day, and there
were many women arriving for appointments.

Near the end of the prayer shift, one of the volunteers
offered literature to a woman who was leaving the
abortion center. "The woman told us that she had an
appointment to abort her baby," Tom said, "but had
changed her mind."

When asked what made her change her mind, she answered,
"God did."

"We told her that we would be offering prayers of
thanksgiving for her courage and of support for her
as she carries her baby to term," Tom said.


When Theresa arrived at the 40 Days for Life vigil, the
parking lot at Planned Parenthood was full.

"We saw several women leave after their abortion," she
said, "and one in particular really struck a chord
within me. A young girl being escorted by her parents
was holding her abdomen and crying. I immediately felt
overwhelmed and began crying for her and her aborted
baby as I prayed for God's mercy."

Shortly afterward, another car pulled in. But no one
got out. Theresa and the others at the vigil just
kept praying.

After about 10 minutes, the car began to leave. The
woman in the car smiled, waved to the volunteers, and
said, "I'm keeping my baby!"

"We all thanked the Lord for saving this innocent life,"
Theresa said. "I gave Him a special thank you for
giving us the gift knowing we made a difference."


Sue watched as a young woman got out of a taxi at the
abortion center in Melbourne where the 40 Days for Life
vigil is in progress.

Dave, one of the volunteers, glanced her way and said,
"The group of people over there are praying for your
unborn child. What do you need? We are here to help
you and your child."

She looked nervous. Dave asked her, "Why isn't the
father of the baby with you?"

"I have not told my husband. I didn't want to be
pregnant," she said. After a short chat, the woman
said she wasn't really sure she wanted the abortion.
"What shall I do now?"

She asked the right person. "Go home and tell your
husband, your daughter and your parents about the
new member of their family," Dave said.

"I will ring the same taxi driver," the woman said.
"He gave me his number. I hope he can take me back."
The taxi was there within ten minutes.

Dave spoke to the taxi driver and asked him to take
good care of her. With a smile and a thank you,
they drove off.

"Please pray for this young woman and her family,"
Sue said. "One more to add to the 3,000 plus who
have been saved thanks to 40 Days for Life!"

Here's today's devotional from Rev. Paul Stallsworth,
President of Lifewatch (United Methodist Church)...


May we come to know that divine life, in
relationship, creates human life.


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning
with God. All things were made through Him, and
without Him nothing was made that was made.

--John 1:1-3

REFLECTION by Rev. Paul Stallsworth

"In the beginning" was God. Always, before all times,
there was God. This particular God -- the God of the
Bible, the God of St. John's Gospel -- is different
from all other gods. This God is alive and full of
life. This God is not the picture of deadness and
death, aloneness and isolation. This God is the
picture of life, relationship, and unity.

For within this God, within this one God, there are
three divine persons who live, who love, and who work
-- together. This is the glorious mystery of the
Trinity. The Trinity means divine life. The Trinity
means three, living Persons -- Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit -- who relate to each other. The Trinity means
mutual love and service among three Persons.

The Word was always with God the Father. This Word
was, is, and will be the Trinity's second person. The
Word is also the Son of God or, as revealed in time,
Jesus Christ. God the Father and God the Son live,
love, and work for each other. As one, they create
"all things" together: the Father creates all things,
including all human life, through the Son.

So the Father, through the Son, creates all human
lives. The little one swimming in his mother's womb,
the infant smiling in his father's arms, the child
crying in pain in a hospital bed, the energetic teen
running another mile, the old man gasping for his
last breath -- all were created, at their beginning,
by the Father through the Son. No exceptions. Divine
life creates human life.


O God, may we always be quick to call you Father. And
when we call you father, let your Spirit remind us
that we, and all people, from their beginning to
their last day, are your children. We praise you,
Father, that you sent your Son to reveal to the world
that all people are His brothers and sisters, that
all people are your children. Through Jesus Christ we
pray, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: What has impressed you most about your 40 Days
for Life experience this fall? Please let us know
by leaving a comment on today's blog posting at:

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"The number of babies God has saved in response to your prayers during this 40 Days for Life campaign is now 445 — that we know of," writes Shawn Carney of 40 Days for Life. "Please keep praying and fasting!" Full Story
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DAY 35: God hears every prayer

I know there are many of you who would like to join
the prayers in front of the abortion center, but for
very good reasons you are unable to do so.

All of you praying are a very important part of this
campaign ... and I know your prayers are being heard.

"Thank you so very much, Shawn, for providing daily
coverage of the glorious happenings each day," wrote
Katie. "I am 85 years old and handicapped, so I can
not go to Planned Parenthood clinics in my area; but
I do relay your message."

Katie said she makes copies of the daily e-mails and
brings them to people at her church. "I know that
some of those wonderful people have been moved to go
to the Planned Parenthood clinic to pray and help
save babies."

Mary Ann wrote to say that she doesn't drive, but she
did have a friend take her to pray in front of a
Planned Parenthood facility. "The ten or twelve
people that we had was a grace from God," she said.

"I go to church daily and you all are in my prayers,"
she added. "Please pray for my church so that we get
more pro-lifers so we can be more active -- young
ones that can do what us oldies can't!"

There are others who are great distances from the
nearest vigil -- like Marcia in Kenya and Gabriela
in Argentina.

"I’m a missionary in Kenya," wrote Marcia, "and from
here, the only thing that I can do is to pray. I would
love to be there to pray in front of those abortion
clinics, but I know that it doesn’t matter where we
are; the Lord hears our prayer."

Marcia said she needs to remind herself that the
battle belongs to the Lord. "I feel that if I pray
more or fast, the Lord will shut down all those
abortion clinics. But His ways are higher than mine;
I always need to have that in my mind. And remember
that we are called to be faithful servants."

"I really wish I could be physically present at one
of the 238 locations where all of you are praying for
an end to abortion," Gabriela said. "However, I also
know that prayer is powerful regardless the
geographical place it comes from. God receives the
prayers from every single heart and distributes His
grace as He pleases."

Margie prays at the 40 Days for Life vigil in her
community; but she also stays in touch with a friend
who is in a nursing home. On a recent visit, Margie
said one of the volunteers reminded her friend that
she is not far from a late term abortion clinic and
can offer prayers from right where she is.

The woman in the nursing home is someone who is used
to being on the front lines, "so this is a different
role in the abortion battle than what she is used to
taking," Margie said.

"For those of you who can still get out there and
take a shift," she said, "do it for pro-lifers who no
longer are able to get out to the clinics to pray.
Do it! Receive the courage and the grace to stand for
life today!"

Here's today's devotional from Carmen Pate, a member
of the 40 Days for Life board of directors.


Pray for post-abortive women who cannot forgive
themselves; may they understand that there is no
condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.


Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven,
and whose sin is covered. Blessed is the one to whom
the Lord shall not impute sin.

-- Romans 4:7-8

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

In the passage above, the Apostle Paul making a point
about justification by faith, refers back to David's
words in Psalm 32:1-2. In spite of the enormity of
David's sin -- adultery with Bathsheba and his murder
of her husband -- and the utter absence of any
personal merit, David in his brokenness, understood
the imputed righteousness of God. David's response
was not continued guilt over his sins, but praise for
his freedom from guilt, and God's power to live life

Once your relationship with God has been restored,
your guilt has served its purpose and should no
longer be given place in your life. This is true
regardless of the sin, including the sin of abortion.
As a post-abortive woman, I too struggled with this
issue until I realized that punishing and hating
myself after receiving God's forgiveness was an
insult to God.

It was as though I were minimizing Christ's work on
the cross as insufficient to cover my sin. I was
denying Him the opportunity to bring glory to His
name for the healing and restoration He wanted to do
in my life. I was giving victory to the enemy who
having lost the battle for my soul, was bent on
destroying my testimony as I accepted the continual
guilt he heaped on my mind.

It is my joy to continually sing of God's grace
rather than give the devil a foothold in my life.
Don't waste God's mercy! Accept His forgiveness and
forgive yourself as testimony of His amazing grace.


Our Most Gracious Heavenly Father, thank you for your
amazing grace that saved a wretch like me. I come
against the enemy of my soul who would have me feel
cast down and dejected.

Lord, keep your children from falling prey to the
accusations of the father of lies. Turn our mourning
into dancing and may we bring praise to you as we
give testimony of Your healing and restoration in our
lives. For by His grace we are saved, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Has your community changed during this 40 Days
for Life campaign? Please share your stories by
posting a comment on today's blog entry at:

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DAY 36: Raising awareness

Only five days to go!

I'm on the road today ... visiting the 40 Days for Life
teams in San Diego before going to Houston on Saturday.

There's a big gathering tonight at 6:30 in San Diego,
and I'm hoping to meet lots of California volunteers!

If you need event details, please go to:

40 Days for Life - San Diego, California

It's Wednesday -- which means a church night for many
people. Here are stories about folks who have brought
their churches to the streets on Wednesday nights with
events at their 40 Days for Life vigils.


Every Wednesday night during this 40 Days for Life
campaign, there has been a prayer service at the
abortion center where the vigil is taking place.

Thursday is abortion day in Fort Wayne. The abortionist
comes in from out of town each week, arriving on
Wednesday night.

"We have had several denominations of the clergy lead
the prayer services, as well as wonderful musicians who
lead the group in song and worship to consecrate the
grounds in God's name directly across from the abortion
clinic," said Evelyn in Fort Wayne.

"On Thursdays," she said, "we have the largest
gatherings at the vigil site to let the women and the
workers there know we care and we are there for them."

Student groups continue to participate in the vigil
as well -- three different schools took part on day
recently. "The first group of high school students
came as they do every week before they go to school --
so they are there before the sun even rises,"
Evelyn said.

To see photos from the Fort Wayne 40 Days for Life
vigils, please go to:

DAY 36: Raising awareness | 40 Days for Life


Wednesday is also the day a Sunday school group from
Broadmoor Baptist Church goes to pray at the 40 Days
for Life vigil in Shreveport.

To see a photo of the Shreveport vigil, please go to:

DAY 36: Raising awareness | 40 Days for Life

In all, more than 300 people have signed up to pray at
this, the first 40 Days for Life campaign in the
Shreveport-Bossier City area. "One volunteer told me
she went for her prayer hour and ended up staying for
four! She said that she just couldn't leave," said
Emily in Shreveport.

"Our campaign is raising awareness in the community
about the location of the abortion facility," she
explained. "Many people, even some who are pro-life,
did not know that the Hope facility on Kings Highway
was an abortion clinic."

With 300 to 400 abortions performed at the facility
each month, Emily said, "our public prayers are so


"Our vigil was blessed with the presence of more than
50 young students from St. Rita's Church who came to
pray for the unborn and a greater respect for life,"
said Jacinta in Alexandria.

"We also had a successful outreach effort, with 13
people teaming up on Saturday and Sunday to knock on
an estimated 350 doors and spread pro-life information
in the area near the abortion centers and Old Town
Alexandria," she said.

One volunteer explained how she got involved. "I just
signed up after learning that the clinics are only a
short distance from where I work," she said. "I was
totally shocked that they are so close, so I felt
compelled to witness and pray there."

She then spread the word to her co-workers and
brought six of them to pray at the vigil during
their lunch hour.

To see a photo from the Alexandria vigil, please go to:

DAY 36: Raising awareness | 40 Days for Life

"I have met people who have reinforced my faith and
have been a blessing to be with," said another
volunteer. "There is a great unity among those
committed to 40 Days for Life. May God bless you and
those working so hard for the unborn."

Here's today's devotional from Fr. Frank Pavone,
National Director of Priests for Life.


We are the defenders of true freedom. May our witness
unveil the deception of the "pro-choice" slogan.


Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of
the Lord is, there is liberty.

--2 Corinthians 3:17

REFLECTION by Fr. Frank Pavone

Norma McCorvey (the former Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade)
used to work at an abortion mill named "A Choice for
Women." She now realizes what a cruel irony that
title was.

She saw first hand, just as pregnancy resource center
counselors see, that women don't get abortions
because of freedom of choice, but rather because they
feel they have no freedom and no choice.

They feel trapped, abandoned, desperate and afraid,
and have been led to believe that abortion is their
only option.

As Frederica Mathewes-Green has written, no want
wants an abortion like she wants a Porsche or an ice
cream; rather, she wants it like an animal caught in
a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg.

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."
That doesn't mean that the Spirit allows us to do
whatever we want or to decide for ourselves what's
right and wrong.

Rather, it means that the Spirit gives us the freedom
to do what is right, the power to choose what is
good, when we see it before us and yet feel pulled in
the opposite direction. Liberty means that we no
longer have to feel doomed to do what we know is

We are the people of the Spirit of the Lord, and when
we take action on behalf of life, especially by being
present at abortion mills, we are acting on behalf of
true freedom, and imparting to those who are in
bondage the power to do what is right.


Come, Holy Spirit. You are the Spirit of freedom, the
source of all that is good, the power to do what is
right. Fill us, and fill those who are in bondage
today, feeling doomed to do what is wrong. Set them
free, and help us to hasten them on the road to
freedom, where your grace overcomes every temptation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.


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For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: How are you going to spend these last days of
the 40 Days for Life campaign? Please share your
thoughts by leaving a comment at today's blog:

DAY 36: Raising awareness | 40 Days for Life
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Oct 22, 2006
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DAY 37: Opening their eyes

When I was a kid, my grandfather would tell me that he
fasted from skydiving and strawberries -- he didn't
like strawberries!

He was Irish and kidding, of course. But many times we
don't know how to approach fasting. Before I share a
few stories from the front lines, I want to pass along
a note I got on fasting.

"I have been fasting on raw foods, mostly liquids,"
wrote Patricia. "I have not had self control to fast
for a long, long time. But I really feel the grace of
God so powerfully because of His help in my fast."

If you haven't done so already, during these last few
days of the campaign, please give fasting a try! It
could be fasting from a favorite food -- or television
or the internet -- or anything that keeps you from
daily prayer.


A 40 Days for Life coordinator received a call from a
woman who was in tears. She is pregnant with her sixth
child and her husband had been laid off from work.
They're struggling financially, trying to care for
their five children in a two-bedroom apartment.

"She felt like her only option was to have an abortion,"
said Wynette in Sacramento, "but her husband lovingly
encouraged her to call the number he found on our
40 Days for Life flier, which had been given to him at
church the previous Sunday. He did not want his wife
to abort their child."

This woman immediately connected with the 40 Days for
Life volunteer -- who also has five children ... and
her husband also hasn't been able to find work lately.
"This turned a challenge into a mutual blessing,"
Wynette said.

"The woman, who was strongly considering abortion,
changed her mind and has chosen life, while also
gaining a new friend in the 40 Days for Life volunteer
... all the result of volunteers simply distributing
40 Days for Life fliers at local churches!"

To see photos of the 40 Days for Life vigil in
Sacramento, please go to:

DAY 37: Opening their eyes | 40 Days for Life


More than 250 people turned out for a candlelight vigil
at the 40 Days for Life vigil site in Greenville.

"It was a glorious event," said one of the local team
members. It featured prayer, music from violins and
bagpipes, and "an abundance of flowers."

To see a couple of photos from Greenville, please go to:

DAY 37: Opening their eyes | 40 Days for Life


This Canadian community is one of many cities taking
part in 40 Days for Life for the first time. And the
campaign is definitely having an impact. "We have
gathered together the different faiths in our community
and beyond," said Karen in Perth.

"Each of the congregations or parishes were asked to
commit to specific dates to pray and fast to see the
tragedies of abortion ended in our nation and abroad,"
she said. "The sense of unity and excitement to be
part of a worthy cause was so uplifting -- a cause
that is so close to God's heart."

The volunteers have prayed for everyone involved in
abortion and for governments at every level, seeking
God's grace "to touch the abortion doctors' hearts --
and the nurses and staff that assist -- that the eyes
of the Planned Parenthood staff would be opened."

Karen said the group has had the opportunity to tell
its story in the media -- even having one media
representative with "tears welling up in his eyes as
we gave our story."

God is at work in Perth, she said. "Nothing is
impossible with God."

Here's today's devotional from Carmen Pate, a member
of the 40 Days for Life board of directors.


Pray that we will each submit ourselves this day as a
living sacrifice to God, giving all that we have in
us for those being sacrificed on the altar of


I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of
God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable

-- Romans 12:1

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

Since all things are for His glory, we are to offer
ourselves for that purpose. This of course is in
sharp contrast to those who are being swayed by the
enemy to sacrifice their babies on the altar of
convenience, rather than choosing to surrender their
all, including their unborn child, to the Lord for
His purposes.

A career, education goals, or even a boyfriend can
unknowingly become an idol for some young women. In
their minds, abortion is a convenient way to "rid
themselves" of an obstacle in the way of their

In light of the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf,
and the fruit of God's mercies on our lives, we owe
God our highest form of praise and worship.
Presenting our bodies as living sacrifices is
therefore reasonable service.

We were made to worship God and God alone. The enemy
who seeks worship for himself distorts God's truth
regarding worship, sacrifice, idols, and children.

As you have given of yourself to rescue those who are
perishing -- the young woman and her child -- you are
worshiping God in the truest sense of the word.

May your example lead an abortion minded client to
turn from her idols to worship the one true God,
sparing her child from the altar of convenience, and
sparing herself from a lifetime of regret.


God Almighty, You alone are worthy of our praise and
worship. Having accepted Your Son's sacrifice on my
behalf, I in turn present my body to you as a living
sacrifice. Thank you for deeming me holy and
acceptable because of Christ's shed blood for me.

I pray that you would use me as your vessel to rescue
others who are perishing. Through Christ who is Our
Glory, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Are Christians from different churches working
together to pray for an end to abortion in your
community? Please share any stories by leaving
a comment at today's blog entry:

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Oct 22, 2006
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DAY 38: God is so powerful

A few days ago I spoke at Cornell University and then
took questions from the students. I also met many of
the 40 Days for Life volunteers from Ithaca, New York,
where Cornell is located.


I know what you're thinking -- Ivy League schools are
not typically known for their pro-life stance.

While this is true, I was encouraged to see such an
active pro-life group on campus that is not only
growing the efforts on campus but also participating
in the local 40 Days for Life campaign!

To see a photo from my visit to Ithaca, please go to:

DAY 38: God is so powerful | 40 Days for Life


Volunteers say it's very difficult to talk to women
entering the abortion center where the first 40 Days
for Life vigil in Tampa is being held. Women are
escorted to the back door, and there is loud music
directed at the people praying on the sidewalk.

But vigil participants did get to speak to a mother
and daughter as they were leaving the abortion
facility's parking lot. They rolled down their window
and said, "We didn't do it!"

Volunteers asked them to pull over to a quieter spot,
where the two women were offered information about a
local pregnancy center and other helpful resources.
They were also able to pray with them.

"All this happened while they were still in their car,"
said one of the 40 Days for Life team members. "Prayer
presence is powerful. And more importantly, our God is
powerful -- in spite of escorts and blaring music."

The volunteer said the loud music was meant to dissuade
the volunteers. "But what really happened is that the
music turned the patrons away from the abortion
facility. Not many entered that day."


Finally today ... a story and a couple of pictures from
the place where 40 Days for Life began -- and is
stronger now than ever.

The pictures show children praying outside Planned
Parenthood. Ordinary pictures, perhaps, said Karen in
Bryan. "But what is extraordinary if the beautiful
witness of faithfulness and passion these families
share in their commitment to life. They are the reason
we are able to continue this mission, and we are so
grateful for all that they do!"

To see the pictures, please go to:

DAY 38: God is so powerful | 40 Days for Life

One of the 40 Days for Life volunteers was able to
talk to a high school girl -- let's call her Sarah --
who was entering Planned Parenthood.

She was not there for an abortion, but to pick up
birth control pills.

The volunteer struck up a conversation with Sarah,
who was curious about why there were people praying.
Sarah took an information package that explains why
Planned Parenthood is not the benevolent
organization it pretends to be.

"I think God was using this young woman to show me
that the women who enter these clinics, for whatever
reason, sometimes just need a friendly wave and
someone to listen to them or let them know that they
are loved," said the volunteer.

The conversation showed her that the women who
patronize these abortion clinics are people -- just
like we are.

"I think it is easy to forget that as we fight this
battle each day. Although we most likely will not
change every person’s mind," she said, "we can
always show them great love in the short interactions
we are given."

Here's today's devotional from Fr. Frank Pavone,
National Director of Priests for Life.


Pray that we become vessels of hope to all around us,
especially to those who minister in the pro-life


On the first day of the week, very early in the
morning, the women took the spices they had prepared
and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled
away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did
not find the body of the Lord Jesus. "Why do you look
for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has

-- Luke 24:1-5

REFLECTION by Fr. Frank Pavone

This meditation, based on a sermon I once heard, is
adapted for pro-life concerns.

It's Friday. Jesus is on the cross. He has been
killed by his enemies; he is off the scene. But
that's because it's Friday. Sunday's comin'!

It's Friday. Abortionists continue their work 3,300
times a day, tearing off the arms and legs of little
babies and crushing their heads. But that's because
it's Friday. Sunday's comin'! It's Friday.
Pro-abortion groups receive blood money from
billionaires who are as deceived as they are. But
that's because it's Friday. Sunday's comin'!

It's Friday. Liars attempt to speak for all women and
hide the pain of abortion, and ignore the evidence of
how it harms women, and call abortion a blessing. But
that's because it's Friday. Sunday's comin'! It's
Friday. People of hardened hearts guard the clinics
and usher desperate women in to have their abortions,
while keeping them from the pro-life people who want
to give them hope. But that's because it's Friday.
Sunday's comin'!

Hope does not mean that we ignore or minimize the
evils around us. It means, rather, that we see the
whole picture, which is that evil is conquered
because of what happened one Sunday morning. The
power of sin and death has been broken by the
Resurrection of Christ. We are called to proclaim,
celebrate, and serve that victory, waiting in joyful
hope for Christ's return and the full flowering of
the Culture of Life! Indeed, Sunday's comin'!


Lord, fill your people with new hope. Make us vessels
of hope to all around us, especially to those who
minister in the pro-life movement, that as we engage
in the difficult work ahead, we may experience the
peace and joy that come only from you and that nobody
can take away from us. We ask this through Christ our
Lord, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



Yours for Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: What's new with 40 Days for Life where you are?
Please let everyone know by leaving a comment
at today's blog posting:

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Oct 22, 2006
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DAY 39: Joining in solidarity

It's the final Saturday of this 40 Days for Life

Saturday is often "abortion day" at these facilities.
It's the day when prayer is needed most ... and it's
the day that your peaceful presence can have the
greatest impact on troubled young women whose lives
will change today ... and whose babies will be killed
through abortion.

It's not too late to have an impact. Here's the list
40 Days for Life vigil locations:

40 Days for Life


You may have seen a picture of the Planned Parenthood
mega-center in Houston. I will be there this afternoon.

I have another view of that building for you that truly
shows the scope of this, the largest abortion facility
in North America.

To see the photo, please go to:

DAY 39: Joining in solidarity | 40 Days for Life

The photo also contains a group of high school students.
Their story is a testament to the power of prayer, the
influence of youth -- and the importance of this mission.

The students represent two schools -- Sacred Heart and
St. Paul -- who are huge rivals in football. Just days
before their annual meeting on the gridiron, students
from both schools got together to pray at Planned
Parenthood in Houston.

They had to ride more than two hours to get there, but
this was important. They designed special t-shirts for
the event, and prayed at the facility for three hours.

“What stronger witness could there be than when the
students from rival schools join forces in solidarity
with the unborn to pray for the safety of their lives,”
said Rev. Tommy Chen, assistant pastor at Sacred Heart.


I recently visited the 40 Days for Life vigil in Mobile.
It's outside a Planned Parenthood abortion center ...
strangely enough, diagonally across the street from
Chuck E. Cheese.

If you don't have Chuck E. Cheese in your area, it's a
family restaurant that specializes in young children's
birthday parties. The contrast between life on one side
of the street and death on the other is pretty chilling.

To see a picture from my stop in Mobile, please go to:

DAY 39: Joining in solidarity | 40 Days for Life


A guy on a bicycle stopped at the 40 Days for Life vigil
in Halifax and started asking Zachary some questions.

"Why can't you just let people live their lives?" asked
the cyclist. "Why do you have to come here and impose
your beliefs on other people?" He then rode off.

He really didn't seem to want answers. But if he had,
Zachary was ready.

As for letting people live their lives, Zachary said,
"That's exactly why were praying -- so that people can
have a chance to live their lives."

And for the often-asked question about imposing beliefs,
"Nothing in my interaction with you was an attempt to
impose my beliefs on you; rather, you tried to impose
your beliefs on me. But the issue at hand is not about
our beliefs, but about the right to live."

To see a photo of the Halifax vigil (one of the best
"cute kid" pictures yet), please go to:

DAY 39: Joining in solidarity | 40 Days for Life

As a bonus, there are also photos from:
* Cincinnati, Ohio
* Worcester, Massachusetts
* Toms River, New Jersey

You'll just have to go to the blog to see them!

DAY 39: Joining in solidarity | 40 Days for Life

Here's today's devotional from Carmen Pate, a member
of the 40 Days for Life board of directors.


Pray that God will continue to bless the efforts that
have gone into the 40 Days for Life campaign, as we
trust Him for the results.


Now these are Your servants and Your people, whom You
have redeemed by Your great power, and by Your strong
hand. O Lord, I pray, please let Your ear be
attentive to the prayer of Your servant, and to the
prayer of Your servants who desire to fear Your name.

-- Nehemiah 1:10-11

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

Nehemiah provides an awesome blueprint for volunteers
in God's service, particularly those responding to
the devastation abortion has caused our nation.

Nehemiah grieved for God's reputation as he witnessed
the condition of the city walls of Jerusalem. The
walls were broken down which was seen by neighboring
people as a sign of weakness on the part of
Jerusalem's God. No wall meant no security for the
city and its people.

We learn from his story that he covered every detail
in prayer; inspired others to join the cause;
organized others to help do the work; confronted
opposition directly and turned to God when
discouraged; and finally celebrated what was
accomplished and gave God all the glory!

Like Nehemiah, we must acknowledge God's sovereignty
as we serve Him before a mocking world. We too need
to be reminded that we are "fighting" for our
families. We too must have an attitude of confession
and repentance before a Holy God. We must pray for
strength, refute slander, and not be diverted from
our work.

Like Nehemiah, we will draw attention from the enemy
when we are seeking to protect the well-being of
God's people. We too must stand firm and seek God's
help to persevere until the task is done. We too will
be victorious.


Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and
the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all
that is in heaven and in the earth is Yours.

We pray for your continued guidance and protection
throughout the remainder of this 40 day campaign. May
we be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in Your
work, knowing that our labor will not be in vain. We
pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Has there been a single moment in this 40 Days
for Life campaign that stands out for you as a
sign of God's presence? Please share your story
by leaving a comment at today's blog entry:

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