Recent content by Wordkeeper

  1. W

    Who is responsible for our sanctification?

    What is your explanation of works of the law, what it means? What is your Scripture support for your explanation? Works of the law is a hebraism, a Jewish way of talking about those things that make a Jew identifiable, circumcision, food laws, Sabbath observance, fasting etc . In other words...
  2. W

    Who is responsible for our sanctification?

    Why is the Exodus event quoted extensively both in the OT and the NT? Why is the text saying these things were written for our warning? Why does the text say that when we hear His voice today we should not be like those in the wilderness? It's one thing to even hear with faith, when there is no...
  3. W

    Who is responsible for our sanctification?

    But faith is incomplete without demonstration of loyalty as James teaches.
  4. W

    Who is responsible for our sanctification?

    Galatians 3 2I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law, or by hearing with faith? 3Are you so foolish? After starting in the Spirit, are you now finishing in the flesh? 4Have you suffered so much for nothing, if it really was for nothing...
  5. W

    Who is responsible for our sanctification?

    Flesh is understood as works of the law.
  6. W

    Who is responsible for our sanctification?

    Just as added works of loyalty perfected Abraham's faith . There is a difference though. Jews demanded justification, acceptance by God, based on circumcision. Paul pointed out acceptance, proved by the giving of the Spirit, did not come by works of the law but by loyal response. Galatians 3...
  7. W

    Who is responsible for our sanctification?

    Paul is teaching against those who claimed the children of Abraham are identified by circumcision, food laws, rules about sabbaths and full moons, not against those who believe the children of Abraham are identified by loyalty. Big difference.
  8. W

    Who is responsible for our sanctification?

    Galatians 2 is specifically rebuking the Judaizers.
  9. W

    Who is responsible for our sanctification?

    I mean the three uses of law are such important teachings in Lutheran theology. You think Christ would have forgotten about them?
  10. W

    Who is responsible for our sanctification?

    So reformed doctrine improves over the teachings of Christ ?
  11. W

    Who is responsible for our sanctification?

    He's talking about circumcision. Galatians 2 1Fourteen years later I went up again to Jerusalem, accompanied by Barnabas. I took Titus along also. 2I went in response to a revelation and set before them the gospel that I preach among the Gentiles. But I spoke privately to those recognized as...
  12. W

    Who is responsible for our sanctification?

    According to Lutheran teaching, you first offer the law. When the candidate admits it's impossible to accept, because committing to one law means committing to all, then the Gospel is offered. Salvation through accepting as a gift. If Christ offered the law, and it was not accepted, why didn't...
  13. W

    Who is responsible for our sanctification?

    With your imaginary salvation. Like the emperor and his new clothes .
  14. W

    Who is responsible for our sanctification?

    Ditto those who teach that salvation is through entitlement. Children of Abraham through faith alone? Nah!
  15. W

    Who is responsible for our sanctification?

    Christ offered him completion, rest. That is the Gospel. Those who are offered the law are under a curse. Why would He offer that to a person who was making an effort?