Recent content by The Rowan

  1. The Rowan

    A Fun Thread~ Ive Never..............

    I've never flown for longer than 3 hours...
  2. The Rowan

    Husband Calls me "Useless" because I don't pack his work lunch!

    Marriage is a two way street - just like any relationship in our lifetime, it takes sacrifice and trust and understanding. To assume a hierarchy in a marriage - the most intimate, beautiful and reciprocal relationship outside of that we have with God - is absolutely abhorrent in my opinion. I...
  3. The Rowan

    what would you think

    It’s rather ill advised. I try not to let my ‘outraged’ train go off the rails as much as I know some others do, but I’d be pretty disturbed by seeing this and would want to know why someone believed that was a good idea...
  4. The Rowan

    hashtag your week so far

  5. The Rowan

    Help me understand

    Many years. I was not sure of my place every for a long time and began to hate my weaknesses. I've been blessed by gifts from God of late and can embrace those weaknesses and see them as lessons I needed to learn to appreciate what I have.
  6. The Rowan

    Stephen Hawking has died

    I hope and pray, for his sake, that he experiences the love of God, and the awesome power of the universe he was so passionate about. Though I may not have agreed with his views, I would not wish such an eminent and intelligent mind to be separated from the love and presence of God. He may not...
  7. The Rowan

    College work and other small things

    Be like St Teresa: do the little things well...
  8. The Rowan

    Answer the Question with a Question (6)

    Why are we talking about harvest?
  9. The Rowan

    Help me understand

    I long felt like this. Various obstacles in my life have proven almost insurmountable for me at times; I have struggled to overcome them. I have been overwhelmed by the wretchedness of my self and the lack of confidence and worth that others around me seemed to possess. But as life's path...
  10. The Rowan

    Answer the Question with a Question (6)

    Why is it necessary to know?
  11. The Rowan

    New Research Shows That Time Travel Is Mathematically Possible

    I'm sticking all my money into Betamax.
  12. The Rowan

    How God inspired me through a video game (of all things...)

    I am drawn to God in many ways of late. My obsession with history is certainly a way I connect with him, and I often wish we lived in a simpler time. Tremendous to hear that our Lord has connected with you. God bless.
  13. The Rowan

    Hi.. need prayer for my side.

    May the Lord give you the comfort you require, spiritually, physically and emotionally. May He watch over, this and every day forward. I ask this with all sincerity and good wishes. Amen.
  14. The Rowan

    Apalling behavior

    I'm aghast at such reprehensible behaviour; it's truly shameful and depraved to conduct oneself in such a manner.