Recent content by Swazi Spring

  1. S

    A few thoughts I'd like to share...

    I'm not entirely sure whether some of my views on government can be considered "conservative" or "liberal" in the modern sense of the terms. I have a philosophy all of my own, stemming predominately from the principles upon which America was founded, making them right-wing in nature. The fact of...
  2. S

    What if the Europeans found out the truth about their gun control laws?

    So I was doing a little digging on European gun control laws and, with the obvious exception of the United Kingdom, semi-automatic rifles and handguns are legal in almost every European country. In fact, fully-automatic firearms are also legal in many European countries, and not just...
  3. S

    Is the left engaging in salami tactics? And what should we do about it?

    I was listening to Rush Limbaugh this morning and he brought up a rather interesting conversation. Rush mentioned that after the liberals and RINOs (Republican In Name Only) have finished attacking pro-lifers, they will focus their attention on gun owners. He claimed that the leftist RINOs will...
  4. S

    Democrats propose constitutional amendment to abolish presidential term limits

    Barack Obama 2016! Source: Personally I don't support this bill and I do not believe it will be ratified. Do you support the liberals' attempt at abolishing presidential term limits?
  5. S

    Patriotism and the Nation-State

    As you may have noticed, many liberals have been attacking the idea of patriotism. They argue that there is no logical reason to support the nation-state and that patriotism is "evil," because it promotes the idea that America is "better" than other countries. I'd like to take a few moments to...
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    Philosophical Discussions on Government

    I was having a debate with a friend of mine on whether or not human rights exist and if they do, where they come from. He argued that human rights do not exist and that they are artificial constructs that are created by governments. He argued that our rights are created by the government and...
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    Liberals lay down plan for long-term gun control

    As I have said all along, the problem with liberals is that they have zero respect for the right to bear arms. What do you guys think of the left's long term gun control plan?
  8. S

    Conservatives. Don't let liberals make gun policy for you.

    Your argument is based entirely on emotion, not logic, not empirical data, and definitely not freedom. It is impossible to compromise with someone who is so far left-wing that they hold the views you do. You even admitted that you want to ban semi-automatics and so-called "high capacity...
  9. S

    Gun Rights v. Gun Control | A look at the facts.

    They wouldn't go up. Europeans call Americans paranoid, yet they think that if their neighbors were allowed to own guns, they would all suddenly start killing people. Who is really paranoid? Eleven of the top 20 countries of gun ownership per capita are European countries. Two others are...
  10. S

    Conservatives. Don't let liberals make gun policy for you.

    This. Almost all gun control legislation proposed is solely based on ideology, on the idea that the Second Amendment is no longer "necessary" and shouldn't exist anymore. It is impossible to compromise with people who are fundamentally opposed to the idea of gun ownership. What we can and...
  11. S

    Should we ban football?

    There have been a lot of calls by liberals to ban American football lately. Some advocate a complete and total ban on the sport, whereas others are only advocating for banning it in high schools and colleges (for now). The reason for these proposed liberal bans is supposedly because the sport is...
  12. S

    Gun Rights v. Gun Control | A look at the facts.

    Lets also take a look at what the Founding Fathers had to say about the Second Amendment and right to bear arms: "A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence...
  13. S

    Gun Rights v. Gun Control | A look at the facts.

    I am posting this to discuss and inform people on the fundamental human right to bear arms. There are quite a few lies and uninformed statements that some unsavory individuals have been throwing around as of late and as a citizen of this great country, it is my duty (as well as your duty) to...
  14. S

    Should non-gun owners be registered and fined?

    Better question: When hasn't it been?
  15. S

    Should non-gun owners be registered and fined?

    Bearing arms is not only a fundamental human right, but it is also a civic duty. The Founding Fathers realized this and even made laws that required all able-bodied citizens to own firearms. They did this not only for personal protection, but also to keep the state in check and to discourage...