Recent content by spokenforbyHim

  1. S

    Kissing the neck?

    lol same here...and just like mostly everyone said, its different with different people. My boyfriend kisses my neck and it doesnt tempt me to do anything else.
  2. S

    Caught kissing....embarassed

    My mom caught me and my bf kissing was pretty embarassing. I remember laughing but i know my boyfriend was really embarassed about it. sure your mom is fine with it. I mean...if you want to let her know that thats all your doing then just bring it up.
  3. S

    Heavy Guys & Skinny Girls, Heavy Girls & Skinny Guys

    Yeah Im kind of in the same situation. My boyfriend wants to lose weight but he doesnt stick with his exercising plans. I mean, hes not huge but I would feel much better if he lost some weight. He has been eating a lot healthier, he just needs to add the exercise in.
  4. S

    Heavy Guys & Skinny Girls, Heavy Girls & Skinny Guys

    I'm skinny and my boyfriend(of 1 1/2 years yay! lol) is on the heavy side. I guess I didnt really think about it much before. But..I have kinda been attracted to heavy guys before him. And im with you...I've always cared more about who the person is rather than their appearence.
  5. S

    goodbye kisses

    I agree. Sounds like me and my boyfriend.
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    Is Petting a Sin? What Does the Bible Say?

    I definitely agree.
  7. S

    Talk about everything with your partner?

    haha omgosh thats so awesome. My boyfriend's like that. so curious about all our 'girl' things. it makes me laugh. but im the same way with guy stuff works.
  8. S

    Talk about everything with your partner?

    Yep. my boyfriend and I talk about stuff like that too. the accidental erections...yea me and him had an interesting conversation on that. lol...if im curious on anything he'll enlighten me. annd vice versa.
  9. S

    How do you know he's the one?

    wow...just summed up my feelings and my relationship with my boyfriend. Thanks for saying that. I couldnt get the words out earlier. That's awesome.
  10. S

    Being Clingy..

    Yea, thats what my boyfriend says. lol and you did help. I enjoy reading all of your responses. Im just glad there are people who finally can relate to me.
  11. S

    Being Clingy..

    lol that was awesome. Thanks. made me laugh. "Chin up. I'm sure he realizes you just really value your time with him and that you love him oodles. Clingyness sucks, but as long as the two of you communicate and try to work through the tough spots you should be just fine." Yea, Im sure he...
  12. S

    Being Clingy..

    aw wow. That's gotta be tough. The longest I went without seeing or talking to my boyfriend was a week and I thought that was hard. Well, I'm sorry you have to be without her for so long! But it'll be great when she comes back. "Absense makes the heart grow fonder" lol something like that. I...
  13. S

    How do you know he's the one?

    I like that. People do think like that. You and your SO are going to fight, trust me. I think it's healthy to fight. My boyfriend and I argue all the time about stupid things that don't even make sense. But we do it anyways. We'll argue for a while and then its better like 20 minutes later. I...
  14. S

    Great News!

    yay!!! That's great!
  15. S

    Being Clingy..

    I really appreciate your response. My boyfriend is like your g/f...having more self control. He's able to get off the phone when he has something to do and then when I have something to do i seem not to care and dont want to get off the phone. So...I have been trying to let him go. I did it for...