Recent content by *Soulwings*

  1. S

    Europe and Islam

    Hmm you're right about everything above. I realised later on that I got some of the dates wrong with Constantinople etc. I forgot about the Umayyads and the Abbissids. All well it was a nice try haha. You seem to know a lot about this topic... how do you know so much? I'm only a beginner...
  2. S

    Europe and Islam

    Hahaha yes my country situation is a little confusing, but I changed my flag from the Netherlands to New Zealand as a personal celebration since I regained my New Zealand nationality last week. I am rather protective of my New Zealand background :blush:. Yes I am an immigrant, technically an...
  3. S

    Europe and Islam

    Thanks :). I didn't think you were judging me. I also want you to know that whatever ideas you have I don't judge you either. I think it's great you broaden your horizons and aren't afraid to do so. You're intelligence is a gift from God and it should be cultivated. And as for that person...
  4. S

    Europe and Islam

    Ugh I'm not editing again. Nice talking to you too :). Haha glad to know we're still brother/sister! And thanks for not judging me based on my weird ideas... nice hearing that after hearing the complete opposite earlier this week :(. God bless you too...
  5. S

    Europe and Islam

    Sorry I keep editing Galvanized. I can't shut-up when I like discussions hahaha.
  6. S

    Europe and Islam

    Thanks for your input Galvanized… I do think our disconnect comes from different definitions of the words. According to your definition I am a Christian fundamentalist too, and probably 80% of all Christians along with me. That kind of fundamentalism doesn’t scare me, quite the opposite in...
  7. S

    Europe and Islam

    With the Baghdad example I mean early early islam, till about 800-900 AC. Christians and the East, and actually Constantinople actually preferred the muslims to their fellow christians in the West believe it or not. The Roman Catholics persecuted Eastern Christians such as the Miaphysits and the...
  8. S

    Europe and Islam

    Agreed. There is no such thing as 'the Islam'. Heck there are so many different type of muslims out there. Muslims who are for secular islam, muslims who hold more ethnic and cultural views of islam, those who are into fundamentalism, etc etc. Actually fundamentalism in Europe is partly due...
  9. S

    Europe and Islam

    I wrote this before the power blew out last night (lighting storm wohooo!). I’m not going to multiple quote because I find them irritating… I hope you don’t mind. I get what your saying with preserving to culture, and I agree to some extent. National pride is ok. Just the...
  10. S

    Europe and Islam

    Wilders is a politician who has really stepped to the foreground the last few years here in the Netherlands. The gist of it is that he sees Islam as an ideology, made a movie about it called 'Fitna', and said a bunch of controversial things that the Qu'ran should be forbidden and that Europe is...
  11. S

    God did not cause the Christchurch Earthquake??

    Ok, thanks for the reply. Ha - normal movement... I seriously hope that the shaking will stop. I can imagine that it would literally drive you insane after a while...
  12. S

    Prayer for going abroad

    And thank you to everyone who said a prayer :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. S

    Prayer for going abroad

    Hi! Lol, congrats on the new job hehe :). And awesome that your coworker spent time living and teaching in China! How long did she stay there for and in which city? See, that's what I hope to say if I do end up going to thussaidAsiancountry ;), that I absolutely loved it! I just think...
  14. S

    Europe and Islam

    Ahh, a familiar face. Haha true true about university professors. They do seem to get stuck in their own learning sometimes. But just saying, this professor (statistics) said that recent data seems to be tilting in the way of de-islamisation, but he also said is was very tricky to tell... in...
  15. S

    Prayer for going abroad

    Hey ya'll :cool:, I totally forgot there was a prayer request forum, but actually I really hope that there may be some christians out there who would like to say a short prayer for me (sometimes it's easier to ask anonymous people :blush:). So here's the request: Please pray for guidance...