Recent content by samwell

  1. S

    catholic is the one true church

    I believe that the "rock" Jesus talking about when he told Peter that, "Upon this eock i will build my church....." is himself. The wise man built his house upon the rock and the rain came falling down. The rock in which he made his house is God.
  2. S

    Do you have a bedside Bible?

    i actually seldom read the bible!! LOL
  3. S

    Questions about tithing/offerings

    I too believe that what your heart's desires to give, that would be ok. God will be please..remember the old lady Jesus said that she had given more that those rich persons who gave more money?..thats it..
  4. S

    How would I answer?

    Good point Forest.. but i know he might ask me these things... Why are we not perfect? How could a perfect God create an imperfect? Thanks to you all..
  5. S

    How would I answer?

    Then if he couldnt he is not all powerful then???:help:confused Then if he couldnt he is not all powerful then???:help:confused They would only tell that he proclaimmed it because he cannt cary? And even so if he will not proclaim he still cant cary because from the start he createda rock he...
  6. S

    catholic is the one true church

    I'd like to read all the posts but it reached upto 29th page. I dont know if somebody had said that JESUS IS THE ROCK! amen God bless u all!
  7. S

    How would I answer?

    A christian greeting to all! I'd like to ask help if how could i possibly answer an atheist using the "Paradox of a rock" in proving that God is not all powerful at all. Here's the paradox of the rock for those who doesn't know [ Since we say that God is all powerful (coz when we say God...
  8. S

    Two Questions

    I do have a follow up question for these questions angel posted. Since God is the alpha and the omega (omniscent) then he knows what surely will happen when he put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden of eden. He knows then very well that many people will be going to hell (which...
  9. S

    Talk to me?

    Hi there! i'm also new to this site and get lost coz this site is too big..LOL. hope you can become my friend!
  10. S


    Yah, reincarnation is nowhere to find in the bible. It is only a doctrine (from who, i dont know) that you become human, animals or plants in your next life because you are paying the sins you have done untill you become perfect. In that case what sin then the first person have done? So it only...
  11. S

    My Testimony

    Wow! thats a very very good testimony. God bless u always.
  12. S

    Witchcraft in the family....

    We must always remember what the bible tells; whatever we loose in earth will be loosen in heaven and whatever we bind will be bound in heaven and we can do anything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless!
  13. S

    Battle with Sexuality

    God bless
  14. S

    i am struggeling

    I only thing i know is dont focus on your self..God is there. Trust Him and focus in Him.
  15. S

    Real pen and paper penpals wanted please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi! I think in a way we're the same. i'd like you too to become my friend .