Recent content by psalmtoday

  1. psalmtoday

    Need faith

    All it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed. Lord increase Your child's faith and help him to trust You through every season of his life whether good or bad. In Jesus Name, Amen.
  2. psalmtoday

    Could really use some prayers.

    God is a forgiving God. Cling to Him. Ask Him to help you to obey His Word and whatever else He is instructing you to do. Don't allow guilt or condemnation to keep you away from God or cause you to doubt your salvation.
  3. psalmtoday

    Severe cut in food stamps

    Lord please provide for Your child food and the basic necessities of life. In Jesus Name, Amen.
  4. psalmtoday

    Pray for Debt to Be Paid

    Praise God!! Did the man follow through on his promise?
  5. psalmtoday

    Please pray not to entertain any evil thoughts

    Stay immersed in the reading of God's Word, the Holy Bible. Rebuke and cast down every negative evil thought using the Word of God. The Word of God is your best defense. Prayers uplifted for you.
  6. psalmtoday


    Father you know the details of this matter. I pray you will move as You see fit in Pamelav's husband's life. In Jesus Name, Amen.
  7. psalmtoday

    Prayer for Overcoming Addiction

    Lord please deliver Your child from whatever addiction she is trying to overcome. Lord don't allow her to give into the temptation but give her a way of escape. In Jesus Name, Amen.
  8. psalmtoday

    Please pray for my family and myself to be ready for the rapture.

    Praying that all will be ready for the return of Jesus Christ or the time of our death. We need to stay ready and be prepared to meet the Lord Jesus face to face. Praying also that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be preached to the entire world.
  9. psalmtoday

    Please pray for me and my relationship with my physical family and the fellowship I go to

    Praying for peaceful relationships. IN Jesus Name, Amen.
  10. psalmtoday

    Need prayers for my aunt...

    Praying your aunt's health be restore. In Jesus Name, Amen.
  11. psalmtoday

    brother in law's store Robbed

    I don't wish death on anyone. I would rather pray for the person's salvation that they come to know Jesus as Lord and their lives be changed from the inside out. I also pray that the suspect will be caught and justice will be swift. In Jesus Name, Amen.
  12. psalmtoday

    Prayer for her

    I pray your girlfriend will be healed and that God provides for her in unimaginable ways. In Jesus Name, Amen.
  13. psalmtoday

    Seven Months TTC, Possible Infertility

    Praises to Our God...So sweet and faithful!!
  14. psalmtoday

    Prayer request

    Lord please fill FoundInGrace with your joy and peace. Uplift his spirit. In Jesus Name, Amen.
  15. psalmtoday

    Please pray

    May your wife's sleep be sweet and peaceful. In Jesus Name, Amen.