Recent content by Patricco

  1. P

    Letter from God

    Means that if you didn't get a letter and don't know what it says... then you are one of the 95%
  2. P

    This Explains It. . . .

    And you're here posting them :-P
  3. P

    Americas Army

    Hmm, I play :) There is a Christian group that play I believe. Men of God. Its an enjoyable game :)
  4. P


    Who's to say the dinosaurs werent babies when they were taken onto the ark? God didnt say "take 2 of every adult animal, male and female." And the word dinosaur wasnt given until the 1800's. Who's to say that the original word of dinosaur wasnt the word dragon, which knights went out to slay...
  5. P

    Evolution's Strategy

    How is a young earth a *powerful* reason not to believe in God? You have me curious about this... Why would an all powerful God need to use evolution? He has the power to make it right the first time. I do not agree that God used evolution to bring us about. What you state here is...