Recent content by mumluvsherboys

  1. M

    Genesis: Sin and death

    I do not believe God gave animals the same laws as us or any law other than their own instinct or what we, as humans, teach them.
  2. M

    Genesis: Sin and death

    My whole problem with the entire question, although it is a very good one, is that we are not animals. We are human beings. Animals live savagely, we do not... or we are not supposed to according to the word of God. There is a seperation. I do not believe animals had any diseases before the...
  3. M

    Using science to spread the gospel?

    Excellent wisdom and a nice surprise. God bless!
  4. M

    Using science to spread the gospel?

    Thank you for your reply, God bless. :thumbsup:
  5. M

    Using science to spread the gospel?

    I'd like to see how that is done using science. IF it can be done. So far I personally have seen very little convincing arguments. However, I will say this. Am I right in saying that the scripture that we read is the same... and so the understanding is slightly different... BUT the overall...
  6. M

    Using science to spread the gospel?

    Yes, I know, I believe personally a point can be made without harsh words about or to your fellow Christians. I was helping you see something about yourself. My words have come from scripture and my love. That is all. God bless.
  7. M

    Using science to spread the gospel?

    What purpose does wiping out creationism serve? I am curious.
  8. M

    Using science to spread the gospel?

    It is not a personal offence, it is an accountability. I do not believe this has anything to do with how I believe we came to be. Here is a verse that may help you understand what I mean. "Do not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up...
  9. M

    Using science to spread the gospel?

    ...and here. Pretty negative talk. I believe the "stupid Christians who cram the Gospel down people's throats" would argue about who really looks bad. What do you think God feels about Christians talking about other Christians in such a manner? And behind their backs, too. Anyway, just...
  10. M

    Using science to spread the gospel?

    here, note the statement about "stupid Christians"
  11. M

    Global warming and anti-evolutionism

    Absolutely! God bless!:amen:
  12. M

    Adam Didn't Do His Job

    Yes thank you. God bless.
  13. M

    Creation Or Evolution?

    I have spent more time reading and answering in this endless argument than I have in worshipping God. This argument in my opinion is fruitless. The only thing this gains is that one person is calling the other wrong and vice versa. In fact, all this is doing is bringin stress into my life as...