Recent content by mothcorrupteth

  1. mothcorrupteth

    Apology and introduction

    You should stay. Because I want to hear more about your experiences with Reformed theology. I was conservative Presbyterian for 10 years.
  2. mothcorrupteth

    ‘Time to get out of these ridiculous endless wars’: Trump orders US pullback from Syrian border

    Time to stop antagonizing Russia by destabilizing its geographical periphery.
  3. mothcorrupteth

    The Evolution of Sea Turtles

    Summary Long mired in confusion, we are more confident now that turtles in general evolved from a mosaic of "stem turtle" species that seem closely related to lepidosaurs. There two main types of turtles: Cryptodira and Pleurodira. Sea turtles belong to the much more numerous Cryptodira, which...
  4. mothcorrupteth

    The Preterist Gap

    Wish I could. But it was like, 8 years ago that I was into this stuff. I barely remember the arguments over which verse of Matthew 24/25 is the pause button, much less where, in between paeons to liturgical incense, David Chilton talks about Daniel. I'd recommend going to the PDF I linked to for...
  5. mothcorrupteth

    Should I take medication for OCD?

    Here's what I've found with my own bipolar disorder: Focus on the primary diagnosis, and most of the secondary problems will resolve themselves. I went down a very long rabbit trail trying to personally treat my anxiety as such. It was beneficial in the the end, because I developed non-medicinal...
  6. mothcorrupteth

    The Preterist Gap

    I forget. But as always, if you want the most exhaustive argument about it, look at Reformed authors. Kenneth Gentry and David Chilton were my go-to guys, when I went through a partial-preterist phase.
  7. mothcorrupteth

    Who will our next President be -- poll

    Because last election.
  8. mothcorrupteth

    Who will our next President be -- poll

    Ideally? Ron Paul. Realistically? I only see one candidate with a platform promising more alligator pits.
  9. mothcorrupteth

    is it game of thrones satanic? and disney?

    Is Disney Satanic? Yes, unconditionally. I'm fairly certain what they did to Star Wars is the unforgivable sin spoken of in Matthew 12. Game of Thrones? Only in the last three seasons.
  10. mothcorrupteth

    hostility for Trump

    Agreed. Where is the stalemate war we lost, hm? Where is the runaway inflation and subsequent Great Depression? (We are told that Obama made the economy better; is this not true?) The communist revolution that had to be put down through an alliance of conservative aristocracy and military...
  11. mothcorrupteth

    hostility for Trump

    The people who dislike him do so for the same reason that the people who like him do so--because he dares show us the man behind the curtain. In terms of policy Trump is not substantially different from a 90's New York Democrat. But he says what everyone is thinking but is too fake and...
  12. mothcorrupteth

    Are poor getting what they deserve?

    Deserve is open to easy equivocation and generalization. Equivocation, because moral requirement is often conflated with and used to justify moral or legal entitlement. Our Lord was no capitalist, but he also didn't convey a positive assessment of those who presume entitlement to his mercy. If...
  13. mothcorrupteth

    Do non-Catholic Christians need to become Catholic?-

    No, but I wouldn't respect any Catholic who didn't say "yes."
  14. mothcorrupteth

    As you were (i.e. delete thread)

    Pardon, mais je ne lis pas très bien le français. Est-ce que vous avez un article en anglais?
  15. mothcorrupteth

    Shoot Migrants' Legs, Build Alligator Moat: Behind Trump's Ideas for Border

    "Water carrier"? Look carefully, friend. I want to make the Houses of Habsburg, Hohenzollern, Saxe-Coburg+Gotha, and Romanov great again (MTHoHHSGaRGA), not the House of Drumpf dem Bürger. It's just that (a) Trump is the most pragmatic choice for preventing Obama 2.0, and (b) I'm not so tight in...