Recent content by MiamiHeat

  1. M

    Jesus and the John the Baptist

    Question on this part of Matthew. On Matthew 11 verse 18 what does it mean when Christ says, "For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, "He has a demon. The Son of Man came eating and drinking,and they say, Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and "sinners"...
  2. M

    I feelas Children of God we must follow the ten commandments!

    We allagree here right that we must follow the ten commandments. You know don'tsteal, don't committ adultery, don'tcommit false testimony to your neighbor, etc. But now, what about the fourth commandment, Remember and keeping the Sabbath (Saturday). Thou shall notworkon this day. If the ten...
  3. M

    The Healing of a Boy With a Demon!!

    Hey what's up my peoples! Happy Sabbath!! I have a question on Matthew 17 verse 17. When the man tells Jesus that the disciples couldn't of healed his son, Jesus then says, " O unbelieving and perverse generation," "howlong shall I put up with you? Who is Jesus talking about here? Is he talking...
  4. M

    The Cross!

    I admit I was out of line when I said that the cross is better to wear than the Star of David. But I personally believe, and also biblically there is nothing wrong with wearing a cross,as long as it is a cross. Not a cross with Jesus crucified on it because that just means his mission was not...
  5. M

    There is nothing wrong wearing a cross onyour neck!

    Hey what's up guys! Happy Sabbath!! I wanted to tell you guys that I feel as a Messianic Jew, that there is nothing wrong with wearing a cross around your neck. I mean I don'tknow how you guys feel about it, but please send me your opinions. I feel that as believers as Jesus being our messiah...
  6. M

    Do you believe that Christ is coming soon?

    So in this case I believe that death represents sleep, and that Jesus's coming represents life for his children
  7. M

    Do you believe that Christ is coming soon?

    Do you guys believe that when we die we are a sleep and then when Christ comes we are ressurected all body and soul, or do you think that when we die are bodies perish and are soul ascends in to heaven before the second coming of Christ. I personally believe are body and soul will resurrect, but...
  8. M

    Can Catholics be considered Fundamentalist?

    Oh and one more thing, how can you ask a priest to forgive you for your sins, that is why we have prayer. That is why Jesus died in the cross, as he atoned for all our sins. But one thing, my brothers some Catholics are true Christians, and I will see them in heaven living eternally. Ya'll got...
  9. M

    Can Catholics be considered Fundamentalist?

    I have to admit, I grew up in the Catholic Church and I have to say that I am very disappionted in it. It is so far away from the bible than it should be. If you ask me the Pope and all the Priests are just alike as the Pharisees back in the days of Jesus. So many years in the Catholic church...
  10. M

    Do you believe that Christ is coming soon?

    Hey what's up my Catholic brothers and sisters! Just wanted to ask you guys if you feel that Christ is coming soon? It could be anytime now, who knows? Are any one of you studying the bible right now? I'm studying Matthew right now? There are things that are tough to understand like the...
  11. M

    About John the Baptist?

    Thanks for the posts! With these posts my questions on the Transfiguration is answered?
  12. M

    About John the Baptist?

    Personally I believe there isn't anyone more greater than John the Baptist of the prophets, or of man, in this era and of course the bible era. I would even think he is greater than Moses, for John truly lived a rough life preaching the word, and he died a rough death, getting shown no type of...
  13. M

    About John the Baptist?

    Great Post on this Onthe DL, but you got to tell me who do you think is this least disciple that is more priveleged than John the Baptist
  14. M

    About John the Baptist?

    Great Post on this Onthe