Recent content by madison1101

  1. madison1101

    Mom with BPD

    I can relate on all levels. I am a recovered Borderline, with children who are now adults. But, I am also the daughter of an undiagnosed Borderline. My therapist and I have discussed all of Mom's behaviors, and she fits most of the criterion in the DSM-IV. I have been in psychotherapy for...
  2. madison1101

    For those wanting to know more about Celebrate Recovery

    You obviously don't know much about AA. If you did, you would know that AA does NOT have a doctrine. It's not a church, or religious group. It's a 12 Step recovery program. It's not meant to be religious. If I want a doctrine, I go to church. If I want to help a struggling alcoholic...
  3. madison1101

    For those wanting to know more about Celebrate Recovery

    If people in AA are becoming pagans, I haven't seen it. I've met many believers like me in AA. We believe God doesn't want us in a "Holy Huddle" recovery program where everyone is already saved. We believe God wants us to be light and salt in a group of people struggling to find God in their...
  4. madison1101

    Introduction.....short version

    I've been in AA for 24 years. I had struggled with a daily obsession with alcohol during a horrific relapse. I ended up in outpatient treatment for close to a year, and after a week long binge, I landed in the psych ward of the local hospital for a week. From there, I was sent to an inpatient...
  5. madison1101

    For those wanting to know more about Celebrate Recovery

    I also got and stay sober in AA. I started in AA long before I ever heard of Celebrate Recovery. I've long believed the Lord wants me to stay in AA. I've had many opportunities to share my faith with individuals I've met throughout the past 24 years. I will continue to participate in AA...
  6. madison1101

    Hello! I am new here.

    Congratulations on your recovery. I'm also cross addicted, and go to AA for my recovery. My story is long, and includes a few relapses. In 2010, I was in in-patient rehab, and there, I surrendered my entire life, alcoholism and everything to the Lord, and have been released from the obsession...
  7. madison1101

    20's and drinking?

    The sin with drinking is not the actual drinking, but drunkenness. Scripture mentions that several times. I'm in recovery in AA. I can't drink. For me to drink would be a sin, because I know it would lead to drunkenness. Some people can have a few drinks, with no problem. Not my...
  8. madison1101

    My BPD Wife Divorced Me

    I'm very sorry your marriage has ended. I empathize. I am a recovered BPD patient. My husband left me after 14 years of psychotherapy, and almost as much time in marital therapy. We were married a total of 25 years, before he moved out. I say I'm recovered, because I have none of the...
  9. madison1101

    Can a grandmother detach & live?

    I feel for you. The best way you can help yourself is to get involved with Al-Anon. There you will meet others who are in various stages of recovery from all you described. My one thing I need to say has to do with who is to blame for you giving them money. They can and will ask for help...
  10. madison1101

    double whammy

    I am recovering from Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder. I am symptom free from both disorders right now. I had intensive psychotherapy with a licensed Ph.D. psychologist, for 23 years. I also have been seeing a psychiatrist, and on medications for my Bipolar Disorder. I've...
  11. madison1101

    Can you Christian borderlines help me understand my wife?

    Sorry if I confused you. I did NOT say that Borderline Personality Disorder isn't a mental illness. It is, because it's found in the DSM-IV. What I said is that it's NOT the same type of mental illness as Bipolar Disorder, or Schizophrenia. People with those diagnoses suffer because of their...
  12. madison1101

    Can you Christian borderlines help me understand my wife?

    I have to tell you that you are seriously misinformed about Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD is NOT a serious mental illness, with organic origins, like Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia. Personality Disorders are learned patterns of thinking, feeling and behavior. There can also be...
  13. madison1101

    Another Child of a Mother with BPD

    Hi, I empathize.. I am a recovering Borderline with Bipolar Disorder. I got help, though my BPD cost me my marriage. I am not the horribly irrational woman I was 15 years ago. My Mom is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, but displays all of the Borderline behaviors, and thinking that I had...
  14. madison1101

    Abandoment Issues..

    The devil does not live within Born Again Believers in Christ. In fact, he doesn't even live within the unsaved. Scripture says that Believers receive the Holy Spirit, who resides inside them. God and Satan cannot live inside the same person.
  15. madison1101

    Just diagnosed as BPD and scared

    Well put. I was fortunate. I wanted help, and had a terrific psychotherapist who could not be manipulated, and could deal with the transference issues that kept coming up. Unfortunately, it took a very long time for me to experience real change, and that was triggered by the end of my...