Recent content by lohankuo

  1. L

    No longer believing in GOD.

    In Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (all 4 are books in the Bible), Jesus has been said to have healed people. Now, these books are all dated at Mark in the 70s, Matthew and Luke in the 80s and John in the 90s. All have been written using eyewitness accounts. Matthew was one of the 12 disciples...
  2. L


    Drinking is okay as long as you do not get drunk. "Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery..." Ephesians 5:18. In 1 Timothy 3:3 it says "not given too much wine...". Further down in chapter 5:23, Paul instructs Timothy to "stop drinking only water,and use a little win because of your...
  3. L

    Christianity and Evolution

    In Genesis, God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." v21 and "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its...
  4. L

    Why should I belong to YOUR denomination?

    In mainstream denominations, the main theology on salvation is all the same. They only defer slightly in mode of baptism, meaning of baptism and the Lord's supper and the way they govern the church. Just visit different churches and find one that best suits you. The worship service of some of...
  5. L

    Creationist Misconceptions

    Mutations are copying mistakes and therefore are not capable of causing an increase in information and functional complexity. Instead it causes "noise" during the transmission of genetic information which is of random change on information flow and therefore destroys the information. Not...
  6. L

    Creationist Misconceptions

    That is micro evolution deriving from natural selection. Natural selection only gets rid of information (genes). You can't breed two poodle back to a wolf since its gene pool has decreased. Natural selection is not capable of making new creatures. It only diversifies a creature into many species...
  7. L

    Wonderful example of Evolution

    Where are the missing links?
  8. L

    Reincarnation? The Dalai Lama a proof or hoax?

    My friend put this forward as an arguement that he believes contradicts the Bible's saying that when you die you go to heaven or hell, not reincarnated to be a human or animal etc. He said the Dalai Lama reincarnated 14 times. To prove this he said that before the current one dies it...