Recent content by Little Sheep of Christ

  1. L

    Coming Home

    I grew up Methodist, and then turned to the New Age and occult off-and-on for over a decade. Finally I took a theology class in 2008, and many of my misconceptions about the Catholic Church were destroyed. I had only spoken to Protestants growing up, so I had a lot of misconceptions. That...
  2. L

    Miracle at LaPalma - Standing In For Another

    I love your experience, and I fully believe that it is possible. When I was saved, it was nearly against my will. It was like an unstoppable force that drove me to conversion, to change my beliefs, to drop my old occult beliefs and practices, etc. Every step, I was completely against it...
  3. L

    Why is there such little passion for the kingdom when the hour is so late?

    Amen, Giddeon. Such a beautiful post, and perfectly true. I was similarly floored at the remark. When I first read the Bible at the age of 14, I sought in vain for a church that reflected the passion of which I read in the New Testament. I tried several churches, but found it nowhere, and that...
  4. L

    Why is there such little passion for the kingdom when the hour is so late?

    We are not called to be lukewarm Christians. We are called to be hot, ever-vigilant, doing all that we can to bring the unsaved to the Lord. How otherwise may we be a faithful servant? And how much we have been entrusted with!
  5. L

    Why is there such little passion for the kingdom when the hour is so late?

    It seems like you are slightly overreacting. He simply posted a word that he felt the Holy Spirit was leading him to post here. He did not single anyone out nor did he condemn anyone. I think that his word was rather useful, and obviously since it convicted at least one person who posted...
  6. L


    What matters is that we have the baptism in the Spirit. If we have the Spirit, then He will give to us each gifts according to our part in the Body of Christ.
  7. L


    I received the gift of tongues on January 11, 2010. My girlfriend at the time (now my wife) was charismatic, and she encouraged me to pray to receive it. However, I was far from comfortable with it. But over time, I felt led by the Spirit to receive tongues, though I still resisted it...
  8. L


    There are counterfeit tongues. If you were freed from them, then they were probably counterfeit (of the devil). The devil has immitated every gift of the Holy Spirit. Psychic abilities to immitate the gift of prophecy, counterfeit tongues to immitate the real gift of tongues. I would not be...
  9. L

    Why is there such little passion for the kingdom when the hour is so late?

    Is Christ your entire life? Your first above all else? Your foundation, your shield, your fortress? Is all you do for Him and through Him? Do you seek only to glorify God, not yourself? Do your actions betray the love of God that is living within you?
  10. L

    Why is there such little passion for the kingdom when the hour is so late?

    I wish I knew why. Once i realized that hell exists, I told my wife how vital it must be to pray for the unsaved. Now we both pray that the Holy Spirit convict the hearts of the unsaved and draw them to Christ. And I've learned never to pass up an opportunity to evangelize to someone. Right...
  11. L

    Prayer for Wife's Glaucoma

    Hello, My wife may be going in for surgery next month for her eyes. She has congenital glaucoma, so she has had it since birth, and it is an especially extreme case. She has some vision, but the doctors are concerned she could lose some over time. They are planning a surgery to do a cornea...
  12. L

    The Fourth Dimension

    My wife might agree with you there. :)
  13. L

    The Fourth Dimension

    What were your impressions of his book, and his church? Like I mentioned in my previous post, I'm reading another book that is similar, but to me, much more Biblical. It is Extraordinary by John Bevere. I've been really coming to love this author, as I started out with him with The Bait of...
  14. L

    The Fourth Dimension

    Thank you. This is something I have thought as well. There is a scene in the book where a lady who is looking for a husband is told that her prayers aren't working because they are not specific enough. She was to write down the attributes she wants in a husband, and then "order" him. That...
  15. L

    The Fourth Dimension

    Hello, I just got the Fourth Dimension by David Cho. I'm not really sure what I think of the book yet, and was hoping to get opinions from others. You see, I am a relatively new convert to Christianity, or really a re-convert. I was in the occult for years, and have realized the...