Recent content by KiteRider

  1. KiteRider

    Does God always repay evil or should we take action

    Where there is to be true freedom will there exist potential for evil How unjustifiable and unfair if God came down and stop evil within a second How dare the all wise and powerful deities come down to intrude on human experience prematurely And rightfully and lovingly they stand back in...
  2. KiteRider

    Salt reduction in your diet.

    I dun really try to cut down on salt more on sugar thou cause I am vegetarian and its hard not to add salt on my food For protein I mostly eat beans and nuts I think it is good to differentiate between manufactured salt and natural salt such as Himalayan rock salt cause the former is the one...
  3. KiteRider

    The money changers..

    An old Chirstian saying goes "Do not mix worship with money or politics" God did not build those lavish and corrupted places of worship Regardless of the state of the Church Your body's sacred temple is within The duty to uphold truth and purity is in each and every one of us Day by day through...
  4. KiteRider

    Are you sincere enough?

    A small poem about my life Always had I been confronted with my impulses When they striked always had I given them the best of way O' how sincerly I called out each time for divine intervention in those mere fleeting seconds Before following impulse's way Overtime I grew numb and weary with the...
  5. KiteRider

    Bad company ruins good morals?

    Hello Violet Edge I can understand how you feel as the external environment can sometimes be very chaotic and hectic where we meet morally unsound people whom we really don't feel happy being around But you must remember that the the temple of God is within each and every one of us and it is our...
  6. KiteRider

    Have I committed the unpardonable sin?

    I believe Evil and Sin are two different concepts and must be defined separately Evil can stem from short-term error,weakness, mis-judgement and/or maladjustment to external environmental stimuli/situations Sin on the other hand is conscious rebellion against deity and the goodness of God and is...
  7. KiteRider

    How to make the evil of others not destroy us?

    Hello Carolina16 We are all members of the family in the house of God When one member of the family errors the others will have to suffer likewise When all members of the family behave in conformance to God's plan will the others benefit as well This extends all the way from the microcosm to the...
  8. KiteRider

    signs/answers from god

    I beg you that God may be omnipresent Where we perceived chaos and nothingness May be the loving and careful ministry of deity Our universe functions on multiple dimensions above and beyond our 3 dimensions of perception Through our supreme faith in the fairness and unchanging nature of God's...
  9. KiteRider

    Why doesn't the Lord stop evil?

    The lord stands back in merciful respect of evildoers as the perfect judges not The creator son is loving of all his creation in this universe and will plea mercy for his erring sons You must have faith in the fairness of our universe There needs to be sufficient time lag of adjudication of...