Recent content by KaidensMommy

  1. K

    Natural "remedies"?

    Hi! I take something called AdreCor which helps with Neurotransmitters and it has been helping me with depression/anx/panic. I usually just get my anxiety at night, and trying to work on fixing that, but the stuff has really helped me. There is also something called Kavinace, it's an alternative...
  2. K

    Hi all, new here

    Hi everyone!!!! My name is Candi!! I suffer from extreme anxiety and hypochondria. I read stuff on the internet and stress that I have it, and even get the symptoms. Lately it's been about my eyes. I look at light surfaces and tiny bright lights, millions of them. I see them in the dark too. I...
  3. K

    Missing Mom

    Power, I lost my mom too almost a year ago. I still think about her every day, but it gets better hun. You have to stay positive and know that she is looking down on you, just as my mom is looking down on me. Talk to her. I do it in my car when I am driving, or just when I think of her and am...