Recent content by j90

  1. J

    God put it on my heart to reach out to an old friend for their salvation

    No, unfortunately, they do not - they have completely isolated themselves. They are in a very dark place.
  2. J

    God put it on my heart to reach out to an old friend for their salvation

    Thanks for the encouragement! My last attempt at contacting my old friend was back in June. In the past few weeks, God has reminded me of my assignment and I'm unsure of which approach will be most effective? There was a sermon delivered at my church on Sunday, and I firmly believe the message...
  3. J

    God put it on my heart to reach out to an old friend for their salvation

    Hi! Newish Christian here. Earlier this year, God put it on my heart in a really big way to reach out to a certain friend, for the purpose of them knowing God. This friend has good morals -- that's not why the friendship ended. The friendship ended because they cut off all their small group of...