
I was born and raised in the east bay suburbs of the SF Bay Area - which is nothing like SF, though still much too liberal. Then there was that two year stint in rural Arkansas when I was 11 and 12 - as you might imagine, rather the opposite of SF. Then back to the Bay Area I went.

I was considered somewhat gifted in elementary, but was too much the fool to take advantage of it. By the 11th grade I was literally sleeping in English and didn't care, at the time, that I barely graduated from high school. As young adult I managed in a fast food joint. I've been in HVAC for the past 17 years and became a contractor myself 8 years ago.

I went through a sadly typical scenario where I was raised in the church but drifted away for quite some time. Thankfully He pulled me back and back I will stay.

dancing, eating and wishing I could eat more

Member statistics

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Region or City
SF Bay Area
HVAC Contractor
Marital Status


One will be...
The object of my affection, the guardian of my deepest secrets, the focus of my protection, the beneficiary of my provision, the mother of my children, the wife for whom I’d sacrifice all, my patient in illness, my partner in dance, my colleague in business, my ally in prayer, my companion in life, my travel mate into eternity.