Recent content by DW_in_AR

  1. D

    How often should we read the Bible ?

    Historically, the layperson would hear the scripture, not read it. There's no model for how much a layperson should read. The Berean Jews mentioned above were "well-born," not average people, and the rarity of written documents meant that only a few of them could have been actively "examining...
  2. D

    oh no, the national christmas tree fell over.

    Which national monument does your friend want God to knock over? Devil's Tower? That's not actually where the devil lives, it's just big igneous butte.
  3. D

    Advice for Christians who have some incurable disease

    When the disciples asked Jesus how they should pray, he told them to pray for their daily bread (Luke 11:3). He didn't tell them to ask for miracles. (Though maybe for some people, getting their daily needs met is a miracle.) He didn't say we can't ask for one, but I wouldn't say someone...
  4. D

    Is masturbation a sin?

    Nah, it's more like who gets to speak for God. He was silent about the issue when writing the Bible. Some people are content with that, others are not.
  5. D

    How to get used to the city?

    There are a lot of people in a city, doing lots of things; living there, going to school, going to work, shopping, celebrating, grieving, the entire gamut of human experience. Some of them will be happy, some of them will be unhappy. The vast majority are just going about their business.
  6. D

    Bored of reading the Bible

    I think it would be helpful to expand this statement. Why do you believe it's important to read scripture every day? Throughout most of church history, this was not practiced, and in fact was quite impossible. Most Christians were illiterate, and for those who were lettered, Bibles were quite...
  7. D

    Outlaw the AR-15 rifle -- poll

    There's nothing special about AR-15s. They are not assault rifles. They do not fire high-caliber ammunition. They are not very good at long range. They are hard to conceal. They are expensive. They are finicky and require thorough cleaning. Criminals prefer handguns. Mass shooters usually use...
  8. D

    Can we command the money to come to us ?

    You can command whatever you want, but money has no obligation to obey you.
  9. D

    BC and AD

    Well, based upon an estimate of the birth date of Jesus Christ, an estimate most believe is wrong. But we need an epoch, and this one is well-established.
  10. D

    Sleep Paralysis or Demonic attack?

    If you have to ask was it x or was it demons, you can safely assume it was x. Only their own spirits. She was eerily quiet because she was planning to steal pills from you, or had already stolen them and used them. Yes.
  11. D

    Don't want men who like me

    Because you think you can do better. Whether or not that's true will become known in due course.
  12. D

    Witnessing at work

    You want them to know that they've offended you, or that they've offended God? When you write about the "toll" of "cursing and perverse speech," and your "bitterness" toward these people, it sounds like you consider yourself the offended party. If that's the case, I suggest you ignore it. You...
  13. D

    Feel like giving up but don't want to go to hell

    You can find adherents of other religions in love with their messianic figures, living in joy. Meanwhile, you can find Christians who are miserable, really bearing their crosses. Enthusiasm and happiness are not measures of a religion's validity. Likewise, one's own lack of enthusiasm or...
  14. D

    Psychic friend

    It's too bad the Randi Foundation Million Dollar Challenge was shut down. Your psychic friend could have made a lot of money. That's exactly what you can (and probably should) say, if only to yourself. Your friend is suffering delusions, and drawing you in to them. Or they are simply lying...