Recent content by die2live

  1. die2live

    How happy are you being Single?

    Well, I was perfectly happy being single until I fell in a love with a man who I can't be with. So I put a five. In and of itself, singleness isn't so bad. I've always been a loner and I like my independence. I just hate not being with him. If I had never met him, it wouldn't be such a big...
  2. die2live

    Okay girls...and guys can comment too :)...

    That actually makes a lot of sense. The "army" of vampires was intentionally created, i.e. several humans were turned into vampires for the express purpose of developing this army. Many of them were high school age or only slightly older and they're brand new. All they're thinking about is...
  3. die2live

    Being pale sucks

    Don't worry. Twilight's made being pale cool. You have at least a year or so before translucence is out of style again. :P I'm pale, not terribly so, just in comparison to everyone I know. Even standing next to my sisters, I'm a good two or three shades paler. It's almost funny. A few years...
  4. die2live

    The Verdict Is In

    I liked the movie. *runs and hides* (I will admit all the screaming at the bare chests were annoying, but that was the audience. The movie itself, I liked very much) *running faster*
  5. die2live

    Is a spouse a want or a need?

    A need for what? Do I need a spouse to live? No, obviously. Do I need a spouse to have a healthy relationship with God? No. Do I need a spouse to function well in society and give back to community? No. Do I need a spouse to be emotionally healthy and emotionally at peace? Maybe. Some...
  6. die2live

    Lovey dovey dreams

    I have lovey dovey dreams like that, although it's usually about a specific person. When I have really REALLY strong feelings for someone, it's the worst. I know what you mean by it being a tease. It hurts so much to wake up sometimes. :(
  7. die2live

    Ever wonder what your babies will look like?

    You should see the picture they generated for my Lab-shepherd mix and my collie. It looked remarkably similar to my own children.:D I guess if they're not charging they can waste their own money on running a website. No real harm done.
  8. die2live

    (Spinoff) I cried when...

    I cried after watching 24: Redemption. I think it hit me hard because I was NOT expecting what I saw at all. I thought it would just be two hours of Jack Bauer's heroic deeds and crappy life; I wasn't expecting it to be about young, scared children brainwashed and forced into being soldiers. I...
  9. die2live

    While You Were Sleeping...not the movie....

    Since tink doesn't mind, I'd really like to see it. I love that song as well. It's one of the few I can listen to over and over and over again and still want to hear it again.
  10. die2live

    While You Were Sleeping...not the movie....

    The whole song get me. "The Father gave his only Son. The WAY, the TRUTH, the LIFE had come. But there was no room for him in the world he came to SAVE." And yeah, saving the trees and killing the children . . . not that we shouldn't save the trees, but putting them in contrast to life made...
  11. die2live

    What do guys expect when dating a girl?

    Nevermind. Dumb questions. :)
  12. die2live

    who will you be kissing at midnight on New Year's Eve?

    Haha, I'm not actually, that option was just closer than any of the other ones. No, I won't be asleep. I'll be at a party, probably the same one my current "interest" will be at, but I know that nothing could possibly ever happen like that. But I can dream, can't I?
  13. die2live

    It's official - Romance movies harm relationships.

    I consider my emotions to be a huge part of who I am, so I'm not afraid of following them, as long as they do not lead me away from God. Unlike most people, I do not see a huge dichotomy between "reason" and "emotion." I don't think they are mutually exclusive. I think that they can and should...
  14. die2live

    Do you believe in Santa?

    As I've said before, everyone's entitled to their own opinions (good grief, I'm really trying to be politically correct in this thread. Weird, lol), and I have no interest in forcing my own on anyone else. Just wanted to pop in and say that, as a child who never believed in Santa, I never once...